How to know if you have caries

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Tooth decay and cavities - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology
Video: Tooth decay and cavities - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology


Do you think you have tooth decay? You don't want to tell anyone about this without knowing for sure? There are several signs that can help determine the presence of tooth decay, but only a doctor can confirm your diagnosis.To prevent further damage to the teeth and oral cavity, you need to start treating caries as soon as possible. And for this, you first need to find out if you have it.


Method 1 of 3: Determining the presence of caries

  1. 1 Tooth decay is a hole in the teeth. Sometimes they can be seen and sometimes not. These holes in the teeth are caused by dental caries. If left untreated, tooth decay can cause severe pain and damage to teeth, bones, gums, and even lead to various diseases. If an infection gets into the holes, then the patient will have to seek medical help in order to prevent the development of an abscess in the oral cavity and the spread of infection.
  2. 2 Caries causes irreversible damage. Although there are ways to treat tooth decay, it is impossible to restore the natural tooth tissue. The dentist can clean the damaged areas and fill them with safe material, but it will be impossible to return the missing part of the tooth.
  3. 3 Eliminate root causes. Poor oral hygiene, poor diet and bad habits such as smoking can all lead to tooth decay. If you limit or completely eliminate these negative factors, the development of caries can be slowed down. This will not only help prevent tooth decay, but it will also contribute to overall oral health.

Method 2 of 3: Notice the warning signs

  1. 1 Tooth decay may or may not have overt symptoms. The patient does not always have external signs of caries. Because of this, the dentist may be the first person to notice tooth decay. Since tooth decay can lead to subsequent damage to the teeth, visit your dentist regularly so as not to overlook its development.
    • Visit your dentist every six months to check for changes in your teeth. The presence of hypomineralization of the enamel in a patient can lead to an accelerated spread of caries.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the pain. Pain may indicate the presence of tooth decay. Toothache, tooth sensitivity, sharp pain when eating or swallowing sweet, hot or cold drinks, pain when biting something - all this can indicate tooth decay. If you have this kind of pain all the time, see your dentist immediately.
  3. 3 Take a look at your teeth. Visible holes or pits in the teeth, as well as brown, black or white color of the tooth surface may indicate the presence of caries. But since the oral cavity of each person has its own characteristics, it will be rather difficult to say for sure. The dentist and other oral physicians are qualified enough to diagnose and determine the degree of tooth decay. If you think you have tooth decay, see your dentist.

Method 3 of 3: Medical Assistance

  1. 1 Find a good dentist. Talk to people you trust or find a dentist online. Friends and family will be able to advise you on a good professional. Since you are not qualified to say for sure whether you have caries or not, your dentist should do it for you. Be sure to check your teeth to avoid further decay.
  2. 2 Tell your dentist about problem areas. This will help him focus on those places. If tooth decay is not the cause of your anxiety and discomfort, your dentist will still be able to help you. Explain in great detail and explain when and why the pain occurs. Tell your dentist if you experience severe pain during the check-up.
  3. 3 Let your dentist take a close look at your teeth. Examining your teeth will allow your dentist to tell if you have tooth decay. The doctor will feel the teeth in different places to check their strength and the presence of various damages. Make sure your dentist does a thorough examination of any teeth that are causing you problems.This will help him detect tooth decay and other problems.
  4. 4 Get an x-ray of your teeth. When caries forms between the teeth, it is difficult to determine if it is present. In this case, the dentist cannot feel the tooth with improvised means. They simply won't fit between the teeth. To find out if there is tooth decay, your dentist may order an x-ray. If you are sure you have tooth decay, ask your dentist for an X-ray to see if it has developed.


  • See your dentist if you are unsure whether you have tooth decay or not.
  • Don't delay your visit to the dentist. The pain won't go away until you do something about it yourself.
  • Regular brushing of your teeth can prevent the development of tooth decay.
  • Do not eat / drink too many foods / drinks that are high in sugar.
  • If tooth decay causes your toothache, do something to distract yourself until you can visit the dentist. For example, you can read a book or listen to music.


  • If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to tooth loss.