How to tell if a guy is nervous about loving you

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024


Guys are quite mysterious personalities. And that's putting it mildly. You may not be able to figure out if a guy likes you, and it can drive you crazy to think that you don't know how he feels about you. Shy guys are especially hard to understand. Here are some signs to help you understand the intentions of the young person you have your eye on.


Method 1 of 3: Observe his behavior

  1. 1 Pay attention to his attitude towards you. If you are communicating on the Internet, see how confident and sociable he is. If he likes you, he will most likely be nervous / shy when you interact with him.
  2. 2 Pay attention to which of you is the initiator of the conversation. If you are chatting online, mark who starts to write first. If a guy initiates a conversation, this is a sign that he likes you.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the emoticons. Very often people send emoticons to each other. This is usually a good indicator that the person likes you. If he regularly sends you emojis, he cares about you. If you're flattered by a guy's attention, send him back an emoji. This will make him bolder and ask you out on a date.
  4. 4 Wait for touch. If a guy is trying to touch you lightly, that is a good indicator. Most likely, he likes you. Be wary of guys who might try to touch you in an inappropriate way. If everything is within the bounds of decency, then you can just smile and continue the conversation.
  5. 5 Pay attention to whether the young person has a habit of showing off. Some young people may try to impress you with their exploits. Even shy young people can embellish their stories. If a young man is trying to impress you with stories about how he saved sea otters on the shores of the Pacific Ocean or that his father was a member of a famous musical group, then most likely he is not indifferent to you.
    • In addition, the young man may focus your attention on something insignificant. For example, he may say, "I play the electric guitar." Also, a guy might ask, "Did you see me land the plane last Friday?"
    • If you like a young man, you can play along with him when he brags about his exploits. Then quickly change the subject.
  6. 6 Pay attention to whether he is talking about you. You do not need to purposefully seek information about it. Let everything take its course. In some cases, if a young man is interested in a girl, he will ask her friends about her. This is a sign that the young man likes you.

Method 2 of 3: Observe Body Language

  1. 1 Observe your body language. When a guy interacts with you, he may show signs of nervousness. Observe his behavior when he interacts with you and with friends. Do you notice the difference?
  2. 2 Pay attention to the nervous and fidgeting movements. Some guys don't know how to communicate with girls. This translates into anxiety and nervousness. Pay attention to the position of the young man's hands. You may notice that he is fiddling with his hands nervously.
  3. 3 See how close the guy is standing next to you. The guy will try to be as close to you as possible. In the company of people, he will try to sit or stand next to you. Even if you are already sitting together, he will try to sit as close as possible to feel the touch of your body. Chances are, this young man really likes you.
  4. 4 Pay attention to the smile. Smiling is a simple signal a guy can give you to show that he likes you. Of course, some people smile all the time. However, if you see that the smile is directed at you, then this may indicate the guy's feelings.
  5. 5 Pay attention to eye contact. Observe if the young man is looking at you when he thinks that you are not looking at him. The guy can look at you and lower his eyes after that. Later, you can catch his eyes on you again.
    • Look the guy in the eye. If you feel that you are able to maintain eye contact with him for more than one second, there is probably something between you.

Method 3 of 3: Listen to it

  1. 1 Pay attention to what questions he asks. If a guy has feelings for you, he may ask you a lot of questions during a conversation. If a young person is naturally shy, you may not notice this when communicating with him. He will ask questions in order to find common interests with you.
    • If you see that the young man is too keen on the conversation, take a step towards the meeting. Ask him questions to see if your interests are really close to him.
  2. 2 Pay attention to your tone of voice. Sometimes people change their tone of voice depending on who they are talking to. Watch how he talks to his friends. Then pay attention to how he talks to you. If he speaks in this way, it does not mean that you are not interesting to him. His voice may be a little softer when he talks to you.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the slurred pronunciation. Some people are used to mumbling and talking this way all the time. However, it can also be a sign that the young person likes you. This is more common with shy guys.
    • If you want the young man to relax and stop mumbling, place your hand on his shoulder or arm.
  4. 4 Pay attention to the routine of your conversations. If people love each other, it usually doesn't matter what they're talking about. Loving people can discuss the most common topics and enjoy it. Observe what topics you choose. You can discuss the most banal topic, but at the same time have incredible feelings for the young man.
  5. 5 Talk on the phone. If you like a young man and you are interesting to him too, call him on the phone. It is not necessary to wait for the young man to do it first. Take control of the situation and call him. Observe the manner in which your conversation is going.
    • Some people don't like talking on the phone, but sometimes you can force yourself to do so if a young man calls you.


  • If a guy behaves confidently in the presence of other girls, but next to you he is nervous and shy, most likely he likes you.
  • Girls, listen to your heart. It won't cheat. If you truly believe that your guy loves you, chances are he does. Don't lie to yourself.
  • If a guy likes you, start flirting with him online or in person.If he flirts back, it's a sign that the guy loves you.
  • See if there are casual touches between you (for example, to the hands or feet), and if the guy makes any movements during this. If a guy likes you, chances are he won't move aside.
  • You can find out if a guy likes you or not with the "personal space challenge". Take a step towards the guy to bond with him. If a guy likes you, he will blush with embarrassment or nervousness, or stay where he is.
  • The guy can avoid your gaze and yourself. But when you approach him, how does he behave? Does he look happy? If so, he likes you. He's just ashamed of you.


  • If a guy is flirting with you, you don't have to think that he likes you. Perhaps this is just his demeanor. Be discreet.
  • If a guy is nervous around you, it doesn't always mean that he likes you. He can only get nervous because he always behaves this way with girls. If a guy is confident in the presence of other girls, but is nervous around you, most likely he lost his head from you.
  • Don't become an emotional detective who only sees what he wants to see.