How to know when it's time to kiss on a date

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Signs She Wants You to Kiss Her!
Video: 6 Signs She Wants You to Kiss Her!


If you don't go on first dates often, you may find yourself thinking: When is the best time to kiss a person? Don't worry too much. Chances are, you will intuitively know when the moment is right.If during the date you showed interest in the person and were looking for reciprocal sympathy, find a convenient moment for a kiss closer to the end of the meeting. Before moving on to kissing, however, make sure you respect your companion's boundaries.


Method 1 of 3: How to Show and Measure Interest

  1. 1 Look at the lips of the person. This may sound a little silly, but looking at a person's lips is a signal that you want to kiss him. Of course, this does not mean that you should not stop looking only at them. Gazing into the eyes is also a manifestation of romance. However, by lowering your eyes to some points, you show your desire to kiss.
    • No need to look at a person's lips without looking up. A couple of cursory glances at indefinite intervals will do the trick.
  2. 2 Touch the person gently. As you talk, look for ways to touch the other person. This touch doesn't have to be intimate. It is enough to touch an arm or shoulder or move a little closer to touch your feet. These light touches will show your desire to get closer.
  3. 3 See if the person is responding to your touch. When you lightly touch a person during a date, watch for feedback. If a person really likes you, they may touch you back. If he pulls away, then you are not interesting to him. Some people don't like being touched, so be patient. Wait for your partner to be ready and express their interest.
  4. 4 Give compliments. Tell the person that you like their smile or that you find their sense of humor fascinating. Everyone loves to hear nice things about themselves, and when you compliment, you show your attention.
    • Try to give sincere, direct compliments. In other words, really pay attention to this person and think about what you like about him. This will make your praise more private.
    • For example, the phrase "You look cute" is too generalized. And the phrase "You have such a sweet smile. You literally light up the whole room" is already more definite.
  5. 5 Watch your body language. If the person bites their lips, they most likely want to kiss you. Also notice if he is looking at your lips in the same manner as you. This can be regarded as a desire to kiss you, because you are trying to send exactly the same signal.
    • A person can also play with their hair, catch your eye, or even unconsciously copy your movements. These are all signs that he is interested in you.

Method 2 of 3: Finding the Right Moment

  1. 1 Wait for the end of the date. Usually, if a person is going to kiss their date during a date, they do it at the end. This advice is especially important if this is your first date. If you've been trying to get to know each other all this time, it won't be like kissing a stranger. In addition, they usually kiss goodbye.
  2. 2 Choose a secluded place, but not too much. People are often embarrassed to kiss in full view. This means that the place should be a little secluded, for example, the front porch. However, do not try to drag the person into an overly isolated place so as not to make them nervous.
  3. 3 Watch out for delays. If someone wants to kiss you, but is embarrassed to ask you to, they will most likely drag out a little time towards the end of the date. Even after saying goodbye, he is still in no hurry to leave. This is a signal that he wants to kiss you.

Method 3 of 3: How to get permission

  1. 1 Look the person in the eye. Now that you've found the perfect place and time, take a moment to look your partner in the eye. Gazing can be quite intimate, as most people don't look each other in the eye for more than a second. Hold the person's gaze if you have the intention to kiss him.
  2. 2 Move closer. When you try to snuggle up to a person, you show your desire to get closer. When the moment comes, move over. Most likely, the partner will make a move towards him. If he does not share your desire, he will move away.
  3. 3 Ask your partner if you can kiss him. Consent is very important, even if you are trying to kiss someone. This means that you have permission to kiss, hold hands, or something more intimate. A question like this will not spoil the moment; rather, it will show your respect for the person.
    • You might say, "This evening was amazing. Do you mind if I kiss you?" This dialogue is especially important for a humble or shy person.
  4. 4 Come closer. Once you get permission, you're ready to take action. Bring your face closer to your partner and let him do the same. Even if he has given his consent, it is worth letting him make a move towards him, so that you can make sure that he really wants it. Both of you should tilt your heads slightly so you don't bump your noses as you reach for each other.
    • The mouth should be parted and the lips soft. If you are too constrained, you will not get a great kiss.
  5. 5 Remember that the rejection may not be related to you. Perhaps the person really likes you and he wants to kiss you, even if he turns away. He's probably not ready for this yet. Therefore, you shouldn't take rejection too personally, especially if your partner seems to be willing to go on another date.