How to Know When You Are Going to Heaven as a True Christian

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be 100% SURE You’re Going to Heaven and NOT be Surprised on Judgment Day!
Video: How to be 100% SURE You’re Going to Heaven and NOT be Surprised on Judgment Day!


Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me ”(John 14: 6). The Bible says: “I do not reject the grace of God; but if justification is by the law, then Christ died in vain ”(Gal 2:21). Christians do not claim that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ, Jesus himself says so. I will not go to heaven in peace because I see Jesus as God. I perceive Obama as president, but I do not agree with him. I can be saved because 2000 years ago God made a pact with those who believe in a Savior. God was made of flesh. He was man and he was God, but sinless. Jesus Christ came to people and shared our being with us by taking all our sins onto his body. The Father's wrath was poured out on the Son when He died in our world, taking upon Himself the punishment on the cross for all our sins. Why? Because He accepted all sins on Himself willingly, and God hates sin. Jesus Christ took upon himself the punishment that each of us deserves. We did not accept the word of God, and Jesus paid for all our sins with himself so that God could accept us as his sons when we receive His word.

You cannot claim to be saved. Arrogance is one of the sins.


  1. 1 Trust and accept this: “And without faith it is impossible to please God; for it is necessary that he who comes to God should believe that He is, and reward those who seek Him ”(Hebrews 11: 6). At the same time, you should not exclaim: "Maybe it is!" No, accept what the Bible says: salvation and blessing will come, believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ.
  2. 2 Repent, be baptized, receive the Holy Spirit, and you will be reborn in grace. The Bible says: “For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from you, God's gift: not from works, so that no one can boast. (here the Apostle is talking about the Old Testament, not about morality). For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works that God has ordained for us to do ”(Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Ephesians 2: 8-10). Now your priorities will change because you are a new creature in Jesus Christ: "He lives in you and you live in Him."
    • God's gift is the belief that God is and the Bible, as promised, is the Truth, which must be accepted firmly and without hesitation.
  3. 3 Keep this in mind...:
    • In the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Romans 10: 9-10 it is said: “For if with your mouth you confess that Jesus is Lord and with your heart you believe that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, because with your heart they believe to righteousness, and with their lips you confess to salvation . " The Bible says: “For as a body without a spirit is dead,so also faith apart from works is dead ”(Book of James 2:26). This denies the idea that faith alone is enough, you must accept the Word of God, which carries the “gift of faith” from God to all those who are willing to accept the Gospel (Good News).
  4. 4 When we claim to believe that “Jesus is Lord,” we say that Jesus is our teacher, and He alone is the “mediator” between us and God: The Holy Spirit is your comforter, he guides you and "will never leave you!" You must accept every word and promise of God and His Son.
  5. 5 It is right to make the decision to pray to be saved from the penalty of sin, which is the “second death”. Pray anywhere, at any time, without choosing a specific time and place for prayer, but it is better to pray in a quiet place, alone or with fellow believers.
  6. 6 Find a simple explanation for why you pray to Jesus like a sinner, ask for forgiveness, ask for salvation, be grateful, and believe in what you say.
  7. 7 Pray now:Dear Jesus, Lord, I came to you before you came to me. Jesus, save me from judgment. I want to know and love You. I want You to lead me through life. Come into my life. Give me a new heart with new desires. Please change me. I believe the Bible: that you were executed and resurrected on the third day. Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I ask your forgiveness. Please give me the strength to resist, turn me away from all that is wrong and from my pride. I know I broke the Commandments, your 10 Commandments, and could not do the right thing. Please let me understand this and let this understanding be in my heart ... I am a rascal, I want to understand this "magnificent grace." Thank you Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.
    • Come and taste ("learn") the cool water from the source (like from a fountain) everything that Jesus promises you, as you come to "accept" all knowledge: and "drink" ... No one can stop the joy of knowing in you, and knowing is what you crave.
  8. 8 Learn the ordinances. These are Gifts from Jesus Christ.
  9. 9 Instead of believing in your prayer and sincerity, trust in Christ. Christ is salvation from that leap to death and punishment, before which all of us will one day stand. If you are flying in an airplane that crashes, you will not believe in the parachute itself, you will put on the parachute and believe that it will save you. Christ saves us from the punishment we deserve. We have not fulfilled the Covenant of God, and Christ paid the price for our sin. If Jesus is your Savior and God, then you will certainly want to read His words and do what He told us to do. You are experiencing a new birth and your previous sinful desires will change. You will be willing to seek God and obey Him. You will stop worshiping sins, you will seek the Truth.

    ”Beholding the author and perfecter of our faith, Jesus, who, instead of the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Being confident that he who has begun a good work in you will do (it) even until the day of Jesus Christ ”(Hebrews 12: 2, Philippians 1: 6). If you believe in God and truly regret your sins ... God will save you and give you a new life / new beginning. You know you can live forever if the Holy Spirit dwells in you. New life is the salvation of the Lord. Have you ever had such a thing that you now hate the sin that you once committed? It is God who saves you.
  10. 10 If you commit a new sin, you betray Our Lord. Become a slave to righteousness, stop being a slave to sin.
  11. 11 Accept ("recognize") your new life and understand that it will not be the same: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, [he is] a new creation; the old has passed away, now everything is new ”(2 Corinthians 5:17).
  12. 12 "And to those who received Him, believing in His name, He gave the authority to be children of God, who were not born of blood, nor from the will of the flesh, nor from the will of a husband, but were born of God" (Gospel of John 1: 12-13). It is God who saves the soul and gives forgiveness and eternal life.
  13. 13 Accept Jesus Christ our Lord as your personal Savior and God. He is the living word of God and there is no other Savior besides him: He is our Salvation... He can cleanse you of all that is evil. Call on him until you understand that He helped you. Through Jesus Christ, God can forgive you that His Covenant was broken, because Christ took our sins upon Himself, He cares from us.


  • It is not easy to become who you want to be. Work to receive God's blessing and help people.
  • Follow the Ten Commandments and do what God has told you to do. Love your neighbor the way you can.
  • The Truth will awaken in you: to understand, recognize and accept joy, peace and satisfaction as you understand it. Come and find out the essence of Confession: 1- God, 2- Jesus, 3- the Holy Spirit and 4- yourself. Understand that together you are the Union of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Be in peace and tranquility.
    • know - verb forms: knew, known; Etymology of the word: Middle English, from Old English cnāwan; akin from Old German bichnāan learn, Latin: gnoscere, noscere come to find out, Greek gignōskein;
      (2): understand anything importance of self-knowledge> (3): understand the nature of something or recognize
      (2): be familiar with (3): have experience in anything: be worthy of the truth: to be convinced or: understand practically know how to write> [1]
      • know"-not used by definition: a (1) and not b (1) excludes: a (1):" perceive directly ": have direct knowledge
        No! It's according to faith.
        b (1):
        understand that to be the same as something already known in advance;
        No! You are a new creation in Jesus Christ!
  • A simple prayer from the heart will grant you God's grace and help, you can be blessed. Read the stories of those who have received the blessing.
  • If you accept your new position: "then you become yourself."


  • The enemy of our soul, the devil, is described as follows: “your adversary the devil walks like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5: 8). Satan is not omnipresent or omniscient. (He is not everywhere, like God and Satan does not know everything that God knows). The world systems are under the control of evil, but you should not be afraid, because the One who is within you is stronger than the one who is in this world. Satan is the patron saint of much that is happening on earth today, but do not take the blame for your sin and do not blame Satan or anyone else for sin. Believe in God with all your heart and believe your understanding. Satan wants you not to be saved by God. If you are not born again, then the world that is in you can evaporate in an instant. Trust in the Savior, for we are not making our way to Heaven.
  • It's not just feelings. Be steadfast and steadfast in your faith. Look at Christ and pray to God that he will give you a new heart with new desires ... desires to grow in holiness and be like Jesus and not be afraid to bring the gospel of Truth into the world. Not your eyes, but your faith will lead you forward!
  • Serve the Lord: If it is not pleasing for you to serve the Lord, then choose for yourself today whom to serve ... and I and my house will serve the Lord(Joshua 24: 15-28).
    • A person should want to serve God ... he should be guided only by love. A person in life is often guided by carnal desires and is not always capable of spiritual worship. Therefore, you must experience the new birth ... He who worships the heavens must be willing to swim against the tide. The Lord grants us grace, He blesses those who seek to serve Him. Matthew Henry’s "Concise Commentary"

What do you need

  • John MacArthur and others provide a wonderful explanation of the Bible, verse by verse. Such explanations will help you better understand those parts of the Bible that are most difficult for us to understand: http: // Item_no = 018991 & netp_id = 439851 & event = ESRCN & item_code = WW & view = covers
  • Study the scriptures of the church fathers. You will be able to better understand Christianity.