How to please others

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Being Different to Please Others - EFT with Brad Yates
Video: Being Different to Please Others - EFT with Brad Yates


At some point in our lives, we all begin to feel that we do not get what we want from the world. Perhaps action should be taken? By quickly renewing your views and following directions, you can become a successful person in no time. And here's how.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Getting Into the Spotlight

  1. 1 You should be comfortable with yourself. You have probably already heard this many times: to love you, first, love yourself. Easier said than done, right? But you know that this is true and you know people who have low self-esteem. They are slightly negative, too sensitive and not always pleasant to be around them. If they lived in harmony with themselves, the world would treat them differently.
    • Write a list of positive characteristics about yourself. Do something that makes you feel confident and happy. Don't be afraid to try something completely new and different. Don't even think about skipping this step, because it is very important. You don't need to be overly friendly and cheerful, but just have a real level of self-esteem.
  2. 2 Be sincere. Once you feel comfortable with yourself, stay that way. Don't self-deceive or pretend if you don't feel comfortable. This is quite tedious and only takes you a step back. The person you are is wonderful, with all its flaws and virtues. Instead of being second-rate in something, be first in what you know well! What's the point in doing anything else?
    • Believe it or not, research has shown that feeling embarrassed in front of other people can make them love and trust you. Secondly, you show everyone that you are the same as they are, the real one. This is such a relief! You are not perfect anymore. The more real you have, the better!
  3. 3 Show your enthusiasm. Let's get down to business now: Imagine being in bed with someone. This person is moving somehow, but you cannot say with certainty what he thinks and feels. Would you like to jump into his bed again? Most probably not. The same thing happens in life. Everyone wants to be in a room with someone who shares their feelings and excitements. Why don't you become such a person?
    • Once you realize that even small pleasant things can make you happy, your enthusiasm will increase. After all, life is short! Not every cup of coffee in bed can be the best (or worst) of your life, but you can still be delighted with it. Great coffee! Finally! An invigorating morning! It is so beautiful.
  4. 4 Be curious. Not only in relation to others, but also to everything that happens in the world. When you know something, reflect on it. It happens not just to accept something, but if you do not understand something, strive to learn more about it.
    • Let's say the next time you meet someone who is 24 years old and claims to have worked as a sous chef at your favorite restaurant, allow yourself to hesitate and ask for clarification. A bit of curiosity. Show that you are interested!
  5. 5 Practice good hygiene. Even if you lived on a desert island, you need to understand that people prefer to communicate with those from whom they do not smell. Science cannot yet give an exact answer why. So do me a favor, shower, brush your teeth, and put on your clothes sparkling with cleanliness. People around you will not leave you unnoticed if you ignore it.
    • It's better to put in a little more effort (just a little more than a shower). People spend a lot of time on their appearance, perhaps more than they should. So you already know that being cute means having certain advantages, whether you like it or not. There is no other way!
  6. 6 Pay attention to how and what you do. People interact on three levels: verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal .. You are probably very familiar with the first two? But here, the paraverbal way is how you pronounce words, in what tone, with what arrangement and speed. This is also of great importance.
    • Start observing someone you know well. What kind of relationship do they have with others? When they are natural, is it easy with others. Next, see how and what they say. When you start to notice any patterns, pay attention to yourself. Maybe some of them are worth using?
  7. 7 Please note that there are differences for men and women. If in a normal situation it can be perceived the same, then at work everything is different. Emotions are perceived and expressed in very different ways. A man can be assertive and even angry, showing his passion. When a woman displays the same emotions, she is considered uncontrollable. Listen to the advice that you get, and perhaps they will be the wisest, given your gender.
    • While this is not suitable for everyone, it can be said that women are more popular with those around them when they have a gentle disposition. Try to learn how to get along in the world of men, be gentle and patient, but do not forget that every woman should have a zest. Look for a middle ground.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Be Sociable and Active

  1. 1 Be honest with other people. Take an interest in their hobbies and hobbies. If they see that you like them, they will reciprocate.
    • If a person enters a room and sees that someone is glowing and smiling at the same time, then he will feel it! When someone is glad to see you - this is an indescribable feeling! Thus, you give the person warmth, express sincere interest, and all this is only because you are the same person. This does not make you vulnerable, but shows you a real, living person.
  2. 2 Be sincere. Be kinder. Don't mess with people who are caught up in lies and manipulation. When it comes to specific actions, treat people the way you would like them to treat you. If you want to take the first step, be sincere and honest.
    • Start by being more patient and polite with people. Listen and try to help the person if you can. Do something for people, not because you want to get something in return. Whatever bad mood you are in, try to be as kind as possible. Remember to be kind and sincere, even if you are not in the mood. Otherwise, you can ruin everyone's mood.
  3. 3 Let people tell you about themselves. Most people love to talk about themselves, and they also like people who are willing to listen to them. Unfortunately, there are those who only think how to pour out all the information about themselves on the interlocutor, how through a pipeline and switch attention to themselves. Take advantage of this to your advantage. Ask something and let the person open up.
    • Let's say you walk up to a co-worker at work and say, “Hey, hello, how was your weekend,” and he simply replies, “Okay. it was wonderful?" or “Oh, don't you see each other often enough? “. Thus, a colleague will soon overwhelm you with images of second cousins, and while it seems to him that you are really interested in this, he will not stop.
  4. 4 Use self-irony and a sense of humor. If you are too serious, it will look funny or even worse - people may think that you hate yourself. If you do everything with a smile and a laugh, consider yourself safe. By showing that you are ready to laugh at yourself carefree, you win people over to you.
    • The ability to make fun of yourself is a very good quality. When people get to know each other better, then a certain level of understanding looms between them, which will show that you are flexible and confident person.
    • Use different types of humor. Any humor is good. If you are able to unite a whole group of people in this way, then this will be a plus for you. This will create a more relaxed environment around you. Make people laugh!
  5. 5 Flirting and flattery. Everyone loves to be flirted with. It makes you feel great, and playfulness makes you feel attractive in the eyes of others. What can make you feel uncomfortable? That we flirt with someone who doesn't want to show their sensitivity to it? That, by flirting, are we taking the first step? Show that you are playful and open-minded! This is wonderful!
    • A sensitive person can create a stronger bond. Think of someone passing by and saying hello to you. Now remember how he says it! Looking over your shoulder and walking by, or in addition to smiling and looking into your eyes? Which person do you feel more intimate and comfortable with?
  6. 6 Make people feel special. It shouldn't be some kind of broad gesture - it would be too much. But even small pleasant things speak volumes. Let people know that you are interested in them as individuals, and they will treat you as well!
    • Use his name in conversation with the interlocutor. Hearing your name is a sweet sound for anyone. If you just met someone, then this will allow you to remember the person faster.
    • Remember the details.Does your boss seem to have mentioned that his daughter is studying for school exams? Ask how things are progressing, if everything is good, although, perhaps, you are too far from it.
  7. 7 Don't take everything to heart. Sometimes, insecure people try to compensate for their low self-esteem by acting selfishly. They think they are better than others, when in reality they are just selfish. It is necessary to do exactly the opposite, focusing on the other person. This will be much more comfortable and will be better perceived by others.
    • If you've been praised, just say "Thank you." In a conversation, you should not stick out yourself, telling how many diplomas you have, how many people you can fire, how many countries you have been and how much you have done. All this should come up in conversation gradually, over time. You shouldn't brag about your accomplishments.
  8. 8 Always be positive. This hardly needs an explanation. Happiness and joy are contagious. Everyone likes happy people. Having a positive outlook on things is encouraging! You may want to show yourself immodest or show off your intellect, despising people around, - do not do this. It will not have a positive effect on you or the people around you.
    • There is one important nuance - to understand when to sympathize. Complaining to each other is another tool for uniting people. But do it on time! Did the boss make you work late on Friday? Fits. Katya ate the last donut? Doesn't fit. Fight on!
  9. 9 You need to know when to end the conversation. No conversation on the planet should go on for long. None! Zero! And some should be shorter than others. When you feel that your fuse is fading away, and have expressed everything you could - let the person go. Tell your opponent how interesting your conversation was (if not, why did you spend so much time on it, and what do you intend to talk about in the near future?).
    • If you feel uncomfortable interrupting the conversation, apologize politely. “Sorry, but I need to leave. See you later". Do not think that this situation can only arise for you. Inconvenient conversations make up about 20% of all conversations. Perhaps this will be your science for the future.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Acquiring Skills

  1. 1 Your manners must be impeccable. Remember who was frankly rude to you in communication lately? If this happened recently, then it was probably one of your old angry relatives. Would you like to be the same? So don't be a cranky old man or a mischievous old lady. Use the words "please", "thank you" and be nice.
    • You don't need to lecture people as if they are lower in status than you. Tip the waitress. Ask how her day went. Don't scowl at the store clerk. Be polite to everyone.
  2. 2 Keep your composure. The most likable people are considered to be calm, laid-back and easy-going people. They may not contact you if they see that you are too nervous, difficult and paranoid. Try not to get angry or overreact to what went wrong. From this you can only get stress, and in front of strangers it will be uncomfortable.
    • You don't need to be alien to the emotional needs of others. It is worth trying to help them in a calm and sensible way. People generally prefer to see a stable and happy person next to them. Try not to be offended by innocent jokes and keep a good sense of humor in general.
  3. 3 Be proactive. Just being on the subject is half the battle. If, for example, you are a member of a football team, then this already gives you a reason to talk. It also shows that you have something in common with others. People are always interested in communicating with people like them. Find yourself a hobby or like-minded people in any hobby.It's hard to please someone if you are alone at home.
    • Common hobbies bring people together. After all, it is difficult to find a common language with people with whom you have nothing in common. A sports club or any course is a great place to gain new knowledge and new communication.
  4. 4 Smile and make eye contact. You can talk about the funniest and most interesting things in the world, but if you frown at your cup of coffee, nobody will appreciate it. With such success, you will soon be hiding in a corner and chatting with your morning coffee. Therefore, smile! Let people think that you are available at any moment, and when they talk to you, look you in the eyes. Nothing too complicated!
    • When a person is nervous, they tend to avoid eye contact. If you have such a problem, try to deal with it. Your interlocutor may be a little offended, because he does not know about this problem of yours and may think that you are simply not paying attention to him. If a person tells you about something very important to him, then still make an effort on yourself. If this is a minor remark, then let your gaze wander.
  5. 5 Read on. Use the right tone, body language, and general positive attitude to keep the conversation going. If you have nothing to say, then you will just feel completely useless. So read the literature on hot topics. Use television, internet services. You will feel more confident if you have something to say.
    • Not all people have the same interests. That is why not everyone may like you. Information about the latest discoveries in space or watching horror movies are unlikely to resonate with those who watch cooking shows. Stick to what really interests you, because only that really matters.
  6. 6 Do not overdo it. We all know perfectly well that a person wants to be the best for everyone. He constantly praises others, trying his best to please everyone, but at the same time tries not to make decisions that can somehow shake his status. Don't be a doormat trying to please everyone! You will like it more if you have a core in you.
    • It will not be superfluous to say again: it is impossible to please everyone! What you get with some people, you will not get with others. This is how the world works. So when your relationship with someone is not going well, don't be discouraged. There will always be someone else with whom you will succeed.
  7. 7 Be confident because you are amazing! Seriously. If you think that people don't like you, then the problem can only be in your head. You have a unique personality that is highly valued in this world. You just need to demonstrate it to others! Right now! In order to win, you need to participate at least from the beginning.


  • Don't take too much on yourself after school. You can overexert yourself and get stressed. Better to find one thing and devote yourself only to that. After you know you're doing well, you can try something else, but don't take on too much.
  • Be adventurous. Many people try some unfamiliar things, even if at first glance they are not very interested. Be bold and curious to see where this leads.
  • Start small and don’t be discouraged if something doesn’t go the way you wanted it to, because the process is difficult and time-consuming. At each separate stage, set a goal for yourself and, achieving it, move on.
  • Read related articles. They are all incredibly useful and will help you further.
  • Always be yourself. If people love you differently than you really are, then continuing like that is not a good idea. Don't be afraid to show people who you really are. Maintain relationships with people who perceive you as you are.
  • Commit yourself to something.Your team is unlikely to like that you are not contributing to the common cause. So don't forget to do your best for your team or club.


  • This article is not about how to get popular. It is only about how to please others. Therefore, do not get angry or upset if you have not climbed a step up the social ladder.