How to please a boy in high school

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Nerd Boy Wants To Hookup With The Hottest Girl In School
Video: Nerd Boy Wants To Hookup With The Hottest Girl In School


Have an eye on a charming boy? Is he acting indifferent and restrained? You are lucky! It doesn't take a genius to get a high school boy to pay attention to you.


Method 1 of 5: Part One: Let Him Notice You

  1. 1 Surprise him. If you want a special guy to notice you, you have to do something different. It's not easy, but worth it. You need to work on your appearance, work out your smile, be friendly and always be yourself - it will take very little time, and he wants to get to know you.
    • Surprise him with your outfits. If you're a girl, wear that pretty floral dress when it's hot outside, or that cute black sweater when it's cold. Wear clothes that showcase your best features. Ask your friends for advice on what works for you, or ask your mom. Your goal is to get him to notice how well you dress every time he meets you. Don't wear uncomfortable clothes. You must look cute. However, keep in mind that many schools have requirements for dress code - it must be secular in nature and comply with generally accepted norms of business style.
    • Be neat and hygienic. Take a shower at least once a day. If you, for example, train with a school team or work out after class, shower whenever possible. Wash your face in the morning and evening; you don't want pimples to cover your beautiful face. Also, don't forget to brush your teeth! Bad breath can actually alienate not only him but your high school friends as well.
    • Smile. Smile when you talk to him or when he is around. This will help him understand what makes you happy. Take a look at him during the lesson; if he looks at you, smile and hold his gaze as long as possible without blinking. Show him that you think of him and then look away as if nothing had happened. Remember the measure - you should only do this a couple of times a day, no more.
  2. 2 Know the measure in makeup. No makeup is necessary and most guys prefer natural beauty. When, nevertheless, it becomes necessary to put on makeup, remember about the measure, otherwise he will not like it.
    • Use the minimum amount of makeup. Makeup should highlight the best features, not hide them. Learn to do natural makeup. He's more likely to poke fun at you than flirt if he overdoes it with makeup! If there's an event scheduled at school, all you need is some lip balm, foundation, and mascara.
    • Experiment with your hairstyle. Be yourself, do what you like, not him.Consider cutting your bangs, straightening or curling your hair, in one word, choose a hairstyle that suits you. Alternatively, just do a new hairstyle or makeup from time to time.
  3. 3 Start a conversation. Be casual, but be yourself. If you can't, imagine that someone else is in his place - someone you are NOT crazy about. This will release the pressure that makes the conversation awkward.
    • Talk about friends in your class, something unusual that has happened to you, or an event you are both about to attend. If you find it difficult to keep up a conversation, ask as many questions as possible.
    • Make eye contact with him. Eyes are the mirror of your soul and are certainly one of the most attractive parts of your body. Make sure he sees them! If you focus your gaze on him, he will think he has received your full attention. You shouldn't stare at him all the time, otherwise he will think that something is wrong with you. Look him in the eye when you talk to him; no need to look at his feet - this is what insecure people do.
    • Laugh at his jokes. This even applies to unfunny jokes. This will make him feel appreciated. I must say that you should not force yourself to laugh - it will sound fake. If the joke is about you, come up with a funny answer. This is a kind of flirting.
  4. 4 Tease him. Don't make fun of him, but joke. Have fun, and if you want to flirt a little, invite him to wrestle in his arms. This will help you to hold his hand.

Method 2 of 5: Get Close to Him

  1. 1 Break down the touch barrier. Physical contact with your chosen one is very important - he will let him know that you want to get closer to him. It is best to be gentle: do not cling to him and do not invade his personal space. Remember, not everyone likes touch.
    • Gently touch his arm or knee if he is sitting opposite. Place your shoulder on him when you ask him to explain the problem you were asked to do at home. Completing a school assignment together is a great excuse to touch.
    • When he makes a funny joke or teases you (flirting), lightly slap him on the shoulder. Your body language will tell him that you like his attention.
    • If you're brave enough, place your hand on his shoulder or push each other a little under the table. You can sit on his desk during recess. You can also blow kisses to the guy to keep him interested.
    • Tickling is a great way to flirt. A lot of guys don't like being tickled, so you'll have to be the host. Mention that you are ticklish and have him find your weak points. It's a good idea to start with places like the legs and move on to the ribs and sides.
    • Play with his hair. Do not overdo it, otherwise he will find you strange and will keep away from you.
  2. 2 Get close to his friends. Friends influence a lot of guys in their teens, so if you make friends with his friends, he will know that you are “cool”. If you spend time with the same company, you can spend time together and it won't look awkward. It is likely that he will tell his friends if he starts to like you, and his friends can tell you too.
    • If you feel uncomfortable with his friends, there is nothing to worry about. Don't avoid them or walk away if you see them approaching.
    • Get help from brothers and sisters. If you are about the same age, you probably have a lot to talk about. Even better, if his brother is friends with your sister, offer to go to the cinema or an amusement park together.

Method 3 of 5: Do your homework

  1. 1 Learn as much as you can about him. Talk to him about his interests, his family, musical tastes, and so on. Find out if your interests match.
    • Don't forget to listen! Remember the detail he mentioned in the conversation to prove that you are a good listener. (Don't overdo it, or he'll think you're stalking him.)
    • Try to find out what you have in common.Do you play guitar or do you like the same bands? Offer to play together! Do you both play sports? Have a friendly match.
  2. 2 Support him. This may take a little practice. Find out what he likes to do and support him in it.
    • Does he play sports? Attend competitions in which he takes part and cheer for him. Ask him when the next match will take place and wish him luck if you can't come. See if he is trying to find you in the stands.
    • Inspire him when he is sad. Everyone has bad moments in life, so cheer him up. Surround him with your care, and he will answer you in kind.
    • Don't talk to him about the attractiveness of other guys. Otherwise, he will decide that you like the other guy, not him. If you like several boys at the same time, decide for yourself which of them you want to continue the relationship, and date only with him. If your partner finds out that you like two guys, he won't feel special.
  3. 3 Practice together. If there is a subject in which you have excellent grades, and he is given difficulty, offer him help. If the opposite is true, ask him to help. This will help you spend more time alone and improve your relationship.
    • You probably know this, but still you should not count on productive work during such classes. Your attention will be directed to something else, and that's okay! Just prepare for your test in a day or two. You still have to do some work. If you invite a guy to work out together, but only do something to chat, it will look strange.

Method 4 of 5: Feel the soil

  1. 1 Check it out. There are several different ways to find out if a guy likes you. Here are a few tricks to find out without giving yourself away or asking him.
    • Ask him to carry your backpack. Tell him: “Sash, I have such a heavy backpack. You are so strong, maybe you can help convey it? " If he says yes, chances are he likes you and likes that you think he is strong.
    • If you want to say something to one of your friends while he is here, tell him to close his ears or step back a little. This will make him want to hear your conversation even more, and you will understand that he cares.
  2. 2 Make sure the horizon is clear. Make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend. Find out if any of your friends like him. You don't want to quarrel with your girlfriends, otherwise you can frighten off your friends and miss the guy.
    • If one of your friends likes him, you should discuss who will "get" it. If you don't come to a fair decision (for example, who liked him first, who he chooses, and so on), you must move on.
    • If you decide to give in to his girlfriend, and everything works out for them, do not hold a grudge against her. Continue to be friends. Be happy for them and understand that you will have many more guys in the future.
  3. 3 Do not give up. If you fail to build a relationship with this guy, don't be discouraged. Stay confident and love yourself.
    • Often, as soon as a guy finds out that a girl likes him, he begins to look at her differently. Even if he doesn't reciprocate, he may subconsciously start thinking about the traits he likes about you and why you can be a great girl.
    • Shy boys don't always dare to tell other people about their feelings or don't know how to do it. If you like a shy boy and doesn't seem interested, he may just be nervous and not sure what to do. If he is shy, try to make him comfortable around you. Spend time in places where he is most comfortable.

Method 5 of 5: Taking stock

  1. 1 Find balance in your life. It's hard to study in high school, but you start learning how to balance all the work and emotions in your life. Don't take too much on yourself, or you won't have free time for him.
    • If he feels that he is not keeping up with you, he will become nervous and, perhaps, decide that you are not his berry. If you are socially active, invite him to walk with you and your friends. This will give him the chance to be with you outside of school and in your natural surroundings. He shouldn't think that you can never be found. If you bring him to your company, make sure he feels comfortable.
    • Remember your commitments, or you may seem like a failure to him. Surround yourself with fun activities and friends whether he likes you or not. If he likes you, your life will only get better. If he doesn't like you, your life is full of worries and fun without him!
  2. 2 Be yourself. It means feeling comfortable in your own body, doing what you want, and saying what you feel like. People who don't love or respect you for who you are are not worth the effort.
    • Don't try to be someone else. He will like you for who you are. Surely you have something in common. And if not, it's not worth your attention - move on.
  3. 3 Show interest. If you think he likes him, try to be a little more honest with him. Let him know that you are interested in him, but do not act desperately. If you're not sure how he feels, be careful - things might not turn out the way you wanted!
    • Ask him: "Would you like to walk with me sometimes?" If he answers yes, you have done your job. Smile and tell him you need to go. Then leave without looking back. Now everything is in his hands.
    • Suggest going to a movie or school play together. A movie invitation will look a bit like a date, but you can invite your friends. An invitation to a school play doesn't have to be a "date." You can just hang out together.
  4. 4 Write him secret letters. If he's not already impressed, try leaving him love notes. Write him a playful letter from a secret admirer and leave it next to his locker. Leave a secret code word such as "flower" at the end of each note and indicate that he should say that word to the person who writes these letters. After the first week, hint that it is you - write something about his interests in a note, and then discuss them with him. When he realizes that you have something in common, most likely he will give you a chance.


  • Compliment him. Be nice to him so you can earn his trust. Perhaps he will trust you so much that he will tell his secret.
  • When talking to him, don't praise yourself too much, ask him what he likes and find out what you have in common.
  • Do what you see fit. If you don't like flirting, don't flirt. This will help you not to be so nervous.
  • Everything has its time. First, get to know him better, show your interest, and only then take the first step.
  • If he does or says something strange, ignore it. If you see him trying to be funny, just smile.
  • SMS messages should be light and short. When you are texting, send him another SMS only after his reply. Try to be fun, don't text him every day if he doesn't write to you first!
  • Try to fit into his life. If he signed up for a circle, sign up for him too; if he plays football, go to his game and cheer for him!
  • Do not forget to take his number and give him yours (how can it be without SMS!).
  • If you see him in the hallway, just wave at him and smile - he might answer you.
  • Smile as often as possible! Boys love natural smiles. This will keep you looking calm and happy at all times.
  • Do not push him away when he is sad, try to cheer him up.
  • Don't be with him every second of your time. Otherwise, the chances are high that he will find you annoying. Give it some space. Not all guys like to receive messages around the clock.


  • Don't change yourself for anyone. Don't let the guy step over you. You didn’t need it before - you don’t need it now! If he's a bully, don't try to impress him.
  • Don't worry if he doesn't like you. The most beautiful supermodels and the smartest girls in the world have had their hearts broken more than once. He does not sign your verdict.
  • Don't get too attached to him or dwell on him alone, or he will find you strange. Remember, there are a lot of guys around!
  • Don't ask the boy out because it's “cool” or because “everyone else does it”; only do this if you really like the person.
  • Do not trust youth magazines. They usually provide general advice. If you feel that something is not right for you, most likely it is.
  • You should not pretend that you are interested in literally everything that he likes, otherwise he will alienate you.
  • If you spot him with another girl, don't be jealous - it will only upset you. If you have not met yet, you should not attach any importance to this, much less mention it in a conversation with him.
  • If it didn’t work with him, it would come out with another. Don't let anyone else decide if you're good enough.
  • Don't flirt with another to make them jealous. He decides that he doesn't like you.