How to get your dream job

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to land your dream job with one email | Edward Druce | TEDxDonauinsel
Video: How to land your dream job with one email | Edward Druce | TEDxDonauinsel


You may have just graduated from university and are struggling to figure out what your dream job might be. Or maybe you already work in the office from nine to five, but you are not happy with the current state of affairs. Perhaps it seems to you. that getting your dream job is not easy, but it can be achieved with motivation and persistence. First, you need to determine what kind of job you dream of or what qualities are required in the position you want, and then focus on obtaining the necessary skills and education. You will then be able to apply for your dream job and increase your chances of getting it.


Method 1 of 3: Identify Your Dream Job

  1. 1 Think about what makes you feel happy and fulfilled. The first big step in getting your dream job is identifying what responsibilities, positions, or skills make you feel happy and fulfilled. Your dream job should be a job that you truly enjoy performing day in and day out, despite various potential challenges or obstacles. Think back to any periods when you were the happiest and most satisfied person.
    • It could be something you enjoyed doing as a child, like drawing or writing. Now, this could lead you to your dream job in the art field (for example, a graphic designer or a writer). Or perhaps when you were a kid you enjoyed building various structures with Lego blocks, which could lead to a dream career as an architect or builder.
    • You should also consider activities you are currently doing in your free time that you enjoy, such as recreational sports or hobbies. If you love playing hockey, you can do sports retailing or start your own hockey club.
    • You may be using certain skills and functions in your current position that you enjoy. And it can probably turn into a dream job. For example, if you enjoy working with HR in your current position, you might consider a career in HR or a position that focuses more on human interaction.
  2. 2 Define your personal values ​​and ideals. When presenting your dream job, you must take personal values ​​and ideals into account. Personal values ​​are the key beliefs or ideas that matter most to you. By identifying them, you can truly focus on what attracts you to your chosen career. Consider a few guiding questions to help you identify your personal values:
    • Highlight at least two people you respect or admire. Think about why you admire them. What qualities do you adore or value?
    • Think about what you would change in your area or city. This can be a minor or major issue. Think about what questions or concerns make you most angry when interacting with other people.
    • Try to identify any topics or similar ideas in your answers to these questions. They can become your personal values ​​that help you prioritize your life. And these priorities can be used to better understand what your dream job entails.
  3. 3 Write down your personal goals. Personal goals can motivate you to pursue a particular career option or an education that can then turn into your dream job. Writing down your personal goals will allow you to self-analyze and reflect on what actions or moments matter to you. You can then use these goals to focus on what attracts you and how you can achieve it or get your dream job.
    • Create a schedule for personal goals to motivate you to strive for them. Depending on the complexity or simplicity of the goals, you may have different time frames for each one.
  4. 4 Do an exercise to improve your well-being and self-confidence. It will help you visualize your best possible future and your dream job or position. Even if you don't have a clear idea of ​​the best version of yourself, it can help you better understand your goals, motives, and aspirations for the future. You will also need to do some introspection and use critical thinking to determine where you see yourself in a few years.
    • Use the following instruction to complete the exercise: “Think about your future life. Everything turned out according to the most favorable scenario.You have achieved your life goals and fulfilled your dreams. Write down what you see. "
    • Write down your answer for three days in a row for 20 minutes. On the fourth day, reread your answers. Underline or circle any topics, goals, or ideas that appear multiple times in all three written versions. These recurring ideas can be helpful clues for determining where your interests might be hiding and how you can achieve them.
  5. 5 Define your skill set. A significant element in achieving your dream job is having the necessary skills for it. Depending on the skills required, you can learn or develop them as you work. In pursuit of your dream job, you should consider what skills you already possess, as this can stimulate the self-esteem you may need to actually apply for the position you want.
    • For example, if you already have experience in HR and have worked closely with other employees for several years, you may be able to put those skills into practice for your dream job as a HR representative. If you have an extensive knowledge of hockey and strong connections with the people in the sporting community in your city, you can rely on this to start your own hockey club.

Method 2 of 3: Get the Education and Skills You Need for Your Dream Job

  1. 1 Find out what education is required for your dream job. To increase your chances of getting the coveted position, you will need to show potential employers or investors that you have the appropriate education. Depending on your career goals, you may only need to undergo retraining to understand the key elements of your field of study. Or perhaps you need to consider pursuing a college degree in this field that will allow you to get your dream job.
    • Research online what education is required for a particular job or job, and talk to a school counselor. For example, if your dream is to become a dolphin trainer, you must have a good understanding of the relevant education and the required skill set to qualify to do so. After that, you can decide if you want to develop this career and enroll in the required educational institution.
    • Alternatively, you can gradually build a new career by keeping a full-time job and taking courses in the evenings to get one step closer to your dream. Over time, you can agree with your employer on a work schedule that allows you to study part-time and get the education you need for your cherished new career.
  2. 2 Determine what skills are required for your dream job. To get a better sense of expectations, you should learn the skill set required to achieve the coveted position and succeed in that role. You may find that you already have some of the required skills or competencies that can be helpful in transitioning to your dream job.
    • For example, if you dream of becoming a forensic psychologist, you may find that you have several skills or character traits that will help you succeed in this role. So you may be great at problem solving, have great observation skills, and are excellent at communicating with people. With these skills, you can be one step ahead of other people who are also chasing this position.
  3. 3 Reach out to mentors, teachers, and other professionals. Get tips and tricks on what it takes to land your dream job by talking to mentors, teachers, and professionals in your field of interest. Try to find a mentor who is currently in the coveted position or who works closely with people who have your dream job.Be prepared to listen to their advice and ask if there is an opportunity to watch their workday to learn more about their cherished role.
    • Also, ask a mentor, teacher, or professional about the most important things they learned in the position and how it helped them become successful. Find out more about what you can do to get into this position and achieve your dreams.
  4. 4 Join a professional association associated with your dream job. A professional association or organization can be an excellent source for meeting potential mentors, employers, and peers. For example, if your dream is to become a dolphin trainer, find out if there is a corresponding organization, association or dolphinarium in your city.
    • Professional associations often offer refresher courses. There you can improve your skills, as well as attend experience exchange sessions where you can meet potential employers and, as a result, get one step closer to your dream job.
  5. 5 Look for opportunities that offer hands-on experience in the position. Hands-on experience in a desired field will help you ensure that you are willing to continue to pursue the job, as well as give you a better understanding of a typical day in the position. Internships, grants, and volunteer positions can be good ways to gain hands-on experience and learn from a senior representative in the field.
    • You can apply for an internship as soon as you get the education you need, or for a grant based on your skill set and education. Volunteer positions are also good ways to gain some first-hand experience and learn, especially if you're still studying your dream job and don't have an education in the field yet.

    Devin Jones

    Career and self-discovery coach Devin Jones is the creator of The Soul Career, an online career incubator for women. Certified in CliftonStrengths Talent Assessment, she helps women shape their path and pursue careers. She received her BA from Stanford University in 2013.

    Devin Jones
    Career and Self-Knowledge Coach

    Our expert agrees: “It's great that there are so many ways to learn new skills now. You can study online. You can do an internship, volunteer, or even become a member of a committee in your area of ​​interest by offering them a different skill you have, and so get to know the industry. Do everything in your power to get as much experience as possible. "

Method 3 of 3: Apply for Your Dream Job

  1. 1 Transfer your internship to full time. If you do manage to get an internship position, you should try to connect and get to know as many people in the organization as possible. Make your presence visible in a company or organization and show that you are willing to learn from your elders. By being a good intern, you show the organization that you can also be a good full-time employee and that you are able to use your passion, charisma, and desire to learn to your advantage.
    • In addition, it may be helpful at the end of the internship to discuss with a manager or supervisor the possibility of part-time or full-time employment in the organization. Even a minor part-time job can lead to a higher position and help you get one step closer to your dream job.
  2. 2 Tailor your resume to your dream job. Before sending your resume to potential employers, format it to reflect the required education and skill set. This will show employers that you are aware of the requirements for the position and have thought about what you, as an employee, can offer them.
    • For example, if your dream is to become a dolphin trainer, you need to list any teaching experience associated with the position and any practical experience with animals, even if those animals are not dolphins. If you are a member of a thematic association or organization, you should also indicate this to show employers that you are part of this community and are actively involved in this area.
  3. 3 Demonstrate passion, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn from job interviews. While you may not have a specific education or all the necessary skills, you can use your passion, enthusiasm, and desire to learn to show potential employers that you are a good candidate for your dream job. Often employers are looking for motivated and self-reliant employees who can grasp everything on the fly. Demonstrating these skills can make up for a lack of knowledge or experience, as passion and enthusiasm are often more attractive to employers.