How to get autographs

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Football Autographs in 2022
Video: How To Get Football Autographs in 2022


Do you want to get an autograph from your favorite celebrity? If so, read on.


  1. 1 Find a celebrity's address. There are many websites that provide addresses of celebrities.
  2. 2 Send an email to this address. Talk frankly with the celebrity in your email. Tell us about what exactly you like about his (her) work, about your favorite film / song in which he (she) showed his creativity.
  3. 3 Place a photo of the celebrity in the letter envelope. Some celebrities will send you a photo of themselves and some will not. Please include a photo for your autograph just in case.
  4. 4 Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the letter. Most celebrities won't send you an autograph if you don't attach it to your letter.
  5. 5 Check reviews on fan letter sites.
  6. 6 Wait for an answer. In many cases, you may have to wait months or (less often) years.


  • Don't sell your autograph on the Internet. One day, after a celebrity dies, her autograph may be worth a fortune.
  • If you end up having to buy an autograph online, then be careful... Don't get carried away with autographs on eBay. Some of them are genuine, but 95% of them are fake.
  • Don't write as if you're only interested in an autograph. Express your interest in the celebrity.
  • If you have poor handwriting, then you can type your letter. Consider handwriting your letter because it can get more attention.


  • Some celebrities may use the services of their secretary or a special signature machine to get an autograph on their behalf.
  • Some celebrities may send pre-printed autographs.
  • If you get an autograph through Myspace, Youtube, e-mail, then make sure that the person who sends it to you is trustworthy.

What do you need

  • Self-addressed envelope (sometimes you will be answered without it, but do not forget to enclose it just in case)
  • Celebrity photos
  • Pen
  • Celebrity address
  • The envelope
  • If you want to apply for an autograph, then follow the recommendations below. If you just want to send a letter to the address you have and not receive anything back, then you can skip this point! If you live in the United States, please send an appropriately stamped self-addressed envelope (minimum size 22 cm by 10 cm) along with your letter and a photo of the celebrity. To prevent the photo from bending in transit, you can insert a piece of cardboard and add the words "Do Not Bend" on the envelopes. Send a letter and wait. On average, you need to wait more than 3 months for a response. If you are not a US resident, please add some * international reply coupons. The recipient will use International Reply Coupons (IRC) to purchase US stamps. They can only be purchased from the post office. Place international response coupons in an envelope (not on the envelope).