How to disappear completely

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Disappear Completely
Video: How to Disappear Completely


If you want to “lay low” or just be alone, then the possibility of disappearing may seem like a good idea to you. Usually, a person does not need to run away, and most problems can be solved with the help of loved ones. Instead of completely disappearing, it is better to take a short break and change your life a little. Plan your steps, notice the footprints, and try to change your lifestyle. Even if you want to go back, these changes will allow you to reboot your life.


Part 1 of 3: Making a Safe and Responsible Decision

  1. 1 Try to fix the problems and not disappear. There can be many reasons for your desire to disappear, but there are also many ways to solve problems and not resort to extremes. Talk to loved ones like friends and family. You can also discuss options with an experienced psychologist or psychotherapist. In some cases, the police or local support group may come to the rescue.
    • For example, if you feel bad, talk to a psychologist. Perhaps a partial "disappearance" in the form of a change in the way of life or wardrobe will help you.
    • If you have a difficult situation at home, try contacting the support line. All-Russian hotline for women who have experienced domestic violence: 8-800-7000-600. Crisis Center for Women and Children: 8 (499) 977-20-10. If you live in another country, search the internet for the numbers you need.
  2. 2 Stay home if you are under the age of majority to avoid aggravating the situation. People always pay attention to minors. You will probably have problems finding a job and trying to get everything you need. Living alone is difficult, lonely and even dangerous. After adulthood, a person usually has many more different opportunities.
    • It is much more difficult for minors to survive alone and away from home. When they find you, you will go home anyway. If you are not in great danger, then it is still better to find another way out and solve household problems.
    • Even if you think your friends and family won't miss you, it's still better to find safer solutions. There are various social services that can help you.
  3. 3 Choose a responsible lifestyle if you are an adult. As an adult, a person has more opportunities to leave home and settle in any other place. Most of the problems lie in the fact that by your sudden departure you hurt loved ones. You can warn them about leaving and "disappear" by moving to a known place.
    • You should also consider possible legal problems. For example, even if you disappear, you will need to comply with all of your legal obligations.
    • Adults have the right to leave the house of their own free will. An exception will be cases of evasion of legal obligations such as appearing in court.
    • If you are harassed, blackmailed, or stalked, contact the police. In such a situation, there are legal ways to change the personality for security reasons.
  4. 4 Travel alone without being discovered. Traveling with another person greatly increases the likelihood of being discovered. Think about search teams, documentaries and records. Depending on the personality of your companion, problems can grow. Always use fictitious names and identities to maintain anonymity.
    • For example, if you disappear with your child, you may be accused of kidnapping or endangering the health and safety of the child. Even with good intentions, it's best not to do anything.
  5. 5 Leave for a short time if you need a break. Better not to leave your whole life in the past and just take a short trip. See the world, but don't change your personality. Sometimes a trip like this can be very rewarding. Even small changes in your environment or lifestyle can make you change your mind.
    • Disappearing will hurt relatives. Don't leave them in the dark and tell your family about the route and timing of your trip.
    • Go camping, visit a new city, or do something else. Never rush to leave everything in the past if you are not sure about the safety of such a decision. Even if you need to leave, you can always contact the police or charities.

Part 2 of 3: How to Cover Your Tracks

  1. 1 Get rid of property that cannot be carried away. If you want to start over, you don't need many things. You probably won't take all your belongings. Make a list of the essentials. The list is unlikely to be long, and the rest can be safely sold.
    • Personal identifiers like family photos are best left at home. If you want to take memorabilia with you, it is best to hide them well and keep them under lock and key so that they will not reveal you.
    • It is also better to get rid of the vehicle. It is convenient to drive away from the past life by car, but it can be tracked.Sell, donate, or leave your vehicle at home if you cannot use it in your new location.
  2. 2 Log out of all social media profiles. In addition, you can delete data in your profiles and deactivate accounts. Every status update or post with a photo of your breakfast is a digital footprint. By deleting your profiles, you can save yourself from the temptation to go back online.
    • Such a step requires preparation, and the lack of social media makes life difficult in the modern world. Leave your phone and computer at home as they can be easily tracked by a good technician.
    • If you are only worried about the situation on the Internet, such as leaked photos or harassment and harassment online, then try to disappear only from the Internet. Reduce the amount of time you spend on the Internet and social media every day. This way you will feel relieved without having to hide for the rest of your life.
  3. 3 Delete your computer and phone search information. Computers store a lot of data, from search history to recent downloads. In the files, you will probably be able to find a lot of information that can reveal your plans. For privacy reasons, delete all relevant files from your device. Also use the "Clear history" button in the browser menu to erase all data.
    • View files in folders like Downloads to hide any documents you need. Even if you've password protected your device, it's best to hide your files from prying eyes.
    • Be careful when using a shared computer (such as a library). If you log into your accounts, then you may be discovered, since there is nothing to hide on the network.
  4. 4 Come up with a new name and bio. Use a new identity so that no one will recognize you. Try to come up with a new personality that doesn't attract too much attention. Repeat the new story to yourself several times to remember the details. If there are gaps in the biography, people may be suspicious.
    • It is usually easiest to choose a different name. By law, a name change can only be made by a court order. Today, technology does not allow you to completely hide your past.
    • For example, you can call yourself Alexander and say that you came to Tula on vacation or on vacation. If you introduce yourself as an architect, then people can ask questions. Speak at length and stick to the same version of the story.
  5. 5 Get rid of credit cards and other things with your name. This is the easiest way to track a person. Close your credit accounts to get rid of the temptation, and it is also best not to take bank cards with you. You can no longer rely on them. Even a discount at your favorite store will find you.
    • Get rid of all unnecessary things. Sometimes it is enough to get rid of unnecessary things to feel the taste of novelty. If you want to hide, then leave all things at home with your name.

Part 3 of 3: How to Travel to New Places

  1. 1 Gradually withdraw money from your card account. If you want to travel carefree, then you need money. Withdrawing large amounts can be suspicious, so take your time to empty your bank account. Withdraw money in small amounts until you reach the required amount. If possible, close your empty bank account so you don't think about it anymore.
    • Carrying large sums of money with you is a little scary, so be careful. Bring only the amounts you need with you and keep the rest in a safe place.
    • For a start, even a small amount may be enough. For example, buy a bus ticket to travel to another city.
  2. 2 Fold up clothes and other essentials. Your needs depend on the destination. At a minimum, you will need a change of clothing, food and other necessary items. Keep in mind that usually, when trying to hide, you will not be able to carry many things with you.
    • It's important to take care of yourself away from home. Money usually helps.Also consider what you will do when you arrive at your destination.
    • If you are planning to retire from civilization, then bring a large backpack, warm clothes, raincoat, reliable shoes, tent, sleeping bag, maps, compass, pocket knife and first aid kit.
  3. 3 Select your destination. Think about how much time you want to be alone and what you will be doing. Find suitable locations according to your available budget. Typically, you can choose any destination, but the trip takes time, money and a ready-made plan. A trip to another country is impossible without a passport.
    • Also, in the case of other countries, you should be aware of visas and other rules. Some countries welcome guests and may even offer relocation programs. Other countries like North Korea or China have significant travel restrictions.
    • If you stay in your country, then assess your chances of being discovered. A camping trip in the forest is a good choice for the weekend, but if you want to reboot your life, you can move to another city. Avoid the resting places that you often visit.
  4. 4 Purchase the required tickets. It all depends on the destination. You can get around the country by bus or train. For anonymity, you can ride a bike. Other modes of transport reduce the duration of the trip, but at the same time, the risk of being discovered in the event of a search increases.
    • If you do not travel long distances, then on a bus or commuter train, you usually do not even need to show your passport.
    • Planes and ships are not even worth considering if you want to keep your disappearance a secret. The marinas and airports are teeming with representatives of the state, where it is always necessary to show a valid passport.
  5. 5 Come up with a legend about your trip. If you are not going to hide under cover of the night, you will have to explain your actions. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to lie a little. For example, you might say that you are on a business trip or heading to a mall on the other side of town. The story must be believable so that no one knows the real purpose of leaving.
    • A good legend will give you a few days of rest. You can say that you are going on a business trip or want to relax alone. Come up with a story like this and sneak off the radar for a few days.
    • Leave false traces. For example, book your tickets to Italy, but don't get on the plane. Come up with connections to companies you've never heard of.
  6. 6 Find workto provide yourself with what you need. If you are not going to return home, then you will need money. Without work, you can end up on the street and get into trouble, which is much worse than the problems you are trying to escape from. You can usually find jobs in retail stores, cafes and construction sites in any locality. Do not forget that in most cases you will need to write a statement and provide your personal data, which will prevent you from maintaining anonymity. In some places, you can get a job informally, but often such shady offices can deceive you.
    • In Russia, official employment usually requires a passport and a medical book, a registration document and a work book, TIN and military registration documents. These requirements can only be circumvented informally. You can be asked to call you by a different name, but upon employment you will have to provide your real data.
    • It is much easier for adults to find work, as children are generally prohibited by law from working until a certain age without parental permission. Remember this. If you don't have a plan, check with local social programs and job opportunities.
    • You can apply for employment from a computer in the library or visit the company in person.
  7. 7 Change your styleto create a new personality. If you don't come up with a new personality, you will almost certainly fall back on the old habits that made you flee. Try new things to change your way of life. Use this opportunity to change your hairstyle or dress preferences. Sometimes small changes give a sense of significant newness.
    • For example, if you usually wear a T-shirt and jeans, then change your look. Dress like a geek, hipster, metalhead, or any other style, while keeping your budget in mind.
    • Make yourself a weird hairstyle. If you have long hair, you can trim it or even dye it. Ask your stylist for advice.
    • Caps, hoods and sunglasses let you blend in with the crowd. Even if you rarely wear such things, consider adding them to your wardrobe anyway.
  8. 8 Develop new habits that will differentiate you from your old personality. If you want to become a different person, then you will need new activities. Become a member of a new interest group or religious organization. You can also go to the gym to change your appearance, let go of a beard, get a tattoo, or immerse yourself in a completely unfamiliar music subculture. The world is full of variety, so take whatever opportunities you have to start over.
    • For example, if you usually play video games, then start going outside regularly. You can also go in for game sports and go on hiking trips.
    • Try new dishes to complement your new personality. Kick out old habits and ditch your favorite establishments. Go to other restaurants and buy other foods.
    • A person can often be recognized by their movements. For example, if you are walking fast, then try slowing down. Even such a change will give a sense of newness.


  • Complete disappearance should only be used as a last resort if you simply have no other choice.
  • If you are thinking about suicide, call the emergency psychological hotline of the Ministry of Emergency Situations at 8 (495) 989-50-50, 8 (499) 216-50-50 or 051 (for residents of Moscow) if you live in Russia. If you live in another country, call your local psychological emergency hotline.
  • Check your stocks regularly. Keep track of the amount of food and water available.
  • Find a suitable place where you won't stand out too much. So, if you speak a different language, then you will surely be noticed, but it is also a bold opportunity to learn something new.
  • It is always better to hide from civilization in the wilderness. Head to camping sites or stop at the edge of the forest.
  • The best way to start a new life is to find a job and a place to live away from home. You may not change your personality, but life will start over.


  • Solo travel is risky, so it's important to take care of your safety. Do not carry large amounts of money with you and do not stay in dangerous areas.
  • If you disappear without warning, there are various legal consequences. It can also cause significant emotional harm to your friends and family.
  • If you take a step into the unknown without a plan, then you risk becoming homeless. Better to find a place to live and a paid job in advance.