How to buy antiques

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Buy Antiques
Video: How to Buy Antiques


"The subject of beauty is joy forever." This adage is certainly true of antiques. Want to know how to start building your own collection? Then this article can help you.


  1. 1 Understand the difference between true antiques, almost antique and old (classic) subjects:
    • True antiques according to most antique dealers should be at least 100 years old. This rule is based on the traditions and customs legislation of many countries. However, in some societies, objects that were made before 1930 are considered antiques.
    • Almost antique is between 75 and 99 years old.
    • Antique (classic) means - belonging to a 'certain time'. This description is used for a number of collectibles, especially those from the 40s, 50s and 60s.
  2. 2 Explore closets, attics, basements, and / or utility rooms. Perhaps something is already under your own roof and matches one of the descriptions: bed linen and silverware your grandmother received as a wedding present; a crib that has been used "for ages"; toys that parents played with when they were kids ... the list goes on. Any of the items you find can be the first in your collection.
  3. 3 Decide:
    • Whether you are willing to sell or retain these values. In any case, they need to be assessed in order to make sure that you have adequate insurance, that is, that it covers the cost of all your antiques in case of theft, damage or loss, or, if you decide to sell it, then knowledge of the cost. will help you get a decent price.
    • What exactly are you looking for:

      • Certain types of objects, such as sculptures?
      • Works by a particular artist?
      • Works from a certain period, for example, art deco?
    • How much are you willing to spend.
  4. 4 Take a closer look at garage sales. You will not be the first to find a rare item that was thrown away as "trash" ... Remember the proverb: "one person's trash is another's treasure"?
  5. 5 Visit antique auction houses. What interests you may be beneficial to other people: items that mean nothing to other people may be exactly what you need.
  6. 6 Search the Internet. Renowned auction houses such as Sotheby and Christie are also available online. You can even find something on eBay.
  7. 7 Attend auctions at antique auction houses. Sotheby, Christie and Bonhams have offices all over the world, and your country probably has them too. You will be able to view items from a closer distance before they are put up for auction. This way you can make a smarter decision as to whether you want to purchase the item.
  8. 8 Place your bets online or by phone. This is called an absent customer bid. To place a bet online, you must fill out a form in advance on paper or online. When your form is processed, you will be able to bid as a registered bidder.


  • Arrive early for the live auction. You must register in advance before you can bid.
  • Seek a professional estimate of the value of the items you are looking to purchase, especially if you have little experience of your own.
  • Don't fill your home with antiques. Individual items will no longer look good if there are too many of them.
  • Other words to learn are collectible (refers to all items that people find worthwhile or enjoy collecting them) and retro - means 'look back' (in time) and refers to objects that were made either in a different period or in the style of a different era.

What do you need

  • Open eyes and ears to know where and when a garage sale or auction will take place.
  • Internet.
  • Telephone.
  • Money.
  • Passport or other proof of identity.
  • A place to put your collection for display.