How to paint an old wooden chair

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Video: LET’S REFURBISH SOME CHAIRS👩‍🔧| DIY Dining Chair Repair


There are many options to paint your wooden chair. Your chair can be painted to match a decorative exhibit, or you can focus strictly on its utilitarian function. After preparing the surface, you can apply the design to your liking. The best part about this venture is that if you don't like something, you can always start over and repaint it.


Method 1 of 2: Prepare the stool surface

  1. 1 Wash your chair. Use a cloth dampened with soapy water to remove cobwebs, debris, and dirt that has accumulated on your chair. If there is a cleaner, use it to remove the dirt and then rinse the stool with water. Let it air dry.
  2. 2 Sand the chair to create a smooth surface for painting if needed. If your stool is covered in paint residues, use coarse sandpaper to remove large pieces, then reduce the grain size of the sandpaper to achieve the desired result. Sand down minor scratches and dents as they appear on your chair.
  3. 3 Fill all holes with wood putty. If the gaps are too deep to cover, let the putty dry as instructed. Once dry, sand the excess putty to a smooth surface.
  4. 4 Wipe down the stool. Use a rag or damp cotton cloth to remove sanding dust. Allow the chair to air dry completely before proceeding.

Method 2 of 2: Painting the chair

  1. 1 Choose a color or color scheme for your chair. Use a solid color or a combination of contrasting and complementary colors.
    • For an extraordinary look, paint the seat in one color, the back in another, and the legs in another. For subtlety, paint the entire chair with a solid color, and then strip or stain in places using an alternate color or even two.
  2. 2 Place the chair on an unfolded cloth to protect the floor surface from splashes and paint drips. Stir the paint thoroughly before use. Use a brush that is easy to hold and is the right size for all paintwork. It is usually easier to turn the chair upside down and paint the legs first. When you're done, put the chair back and paint the rest of the surface. Let the paint dry and apply another coat if necessary.
    • Use balloon paint for fast results. Make sure the cans are shaken thoroughly before use. Apply several thin coats instead of one thick layer to avoid smudges.
  3. 3 Cover the freshly painted chair with a layer of clear varnish. Depending on the type of finish you want, choose a matte or glossy varnish. The varnish is easy to apply, but brushing requires more effort. If you want to add decorative decals to your freshened up chair, stick them on before applying the last coat of trim. Let the varnish dry according to the instructions, and you can use a chair.


  • It is very important that the surface of the chair is properly prepared so that the paint will adhere well to the surface of the chair.

What do you need

  • Clean rags
  • Soap and water
  • Sandpaper
  • Wood putty
  • Putty knife
  • Soft fabric
  • Lining fabric
  • Dye
  • Brushes
  • Varnish or clear protective paint.