How to lose weight in 10 days

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Lose Weight Fast 10 kgs in 10 Days  - Full Day Indian Diet/Meal Plan For Weight Loss
Video: How To Lose Weight Fast 10 kgs in 10 Days - Full Day Indian Diet/Meal Plan For Weight Loss


10 days. If you can get rid of the guy in this time, you can get rid of a couple of extra pounds. But how can you actually lose weight and not by one kilo? This dress will not stretch by itself. It's time to get serious about this - we'll cover everything you need to know, from calories and exercise to mind tricks that will make you eat less. 240 hours and… forward!


Method 1 of 4: Part One: Make a 10-Day Plan

  1. 1 Define your goals. What weight are we talking about? 1.5 kg? 4.5 kg? It is safe to lose 0.5-1 kg per week, but in the first week you can lose a lot more (mainly water), so we will not upset you. Just figure out how much you want to lose weight in the next 240 hours.
    • Let's say you want to lose 2.5 kg over the next 10 days. This is 0.5 kg in 2 days. Since 0.5 kg contains 3500 calories, you need to burn 1750 calories everyday... And you?
  2. 2 Determine your needs. Let's start with an example of 2.5 kg. You need to create a 1750 calorie deficit to lose 250 grams per day. This is a very dramatic weight loss, but we will try it anyway. Here's how to find out how to deal with it:
    • Find out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight. You will find out the BMI and the number of calories you can consume daily.
    • Once you know the daily amount, subtract 1,750 from that number.This will be the number you need to work with. And of course, the more you exercise, the more calories you can consume.
  3. 3 Keep a food journal. You're serious, aren't you? So grab a notebook or download an app (there are dozens of them on the net). When you come face to face with what you eat, it is much easier for you to identify where you went wrong. And see your progress! Weight loss motivation can also be found in many applications.
    • In this diary, you will count calories and write them down. So, if you did a good job today, then tomorrow you can relax a little. Or vice versa.
  4. 4 Decide on your training schedule. If you wanted to change your lifestyle forever, it would be ridiculous to come up with a schedule. But since we're only talking about a week and a half, let's do it. This way you can take a closer look at your schedule for the week, choose a time, and start exercising. Because you know that you have time and opportunity!
    • Make it a goal to practice every day. An hour is great, but you can train for 30 minutes. If you have to break them down into approaches, then it's okay! And if you don't have time, find it. There is always time for health.
  5. 5 Throw out all trash from your home. You have a plan. You have motivation. Now you only need to set yourself up for success. It sounds a little harsh and seems like it’s going to hit your pocketbook, but take a walk through the kitchen "right now." Throw away all junk food and food in packages that you don't need. If you are serious about losing weight in 10 days, you will make this sacrifice. This is the only way to deal with temptation.
    • Yes, this is easier said than done. The family is more likely to be angry, right? Let's come to a compromise: ask everyone who lives with you to hide food from you or put it where you can't find it. And don't let them tell you where she is!

Method 2 of 4: Part Two: New Lifestyle for 10 Days

  1. 1 find out how need to eat. Let's get right to the most important thing. We only have 10 days, so it's time to start eating healthy. And you thought you were eating right all this time! Nope. Mom didn't think about losing weight when she taught you to. Here's how to eat if you dream of a thin waist:
    • Eat often... We're not talking about 6 small meals you might have heard of - we're talking full servings and two snacks. When you eat 6 times a day, your body constantly produces insulin and never rests, and you never fully eat. So add snacks to your diet. This will actually start to eat less.
    • Eat slowly... Chew your food. Set your fork aside while you chew. If you eat everything too quickly, your body will not have time to tell you: “Stop, stop, I'm already full! Didn't I tell you?” You need to give time so that the body has time to register all the food.
    • Eat from a small plate... This is an optical illusion. Whatever is in front of you, your brain will want to eat it. So fill a small plate and you will magically eat less.
    • Do not be distructed... If you cram food in front of the refrigerator, your brain has no time to register it. So sit down. Concentrate. Think about texture and flavor. BUT then start your crazy day.
    • The blue color suppresses appetite. So use a blue (small) plate, cover the table with a blue tablecloth, and put on a blue blouse just in case. Ever wondered why there are no blue restaurants?
  2. 2 Consider alternating calories. Recent research has shown that introducing high-calorie days into your meal plan can help you lose more weight. Yes. Crazy, isn't it? The reason is that while you restrict your body, your metabolism slows down and your body begins to store nutrients more actively.On a day with a lot of calories, your body can breathe metaphorical fresh air, allowing you to relax and get rid of stored fat, as well as boost your metabolism. So during those 10 days, allow yourself to eat a little more than 1 or 2 days.
    • A calorie alternation option is carbohydrate alternation. If you mostly eat vegetables without starch and protein (that is, few carbs), you can help yourself by setting aside a day for carbs. Your body prefers to burn them, not fats or protein, so adding them to your diet will do the same - speed up the processes in your body, which will speed up the process of losing weight.
  3. 3 Get rid of stress. It's worth considering your stress level as well. It turns out that high stress levels mean high cortisol levels, which means you'll want to eat more. When you're stressed, you eat to numb your emotions, sleep less, and become inattentive. So relax! Your waist needs this.
    • Where do you start? From meditation or yoga. Yoga also burns calories, so you'll kill two birds with one stone. Or take 15 minutes to sit down and experience the zen spirit. It has been too long since you found time for "yourself"!
  4. 4 Sleep. More Science! It turns out that those who sleep more weigh less. And it makes sense - you feel good, your body is functioning normally, and you have less time to eat! So find 8 or more hours. You will feel much better.
    • This is due to the hormones leptin and ghrelin. Your hormone levels change, which makes your body feel hungry instead of tired. Plus, when you don't get enough sleep, you consume more sugar, order food, and skip a workout in the gym for the same reason. These are three strong arguments.
  5. 5 Be wary of extreme diets. Let's be honest: if you spend the next days on lemonade and hot sauce, you will lose a lot of weight. But after a week, you will feel terrible, and all the weight will return to its place as soon as you start eating. It upsets your metabolism, and if you want to find a long-term solution, this is not it. But if you want to fit into a dress? Well, maybe. Just be careful. And don't tell your mom that we advised you.
    • You can find information on extreme dieting on wikiHow. Whether you want to drink only maple syrup, eat cabbage, sit in the sauna for days, or cleanse your intestines, you can find all the information you need (as well as what you would not want to know).

Method 3 of 4: Part Three: Diet for 10 days

  1. 1 Remember one word - water. This is exactly what will help you perform the miracle. When you start drinking more water, many wonderful things happen. Here's a list of reasons that will convince you to always carry a water bottle with you:
    • It saturates you. The more you drink, the less you want to eat.
    • You are still consuming something. The more often you drink, the less often you consume everything else.
    • It cleanses your body of toxins (that is, you go to the toilet more often).
    • It improves the condition of hair, skin and
    • Provides your muscles and organs with moisture and improves their health.
  2. 2 Choose green. This traffic light metaphor will help you. If you want to lose weight and do it quickly, then the easiest way is to stock up on green vegetables. Yes, all vegetables are "healthy", but some are better than others - and these are exactly green ones. They have a so-called "low energy density" - they are low in calories, but fill up quickly, and also contain many vitamins and minerals.
    • All leafy vegetables are great helpers in your business. Collard greens, collard greens, broccoli, spinach, kale, lettuce, and so on. You can eat handful after handful and never reach your calorie limit.
  3. 3 Stop at white. Not red, white. If the food is white, it is most likely a refined or processed carbohydrate. This means that it contains no fiber and also lacks nutrients.So the consumption of white rice, wheat bread and even starchy, white potatoes should be minimized or completely abandoned for these 10 days.
    • Just for reference, your body needs carbohydrates. They are found in vegetables and whole grains - these are the healthiest carbs. But they must be complex and unrefined; Watch out for processed carbohydrates and those that contain sugar.
      • You've heard of the Atkins diet (no carbs). It can be effective for 10 days. It's similar to all extreme diets - you can stick with it for 10 days and it will probably work, but once you stop, be prepared for the consequences. So go on a carbohydrate-free diet if you can stick to it, but be aware of the possible side effects.
  4. 4 Eat lean protein. Your diet should be at least 10% protein. If you want to lose weight, then it is better increase this percentage. It helps you build muscle and is great at satisfying hunger - all of which lead to weight loss. So eat fish, white meat, soy products, and beans.
    • This type of diet has become so popular that even 30% is considered the norm. Research has shown that a protein-rich diet, combined with exercise, can lower blood fat levels. And proteins are also known for their ability to control insulin spikes, thereby helping to cope with hunger. Win, win, win.
  5. 5 Learn more about healthy fats. Your body needs them! Don't completely eliminate them from your diet - just focus on good Are unsaturated fats. They are found in avocados, olive oil, nuts, fatty fish like salmon or cod, and low-fat dairy products. In fact, if you include these healthy fats in your diet (of course, in moderation), they will help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
    • It is necessary that at least 10% of the diet consists of fat. Up to 25% is normal, although only 7% should be saturated fat (harmful). They are found in red meat, fatty dairy products, poultry skin, and eggs.
      • Eggs are a good source of protein, but you shouldn't eat more than 1 per day. Just don’t go overboard!
  6. 6 Limit your sodium intake. Sodium not only constricts blood vessels, which leads to a rapid heartbeat, but also helps to build up water, which causes bloating. So if you’re not doing it for your heart’s health, do it for your pants size!
    • One teaspoon of salt contains 2,300 mg of sodium. We only need 200 mg per day. This is almost impossible, so 1500 mg is the recommended daily dose. No more than 2300 mg!
  7. 7 Stop eating at night. Here it is not a matter of science, but of psychology: people tend to consume the most harmful food at night. So if you swear that you won't eat after 8pm, your nightly forays into the refrigerator will stop. And when you're staying up late and starving, drink a glass of water. It's tricky, but worth it.
    • This is the hardest part. Your friends go to cafes and restaurants, drink alcohol, eat snacks, and you just want to keep them company. Think about two things: you can you go if you can resist the temptation. But it is also only 10 days. You can take anything for 10 days, can't you?

Method 4 of 4: Part Four: Training Plan for 10 Days

  1. 1 Do cardio and strength training. The facts are this: Cardio burns calories faster than lifting weights. However, combining these workouts will help you burn much more... There is nothing better for your body than to work all the muscles in different ways. And cardio and strength training will help you with that. So take some time for them!
    • For these ten days, you should be doing cardio almost every day. Strength training is carried out every other day. If you want to do them more often, make sure you work on different muscle groups because your body needs to recover from your workout.
  2. 2 Take advantage of all the opportunities. Great if you can go to the gym every day.Very few people can afford it. But if you want to do your best and do your best, you need to use every opportunity to move. Even fidgets will lose weight faster!
    • When we talk about "little possibilities," we mean dancing while you wash the dishes. Do yoga while you watch TV. Plank during advertising. Cleaning the room, not chatting on the net. Washing floors. Manual car wash. A staircase instead of an elevator. Park your car in the far corner of the parking lot ... Are you already full of ideas?
  3. 3 Try interval training. Cardio is good, but recent research has shown that interval training is even more effective. They are much faster and more convenient! Instead of jogging for 30 minutes, you need to run at full speed for 30 seconds, alternating with 15-20 seconds of walking. Why? So you will burn more calories and increase your heartbeat - calories will be burned after exercise.
    • Any workout can be changed this way - not just treadmill exercises. If you alternate high activity with moderate activity, then it works.
    • Want to know more about how calories are burned after exercise? This is called excess post-workout oxygen uptake. When your body is operating in a mode it cannot handle, it will take another day to restore oxygen levels. It uses up calories when you not exercise.
  4. 4 Change your workouts. It's easy to make workouts a chore ... and get tired of them. Your muscles, your brain, or both will be tired. So change them! Play with time and intensity, or do something new. Your body and brain will thank you for this.
    • Fill your days with fun activities that will spark the spark. Instead of going to the gym, take a kickboxing class. Go to the pool or go hiking. Gather your friends and play basketball, tennis or volleyball. This will burn more calories and not even notice.
  5. 5 Know what works best for you. Bodybuilders will probably tell you what to do strength training, and then go to cardio. Weight loss advocates might say to start with cardio. And someone else will say that you need to train in the morning on an empty stomach. But it's important to know what works best for you. When you can get yourself to work hard, when you are full of energy, exercise. Whether it's in the middle of the night or after another sandwich. Things are good.
    • Experiment! You may hate running just because you run after work. Maybe you should do this before work - it will energize you for the whole day. So experiment during those 10 days. You can make a habit that will stay with you forever.


  • Pack snacks the night before, especially if you work in an office. That way your almond snack won't turn into a pound of nuts and stomach pain.


  • If you starve, your body stops working. The same will happen with metabolism. And when you start again, the weight will return. So avoid it.