How to lose weight slowly

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Benefits Of Losing Weight Slowly
Video: 5 Benefits Of Losing Weight Slowly


There are many diets that promise rapid weight loss. However, according to research, slow and gradual weight loss is preferred. If you lose weight smoothly, without sudden fluctuations, over a long period of time, you are more likely to make the necessary changes in your lifestyle and will be able to maintain the result for a long time. In addition, slow weight loss is considered a safe, correct and healthy way to lose weight. Make the necessary changes to your diet, lifestyle, and exercise. Thanks to this, weight loss will be effective and safe. In addition, you will feel better and will also be able to maintain your weight after losing weight.


Part 1 of 3: Gradually Changing Your Eating Habits

  1. 1 Reduce serving size. Pay attention to how much you eat per meal. Large portions can mean that you are consuming too many calories and therefore gain weight. Reduce the serving size so you can gradually lose weight.
    • Many doctors advise getting up from the table with a feeling of satisfied hunger, but not satiety. Of course, it is not easy to determine when to stop. Over time, however, you will learn to determine when to finish your meal.
    • Satisfying your hunger means stopping feeling hungry, losing a strong interest in food, and feeling like you've eaten enough to last for hours.
    • Saturation is a feeling of fullness or fullness in the stomach, a feeling that the last few spoons or even a whole serving were unnecessary.
    • Eat slowly. If you eat slowly, your brain will receive a satiety signal much earlier, and you will not eat too much.
    • Stick to your diet throughout the day. When you sit down at the table, you should have an appetite, but you should not feel like you are dying of hunger. If you are very hungry or have not eaten all day, you can easily overeat.
  2. 2 Reduce your diet by 500 calories a day. In addition to reducing your portion size, try cutting back on your calories.Eating too many calories per day leads to weight gain.
    • It is generally recommended that you reduce your daily diet by 500 calories. Thanks to this, you will be able to lose weight gradually. If you reduce your diet by 500 calories per day, you can lose 0.5-1 kg of excess weight per week.
    • You can cut 500 calories from your diet or burn those 500 calories through exercise. However, it is best to combine the two.
    • Try keeping a food diary on paper or using a smartphone app. This will make it easier for you to keep track of your diet and its calorie content.
  3. 3 Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories. This is very important if you have set yourself the goal of losing weight gradually.
    • Experts believe that half of the plate should be filled with fruits or vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are high in nutritional value and low in calories. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet to help you feel fuller with fewer calories.
    • Include 1-2 servings of fruits and vegetables daily in your diet. One serving of fruit is half a cup of berries or chopped fruits, or 1 small, whole fruit. One serving of vegetables is 1 cup of vegetables or 2 cups of leafy greens.
  4. 4 Include lean protein in your diet. For your diet to be balanced, it is very important to include protein foods on a daily basis. Lean protein has been shown to help you lose weight and keep it healthy after you lose weight.
    • Protein is essential in the diet. According to research, protein makes you feel fuller. If you include protein foods in your diet, then you will not feel hungry for a long period of time.
    • Choose lean protein sources. Lean sources of protein contain fewer calories and less fat, which is very important if you want to lose weight slowly. Include in your diet the required amount of protein foods. Eat 85-115 grams, or half a cup, of protein daily.
    • Lean sources of protein: Eggs, poultry, seafood, lean pork, beans, tofu, and lean beef.
  5. 5 Include whole grains in your diet. Many weight loss programs recommend eliminating grains and other carbohydrate-rich foods. However, you can include one to two servings of whole grains in your diet - this will not interfere with gradual weight loss.
    • Whole grains are minimally processed and contain bran, endosperm and grain germ. This makes whole grains high in fiber, protein, and other nutrients.
    • Whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole grain breads. Include a 30-gram serving, or half a cup, of whole grains in your diet. For example, one slice of bread, half a bun, or half a cup of cooked rice, quinoa, or whole grain pasta.
    • Try to limit or eliminate processed grains from your diet as they are low in nutritional value. These include white bread, white rice, and regular pasta.
  6. 6 Drink enough water every day. Water is another essential component of your diet. A proper drinking regimen promotes gradual weight loss as well as good health.
    • Water has many different functions in the body. An important function of water is to ensure proper joint function - it is the main lubricant. In addition, water helps to normalize blood pressure and protects organs. Drinking water also makes you feel full throughout the day.
    • Prefer low-calorie decaffeinated drinks. Drink plain or flavored water, unsweetened decaf coffee, and tea.
    • Doctors recommend drinking 8 glasses of water a day. However, depending on your age, gender, and activity level, this figure can rise to 13 glasses.
  7. 7 Limit your intake of snacks and treats. If you want to lose weight, try not to snack too much, especially unhealthy foods. If you are not ready to completely give up treats and snacks, include them in your diet only from time to time.
    • Snacks provide the body with nutrients and energy. However, snacking when you're bored, stressed, or have a strong urge to eat something delicious can lead to weight gain.
    • Don't think about "it doesn't count" snacks. You can have a snack if you are really hungry, and until the next full meal is more than an hour. If you are hungry and lunch is within 30 minutes, drink some water and wait until lunch.
    • Also, limit high-calorie snacks. Make sure that they contain no more than 100-150 calories, then you will not exceed your daily allowance and will not disrupt your weight loss plans.
    • Snack examples include 85 grams of beef jerky, an apple and cheese stick, 10 almonds, or 1/2 cup (115 grams) cottage cheese.

Part 2 of 3: Increasing Physical Activity

  1. 1 Set a goal to exercise 2.5 hours a week. Regular exercise is an important addition to your diet. Cardio is effective in helping the body burn excess calories and contributes to gradual weight loss.
    • Aerobic exercise alone, such as running, will not lead to much weight loss, but it is important to start running. When combined with proper nutrition, this will lead to the desired results.
    • Doctors estimate that a person needs at least 2.5 hours (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity cardio per week.
    • This level of physical activity brings many other health benefits besides weight loss - for example, improved mood and quality of sleep, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes.
    • You can try activities such as walking, running, hiking, swimming, or aerobics.
  2. 2 Do strength training regularly. In addition to cardio, it is recommended that you do strength training several times a week. They also promote gradual weight loss.
    • Weight or deadlift exercise alone does not cause significant weight loss. However, they do increase lean muscle mass, which in turn can speed up your metabolism and increase your body's ability to burn calories.
    • Try to do 1-3 strength training sessions per week. Work your major muscle groups and devote at least 20 minutes to the exercise.
    • You can include strength training activities such as lifting weights, exercising on machines, or doing isometric exercises.
  3. 3 Lead an active lifestyle. Another effective way to burn more calories and gradually lose weight is to increase your daily physical activity.
    • Everyday activity is what you do throughout the day. This includes any physical activity - picking leaves, gardening, mopping floors, or even the path you take to pick up your car from the parking lot. Each of these activities alone will not burn many calories at a time, but the cumulative effect on your health and weight can be significant.
    • You can also do yoga or Pilates - it is good for posture, develops flexibility and balance, and strengthens the connection between mind and body.
    • Analyze your typical day. Think about how much you move. Can you increase the number of movements or steps during the day? Park further away from your work or meeting place, use the stairs more often than the elevator, go for a walk during work breaks, or exercise during commercial breaks while watching TV.

Part 3 of 3: Maintaining an Optimal Weight

  1. 1 Consult your doctor. If you are planning to lose weight, change your diet or exercise plan, you should consult your doctor first.
    • The doctor will be able to assess if the method you choose is safe or right for you. In addition, he will be able to give you additional advice or advice on how much weight you should lose and how best to proceed.
    • Also talk with your doctor about the changes you intend to make to your diet and exercise regimen. Ask your doctor if he thinks they are safe for you.
    • You can also ask your doctor to recommend a dietitian. Dietitians are well versed in weight loss and can help you choose the right strategy.
  2. 2 Weigh yourself regularly. According to many studies, regular weighing can help you lose weight, stay on track, and maintain weight loss in the long term.
    • Because weighing yourself regularly can help you lose weight, weigh yourself at least once a week. You can even increase the number of weighings up to twice a week.
    • Generally, daily weighing is not recommended. This is due to fluctuations in weight. Such hesitation can frustrate you and interfere with your goal. It is enough to weigh yourself once or twice a week to track the exact dynamics of your weight loss.
    • Try to weigh yourself at the same time of day and in the same clothes. This will give you more accurate and comparable results.
  3. 3 Keep a weight loss diary. If you want to lose weight, such a diary will be a great tool for you. Numerous studies have shown that doing it helps you stay motivated and stick to your plan.
    • Track your weight and your weight loss progress. If you keep track of your weight, you will be able to notice any changes, including unwanted ones (for example, weight gain). This will help you make the necessary changes to your diet or exercise routine.
    • You can also keep a food diary. Research shows that keeping a food diary on a regular basis can help you stick to your diet. Also, the diary will help identify the reasons why you are gaining weight or cannot get rid of those extra pounds.
    • Finally, you can keep a training diary. Take notes of when you exercise, how long, and what exercises you do.


  • Be sure to check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise schedule.