How to approach a guy you like

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Approach Someone You Like!
Video: How to Approach Someone You Like!


In love with the grocer? Suffering from the guy from the parallel class whom you see every day in the school hallway? Want to talk to him to make a stranger your date companion? Wikihow will help you with this! With a few tricks, you won't have time to come to your senses, as you and your boyfriend begin a pleasant conversation. The first step in this guide will tell you where to start.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing for Success

  1. 1 Practice communicating with strangers. If you want to learn how to talk to guys, the best way to get started is by chatting with strangers. Start a conversation with a grocery clerk, talk to an elderly lady in a park, start a conversation with a boy at a science fiction counter in a bookstore. Well, you get the idea. Want to talk to your cute guy in a natural way? You need to do it the same way you would do it with all other people, and therefore - exercise, because this is the best way to prepare yourself.
  2. 2 Watch your appearance and smell. This does not mean that you have to look like a top model, and yet you cannot give the impression from your appearance that you have escaped from the local mental hospital. Practice good hygiene and wear clothing that suits you and flaunts your body. You should definitely smell good. A regular shower and deodorant will suffice here. A little perfume can work in your favor, but don't overdo it.
  3. 3 Before you talk to a guy, take a closer look at him. You don't need to drop everything and run headlong to a nice guy as soon as you see him. After all, you will need to use some assumptions and guesses: what will he be interested in talking about, what will he like? Pay attention to his behavior and how he behaves with others. You should also note what he is wearing. The guy with the wedding ring is probably best not to be disturbed. Sentimental things (like a knitted hat) may indicate that he has a girlfriend. Pay attention to what might be the reason for the conversation.
  4. 4 Avoid certain places. Talking to a guy in certain places can be somewhat discouraging. If it is clear that the guy is currently having a business meeting with a work partner or boss, leave him alone. Public transport is also a bad idea - usually people are tired or busy with something.
  5. 5 Start conversations in places where other people are present. You should try talking to a guy in a crowded place. This will not only give you a reason to start a conversation, but it will also save the guy from feeling like you need something from him.
  6. 6 If possible, do it yourself. Try to catch the guy alone, but avoid the help of the “co-pilot”. It looks too much like a pickup truck. A partner will show that you have thought a lot about it, calculated and attach too much importance to all this - this is by no means what the guy should think.

Part 2 of 4: Find a reason to talk

  1. 1 Talk about anything you see around you. When looking for a place to start a conversation, pick something that you see around you. For example, you can comment on an ad: "Hi, do you live in this area? There is an ad for a store, I heard about it, but I have never been there. Is it good?" You can also comment on the other person's actions if you see something funny: "Did you see this? Oh, sorry, you overlooked everything."
  2. 2 Ask a question. If a guy is wearing something interesting, like a T-shirt with the logo of a festival or a music group, you can ask him about it: "Have you actually been to Kazantip? Always dreamed of going there!" You can ask a question about something he is holding in his hands, for example about a book: "An interesting book? I'm just looking for something else to add to the list of books for the summer."
  3. 3 Compliment. Look at what he's wearing. If he's wearing something cute, chances are he is very proud of it - complimenting him about this thing will be a great way to get his attention. Especially if he's wearing nice shoes. Watches, ties, and cufflinks are also a traditional source of male pride.
  4. 4 Ask him for help with something small. All people love to feel wanted, so making your boyfriend feel like your hero is an effective way to break the ice. Ask him to give you something lying next to him. Ask him to hold your place in line while you quickly run to get some goods (run and grab the first thing around the corner). Ask him for directions. It's also a great way to start a conversation.
  5. 5 Pretend you know him or have seen him somewhere. Catch his gaze and let him see you looking at him with a surprised expression on your face. Then go up to him and say something like "I'm sorry to bother you, it just seemed to me that we saw each other somewhere. I can't remember where, but I didn't want you to think that I was pretending not to notice you." ... After that, briefly remember where you saw each other (“Where do you work? You are not a volunteer in ...”, etc.)

Part 3 of 4: Know What to Say

  1. 1 Introduce yourself! Once you've melted the ice of dating, it's helpful to introduce yourself. One name will be enough. More information may seem overly personal.
  2. 2 Don't start a conversation with questions about his work. This is a classic move, but best avoided.When guys are immediately asked about what they do for a living (unless it is organically woven into the conversation), it seems to them that the girl just wants money from them (the so-called "gold diggersha"). This is not the best experience when meeting someone!
  3. 3 Focus on talking about him. It is not pleasant to communicate with a person who is interested only in himself - tell him information about your life, but use every opportunity to return to the conversation about him. Therefore, if, for example, he asks you about something, ask him a similar counter question.
  4. 4 Use open-ended questions. When asking your guy questions, try to use the helpful help of open-ended questions. These are questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no; conversation with them will be interesting and lively. Open-ended questions usually begin with the words "why" or "how." Once you start the question with the words "when" and "who," don't expect a long answer.
  5. 5 Find what unites you. Ask the guy questions and try to find out something that unites you. It doesn't have to be big, and it doesn't have to be a lot in common, but these common ground will help you connect and keep the conversation going. In the context of the conversation, ask the guy questions about what he likes. If this does not coincide with your position and interests, it is not scary - ask him politely and with curiosity why he thinks so.
  6. 6 Read his signals. If he pulls away, just back off. That way you won't get anywhere. Pay attention to closed poses, if the guy is deviating from you. Listen to his answers. Does he answer as succinctly as possible and tries to end the conversation? These are bad signs. But if a guy closes the distance between you and gives long detailed answers, then you are on the right track.
  7. 7 Give him your phone number. If you get the impression that the guy is open and interested, give him your phone number! Don't give him your business card (what if he turns out to be strange - you don't want him to come to your work). Just drop him your number on a piece of paper, that will be enough. We hope you will be lucky!

Part 4 of 4: More Help

  1. 1 Work on self-confidence. Confidence will not only increase the interest of guys (guys of the right type!) In you, but, above all, it will make it easier for you to meet and communicate. It's not that hard to build confidence! Seize opportunities to do things you'll be proud of yourself for, and accept the fact that you don't have to be perfect.
  2. 2 Master the art of flirting! Knowing how to flirt, it will be easier for you to make the right impression and communicate your intentions to your Beautiful Stranger. But try not to look like a maniac!
  3. 3 Master the skill of communicating with strangers. It is not easy to have fun, relaxed conversations with strangers, but with time and practice, you will learn.
  4. 4 Improve your communication skills with guys. You should also work on your general boyfriend communication skills. Sometimes they are not very good at talking to girls, but in fact it's not difficult: it's all about feeling the right rhythm and looking for interesting topics. You can handle it!
  5. 5 Just call him somewhere! Shyness and the hope that the guy himself will invite you somewhere often leads to nowhere. Sometimes you just need to take the initiative! Don't think you're doing it badly; the right type of guy takes it the other way around.
  6. 6 Start looking for a good guy. If meeting strangers ends up not being so great guys, start looking for good guys (instead of wasting time just looking cute or interesting).


  • Maintain a positive attitude and expect your guy to do the same. You will impress him with your initiative.When you speak to a guy yourself, you stand out from the crowd, because most girls are too shy for that. To be different is attractive!
  • This is not 1920. Women became free and strong. One of the most attractive qualities a woman can have is self-confidence. Women who take what they want are SEXY! Therefore, gather your courage and go to the guy you want. Don't show that you are scared. Shyness is cute, confidence is sexy. As a guy, I can't even describe how sexy a woman is who is aggressive and confident.
  • Don't forget to smile and look your guy in the eye before you say anything! I mean a real smile! Show your teeth.


  • Walking up and talking to a guy is not dangerous. Some guys may not be in the mood and respond poorly. This is not your fault! Some guys may just be stupid and not see the positive side of things. Some guys already have girls and others just aren't your type. But most guys will never be rude or hurt your feelings, so you have nothing to fear. Most guys will love you :)