How to lift your spirit through your connection with nature

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Connect With Your True Self | Radhanath Swami on Impact Theory
Video: How to Connect With Your True Self | Radhanath Swami on Impact Theory


People are like stained glass windows. They shine and sparkle when the sun is shining, but their true beauty is revealed when darkness falls and you can see the inner light. Here are some tips on how to find your inner harmony.


  1. 1 Find a secluded spot. It can be a daunting task, but if you live outside the city, you have a great opportunity to create such a place for yourself.
  2. 2 Find a comfortable position for yourself. Whether you are lying looking up at the sky or sitting in a pose and meditate, make sure your posture allows you to breathe properly.
  3. 3 Be at rest. If a person or an unnatural sound distracts you, rejoice in the accidental awakening. Finding yourself and connecting with the universe is great, but you can easily slip away from reality.
  4. 4 Immerse yourself in your feelings. They may be earthly, but if you use nature to help you with this, this is the best way to achieve harmony. The experience of realizing what actually exists around us is very pleasant. You will begin to understand and be grateful for all the beauty that surrounds you.
  5. 5 Look around and accept it. It is very important to understand who you are and take the time to enter the beautiful temple of love that was given to us by the creator. It shouldn't be related to religion. This is spirituality and this is all that is needed in order to survive, because this is the essence of life.
  6. 6 Talk to Mother Nature. Plants love the voices that surround them. Tell them that you are grateful that they are. Even sing to them. They are a lot like us. We just don't notice it right away. Calm your thoughts, your body and embrace their beauty. Turn to your soul and you will find happiness within yourself. When you reach out to your soul, all your thoughts are pure and free ... you can feel the energy that goes from them to your soul. This can happen. Just believe in yourself. You can do anything that comes to your mind. Ask yourself:
    • What are they really like?
    • Who and what is meant for them?
    • Was it for them or for you?
  7. 7 Look up to the sky. Blueness above you, and on it white clouds and a golden ball, close your eyes. Because it hurts your eyes.
  8. 8 Use your mind connection. What we think are just words, they have no meaning to others. Ask the bird what this golden ball is called. And what will she answer you? In Hindi the sun is called Surya, in Danish it is zon, in another language it is yust. If you have a plate of green soup and you toss a cracker into it, you know it won't change it into tomato soup. Likewise, there can be many variations on the name of lightning on the planet. We all have the same form, even experiencing difficulties and not understanding each other, we are still the same.


  • Forgive everyone. Not only people, but also your past and many other things. This will give you a sense of integrity.
  • Believe. Small children are happy because their imagination is limitless. They know that anything is possible.
  • Become one with everything around you. This will expand the aspect of equality in your daily life.
  • Learn. Learning new things is what your heart desires.
  • Cry. If there were no tears in the eyes, then there would be no rainbow in the soul. And if someone asks, tell them that these are tears of joy.
  • Put your gadgets aside and just stare out the window.


  • People can convince you that there is no spirituality in you. Ignore their ways to convince you of this and give them hope of understanding.