How to gain weight (for women)

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Women’s Nutrition : How to Gain Weight for Underweight Women
Video: Women’s Nutrition : How to Gain Weight for Underweight Women


Women who are underweight or have a low body mass index (BMI) below 18.5 may want to gain weight in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Being underweight can lead to many health problems in women such as poor immune systems, reduced muscle mass, unhealthy skin, hair, nails, weak bones, and lack of periods. Gaining weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce your risk of these problems. Women should seek to gain weight in a healthy way instead of increasing body fat. This article will provide useful information for women who want to gain weight.


Part 1 of 3: Increase calorie intake

  1. Consume an additional 500 calories per day. Adding 500 calories per day is enough to gain weight without making you feel full, heavy or fatigued.
    • With just 500 more calories per day (relatively simple if you follow the instructions below), you can gain from 0.5-0.75 kg per week.
    • However, these extra 500 calories should come from healthy food sources like foods rich in calories and vitamins and nutrients.
    • Gaining weight by snacking is not a good idea as it will make you tired, lack energy and can lead to many health problems in the future.
    • Always consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian before planning to gain weight.

  2. Consume more healthy fats. Foods containing healthy fats are also loaded with nutrients and calories, making them a great choice for those looking to gain weight.
    • Foods containing vegetable fats should be the first choice, including nuts, peanut butter, avocado and olive oil.
    • Spread peanut butter (or almond butter) on slices of bread, eat 1/2 avocado with each meal, eat a handful of seeds for a snack, and sprinkle olive oil on salads or salads.
    • Healthy fats can be added from animal sources, but these foods often contain unhealthy saturated fats, so you should only consume them in moderation.
    • Foods containing healthy animal fats include lean meats and whole-fat dairy products. However, if the cholesterol level in your body is high, you should choose a low-fat product.

  3. Protein booster. Protein-rich foods are your "best friend" when you want to gain weight in a healthy way. Protein helps build lean muscle instead of fat accumulation. Protein supplementation is an extremely important step if you want to start your resistance training regimen.
    • Healthy sources of protein include lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, whole grains, dairy products, and beans. You should eat about 180 grams of protein per day from these sources.
    • You can increase your protein tolerance by drinking protein shake or adding protein powder to a fruit juice or smoothie.

  4. Cook with oil or butter. This is an easy way to increase calorie tolerance at each meal without eating more food.
    • Try sautéing vegetables with a little butter or sprinkling olive oil on a boiled salad or vegetable. With just 1 teaspoon of butter or olive oil added to each dish, you can add up to 100 calories.
    • However, be careful not to use too many fatty oils when processed because they can be harmful to your health. If possible, choose olives, canola oil, or safflower oil over unhealthy fats like lard or Margarine.
  5. Increase calories through drinks. Another secret to increasing calories is drinking high-calorie beverages. This will help you gain weight without having to overeat or eat fatty foods.
    • Try drinking a glass of orange juice every morning (with breakfast as usual). Orange juice is high in calories, delicious and refreshing.
    • Consider drinking 1-2 cups of milk throughout the day.Full-fat milk is both high in calories, protein and calcium, making it an ideal choice for people who are underweight and prone to low bone density.
    • Protein shakes help you gain muscle mass, especially during exercise; In addition, a delicious milkshake is the perfect choice for you to treat yourself occasionally.

Part 2 of 3: Changing eating habits

  1. Increase your serving size. Try to eat a little more at each meal, even if you have to force yourself to cross the "safety threshold".
    • Gradually, your stomach will adjust to a larger portion and you will no longer feel the difference.
    • You can try putting the food on a large plate to trick your brain into thinking you're eating less than you really are.
  2. Eat often. Try increasing the frequency of meals and not skipping meals. In fact, most experts agree that 6 small meals are better than 3 big ones.
    • This will help with weight gain as you will experience less bloating and discomfort after a meal.
    • Try to prepare a meal that is well balanced with protein, carbs, and fats.
  3. Increase snacks. Eat more snacks during the day because this is a way to increase calories without having to overeat in one meal.
    • Eat a handful of seeds while watching TV, eat a banana on the way to work, or spread Hummus chickpea sauce on whole-grain crackers while you wait for dinner.
  4. Improve the taste of dishes. Underweight people often complain that the food is not appealing enough to them.
    • Therefore, you should makes The dish looks more attractive by adding herbs, spices and trying a new dish that has never been eaten before.
    • You can add flavor by sprinkling more appetizing ingredients such as sprinkling full-fat mayonnaise on sandwiches, cashew nuts on stir-fries or salads, sprinkling a handful of cheese on tacos. homemade pasta or Bolognese sauce spaghetti.
  5. Eat a little faster. Dieters are often advised to eat slowly to help the brain receive the "full enough" signal before they overeat. Thus, if you want to gain weight, you should do the opposite.
    • Eating a little faster than usual can help you eat more before you start feeling full, thereby increasing your calorie intake.
    • However, do not eat too fast because it is prone to bloating and fatigue.

Part 3 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Increased muscle mass. You should exercise if you want to gain weight in a healthy way. However, it is best to limit cardio exercise (as it is a calorie-burning exercise) and strength training (increasing muscle mass and weight gain).
    • Strength-strengthening exercises include weight training, squat workouts, Deadlifts, biceps, crunches, back-arm pullups, and back thigh weights.
    • If you have never experienced strength training before, you should ask a trainer for help for instructions on how to perform the exercise safely and correctly.
    • Remember that the more you exercise, the more calories you need to increase to compensate for the calories lost during exercise. At this point, you should prepare more protein shake and protein bars for calories. Fortunately, exercise also helps to increase cravings.
  2. Quit smoking. Smoking cigarettes is not good for people who want to gain weight because it will reduce appetite.
    • Although not simple, quitting smoking is the best option because it not only helps to increase appetite, but also helps to improve general appearance and lung health.
    • If it is difficult to quit smoking, at least avoid smoking about 1-2 hours before meals.
  3. Keep a food journal. This will help you track your weight gain and decide which methods are effective and which are not.
    • Record every unit of calories you consume for the day and calories burned (the most obvious way). Additionally, weekly weight gain should be recorded.
    • Looking at your recorded data objectively will help you know where you are doing wrong or what you need to improve.
    • Keeping a food journal can help motivate you when you see the method you are working on is working.
  4. Persistence. Weight gain is not an easy process and is even more difficult than losing weight. Therefore, you must be persistent and motivated to reach your goals.
    • Set a small, easy-to-control goal like gaining 2 kg in a month. This way you will see more tangible results in weight gain.
    • Setting your goals too high will make you more likely to become discouraged by feeling overwhelmed.
  5. Stay healthy. The most important thing during weight gain is to keep the body healthy, by having a balanced diet and continuing to exercise.
    • Eating unhealthy foods causes you to gain weight quickly but can have a negative effect on your overall health and weight loss in the long run.
    • Remember that you are not only trying to lose weight, but also completely changing your attitude toward your diet.


  • Consult with your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise.

What you need

  • Food rich in calories
  • Lean protein
  • Foods rich in unsaturated fats
  • Food diary
  • Ta