How to prepare for an economic crash

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If your country's economy is on the verge of collapse, and there are many signs that a monetary collapse is about to occur, how can you prepare to survive in the face of disastrous economic problems? Always remember: as a chain reflex, changes in the economy can lead to anarchy (confusion, chaos) and confusion of the government.


  1. 1 Read about ways to survive; learn everything you can. Think seriously about how you can weather the economic collapse.
  2. 2 Start stocking up on food. Start with at least one month's supply and then work up to three months. Don't forget the water.
  3. 3 Buy a good water filter and learn different ways to filter water yourself, such as boiling, filtering, aerating.
  4. 4 Prepare food supplies for a long period of time: wheat, rice, cereals and other products that can be stored for up to 30 years if stored properly. Keep dry food dry, preferably in sealed containers.
  5. 5 Plant a vegetable garden. Learn to grow highly nutritious edible plants that require minimal care. Buy non-hybrid seeds. Store fertilizer in a safe place.
  6. 6 Learn to smoke food for better storage, such as beef jerky, fish and meat (sausages, salami, ham).
  7. 7 Purchase defense / hunting rifles.
  8. 8 Buy silver / gold. Thus, you are better off keeping your fortune than just keeping it in cash. Leave a small amount of cash on hand, though.
  9. 9 Move to a small village. Cities can be left without electricity and water, and they can also be engulfed in riots and uprisings.
  10. 10 Pay off your debts. Sell ​​your car to pay off all your debts. Pay back your mortgage if possible.
  11. 11 Buy tools, ammunition, hooks and line for fishing, a grain grinder.
  12. 12 Master useful skills: medical, farm, sewing, cooking, repair, shooting / hunting, setting traps, fishing, self-defense, electricity and heat generation.
  13. 13 If you are constantly taking any medication, find out what natural alternatives to this drug can be found. If your illness can be cured without medication, but through exercise, caring for your body, cutting back on sugar in your diet, or cutting back on food in the evening (tell yourself, "I can eat this food tomorrow!"), Do it.
  14. 14 List your needs: in one column everything that is vital for you, and in the other, what you can buy, exchange or do.


  • Similar collapses in the economy have happened quite often in history. Be on the lookout.
  • Keep the availability and location of your stocks under wraps.
  • Practice using new tools.
  • Do not show your stash to anyone. If possible, your cache should be away from prying eyes - the highway or any other roadway.
  • Hunting / gardening can save you money, provide you with fresh food, and become an interesting hobby for you, even if it doesn't crash.
  • Discuss your worries.
    • Be positive but realistic.
    • Warn others.


  • Don't rely on gadgets to save you. Skills are more important.
  • Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.