How to be original

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 26 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Be Original
Video: How To Be Original


Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to be original and someone has already done everything. Just remember that you are not like anyone else, so this is where you start. The desire to be original is a fairly new phenomenon. As you read this article, remember that these are only guidelines.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: How to Be Original

  1. 1 Realize your dissimilarity. You are, in a way, already original. Although there will be people who are like you, wear similar clothes, read similar books, have similar ideas, there is no exact copy of you in this world.
    • Do something because you want it, not because you think you will be so different. A lot of millennials do something just to be “original.” There is nothing wrong with wanting to be unique and stand out, but your love of what you really care about will be much more noticeable than trying be different from everyone else.
    • True originality, for the most part, does not exist. Everything is built on what was before, on style, music, literature. There is nothing wrong. Look for what interests you and make it part of your personality. As a result, you will receive something exclusively yours.
  2. 2 Find what fascinates you. Passion for what you love is more important than the desire to be unique, and it also helps to showcase your interests, which in turn show where you are original.
    • Most importantly, don't let anyone judge your interests. They make you unique and interesting. Not everyone will like these interests, and that's okay! Learn about the interests of others and respect what they like, even if it's something you don't understand.
    • Try local music while listening to famous artists on the radio. You can find bands that you wouldn't even think of listening to, and communities of people to enjoy them with. Local groups are also less well known, so you can share information about them with those you meet.
    • The same goes for local authors and artists. There are probably amazing dancers, writers, potters in your community who are not known to the general public. Your search for local talent helps support your community as well as make you unique.
    • Don't hide your hobbies. If you like dolls, be open about it. If you like horses, comics, football, fan literature, then talk about it, show your passion. (Of course, talk about more than your hobbies. Listen to others. You may even find new interests.)
  3. 3 Be confident in yourself. Confidence, of course, is one of the most attractive traits of a person, but, in particular, it helps you if you are doing something far from the norm. People won't always respond well to what they think is different, so having confidence in who you are and what you do will help calm that angry voice in your head, as well as the angry voices around you.
    • This means you don't have to compare yourself to others when thinking about how you fit in or out of society. What you do, who you are and what you get as a result is what you bring into this world. Someone else will always be smarter, more elegantly dressed and more "original". Just be yourself.
    • If people laugh at your interests, try to ignore them. Words hurt, but often the reason they laugh is because you don't fit into "normal." If someone important to you makes fun of you, explain how you feel and ask them not to do it again. If he continues to misunderstand and offend you, then maybe it is better to get rid of this person in your life.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Striving for Originality

  1. 1 Try new things. Look for new experiences. New experiences will show you new perspectives and ideas that will change and shape your personality. He may not always be enjoyable, but he always helps you learn more about your hobbies.
    • Sign up for swing lessons or art school. Learn a new language. There are many free programs that you can even find in your local library to help you learn languages.
    • Pay attention to events in your city: Look for ads for free music shows, lectures, and lessons. This way you can try something new for a small fee or completely free.
    • Take up rewarding activities such as knitting, sewing, or cooking. They will help you pass the time, teach you how to make useful gifts with your own hands, and they are just plain fun!
    • The new experience will provide you with new interesting or fun stories that will already make you unique.
  2. 2 Wear original clothes that you like. Even fashion designers, who must constantly come up with original and recognizable designs, use the fashion and ideas of the past in their work. Determine what you like to wear, what you feel comfortable in, and wear it. Check out fashion blogs and take a closer look at those around you. They can give you ideas for what you would like to try on for yourself.
    • If you shop in unusual places, you are more likely to find clothes that no one else has. Try second-hand shops, vintage clothing stores, flea markets and bazaars where locals display their wares.
    • If you like someone's outfit, ask about it. You don't need to copy the look to make it part of your own style.
    • You can also sew or alter clothes to make them look more unique. Find your old clothes or cheap clothes to work with. Samples of clothing can be found in handicraft stores, online, antique or even bookstores. It will take you a while to learn it.
    • Get inspiration from stories. Fashion is very fluid. Choose a Victorian jacket, wear a 1950s-inspired skirt. Just remember not to choose a national costume; if there is an important cultural aspect to it, then do not wear it; for example, orders or medals are not fashion accessories as they are part of the culture of certain communities.
  3. 3 Experiment with new styles. Change your look to see what really suits you. Experiment with your hair, makeup, accessories.
    • Dye your hair or cut it. Paint them blue and cut short or highlight them. Try bangs, braids, grooming your hair thoroughly. The good thing about hair is that it will grow back, so you can do whatever you want with it and not be afraid that it's forever.
    • Try different paint colors. Paint each nail in a different color that you like, or paint them bright red. Experiment with different designs.
    • [: en: Apply-Makeup | Try different types of makeup]] or don't paint at all. Experimenting with makeup will help you find the look that makes you feel comfortable. Sometimes, no makeup can help you feel confident about your own appearance.
    • Try on new accessories. Maybe a small bag will suit you or you will carry everything in your pockets. Maybe you are one of those people who always have everything at hand.You can try different things to find out what you like best.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: How to Become Original

  1. 1 Observe what you enjoy about others' work. Original artwork, fashion looks or opinions don't come out of nowhere. They are based on ideas, literature, paintings and outfits of those people who came before them. They just look at the world or life in a new way.
    • If you are writing a book, read a variety of literature and pay attention to what may and may not work. You can use the knowledge you have gained and the ideas you agree with and apply them to create something new, yours.
    • You have to start somewhere. Many artists start out by imitating their favorite artists. With practice and influenced by different ideas and artistic styles, you will develop your own more and more.
    • Salvador Dali, a Spanish surrealist painter, was considered extremely original, although many of his skills and abilities came from the Renaissance. These were the bricks that, combined with his unique imagination and perspective, made Dali original.
  2. 2 Develop your style. Practice, practice, practice. Style comes and changes over time. Constantly evaluate your work and yourself. What can you do better, what you do well.
    • Mary Shelley, author of the famous Frankenstein, to a greater or lesser extent created the genre of science fiction, but it was based on the genres of gothic and romance literature, using the narrative types of these genres to create something unique and new.
    • Ask those you trust to help you, especially people who know your favorite artists. They will be able to tell where your originality is manifested, and where you copy your favorite style too much.
    • Work from your own experience. This does not mean that you need to write a story about a sixteen-year-old girl who goes to school and thinks that she does not fit into society (if this is about you), it means that no one in the world has experienced what you have experienced. Build on this as you work to transform your creation into something new.
  3. 3 Think critically. Pay attention to what is successful and criticized in the work of others and in your own. You won't be perfect, even if you ate a dog on literature, painting and just being yourself.
    • Don't accept the opinions of others without analyzing them and looking at them from different points of view. This also applies to your own opinions. Being original doesn't just mean thinking differently from the way you were taught.
    • Show respect. Even if you disagree with someone or have doubts about their artistic judgment and style, be polite. Try to understand what they are basing their opinion on, even if you continue to disagree with them.


  • Don't worry too much about being original; if you find activities that you enjoy, you will in any case find people who will consider you "original".
  • Do not do everything differently just to be different; you should enjoy it.


  • Let yourself be yourself. If you know you don't like rock shows or are anxious in a crowd, don't go to concerts just to try something new. Find something calmer.
  • If you are planning on making permanent changes (such as plastic surgery or tattooing), make sure you really and truly want it.