Know if a guy has a crush on you

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Signs Someone Has a Crush On You | Does my crush like me?
Video: 6 Signs Someone Has a Crush On You | Does my crush like me?


It's not always easy to know if a guy has a crush on you. Some guys like to tease girls they are in love with, while others are more romantic and can express their feelings more easily. Although every boy is different, there are definitely signs that a boy sees you as more than just a friend. Once you know the truth, you can start building a relationship with that guy. Or you just like to know how things are going. If you want to know if a guy has a crush on you, skip to Step 1.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Pay attention to what he does

  1. See if he's trying to impress you. If a guy has a crush on you, he'll do his best to impress you. He wants you to think he's brave, exciting, cool, or even a little crazy. Next time, notice if he tries to say or do something to impress you. If he's trying to show off his athletic prowess, or bragging about his great plans for the weekend, doing something crazy by jumping in the pool with his clothes on, or acting differently to impress you, he could be in love with you.
    • Watch him closely when he does something "impressive". If he keeps looking at you to make sure you're paying attention, to see what you think, chances are he's in love with you.
    • While it can be difficult to know what he's doing when you're not around, you can try to find out if he's doing his best to stand out when you're around. For example, if he makes a ridiculous joke or shows off his juggling skills when you walk into the room, he can do it especially for you.
  2. See if he's jealous of the guys you hang out with. This is also guaranteed to indicate that he likes you. If he's jealous of the guys you hang out with, there's only one reason for it: because he likes you and sees those other guys as competition. Men have different ways of showing that they are jealous of other men. Maybe he's making fun of those guys a little bit, getting a little rude or aggressive towards them, or just rolling his eyes and turning away. If he's jealous of the guys in your area, it's because he'd rather spend more time with you himself.
    • He will, of course, never admit that he is jealous. But if you keep hearing him say that your friend John is such a loser, or why you're actually friends with such a weirdo like Stefan, that's his way of telling you that he'd love to spend more time with you. want to spend.
    • If he kills your friends when they're around, he's definitely jealous of them. While this can become a problem if he's really rude, it could mean he's in love with you. Just make sure that he is just not super nice for a moment, but that he is otherwise not always unfriendly to others.
  3. Notice if he's looking for excuses to hang out with you. If he's in love with you, he'll want to spend as much time with you as possible. Maybe he suggests doing homework together after school, or he might invite you to go to the movies with a group of friends. Maybe he's going to a party because he knows you'll be there too. Or he'll ask you what you're doing and conveniently say he was planning the same thing. If it seems like he's showing up more and more, or that he's doing a lot of the same things as you, it could be because he's in love with you.
    • Think about it. If you only saw him sporadically up to a month ago, but he seems to be always around now, it could be because he's in love with you.
    • Maybe he's too shy to hang out with you alone. But if he and his friends always seem to be around, it could also indicate that he likes you.
  4. See if he flirts with you. However, this is often easier said than done. It also depends a lot on the age. In high school this can often manifest itself in the form of teasing or joking. Every age and every stage of life has a different definition of flirting. But in general, if he picks you out, spends more time with you than others, is playful about what you say, do, or wear, then he's flirting with you.
    • If he's playful, makes fun of you for always wearing purple clothes, or keeps making funny comments about your earrings, he's flirting.
    • If he gently nudges or elbows you, that's his way of flirting with you and getting closer to you.
    • If he's teasing you so much that he's even made up a special pet name for you, then he's definitely flirting.
  5. Check if he treats you differently from other girls. An important clue lies in how he interacts with other girls. If he treats other girls the same way he treats you, then he may not be in love with you. But if he's quite flirtatious with you, and ignores or doesn't seem to like other girls, then he may be in love with you after all. It could also be that he pays attention to other girls, and seems to ignore you a bit. As confusing as this may sound, it can also indicate that he likes you and is just a little shy.
    • The next time you see him hanging out with other girls, watch what he's doing. Does he playfully tease them, ask them a lot of questions, or even put an arm around them? If he does the same to you, he might just like to flirt. However, if he treats them differently from you, then you may be his darling.
    • Maybe when he's with you, he's a little more polite, and more like a gentleman. Does he hold the door open for you and push your chair? If he doesn't do that to other girls, then he's probably in love with you.
  6. See if he is doing you favors. Or he may have a crush on you if he does little favors for you. Maybe he'll throw your rubbish out in class. Or he lifts your books for you. Maybe he checks for you what time that one movie is showing in the cinema. Even the smallest things count. Just think about it. Do you feel like he's doing his best to help you? If he's only doing this for you, not other girls, then he can do it because he's in love with you.
    • Of course it is also possible that he is just very friendly and tries to help everyone. But the chance of that is less than the chance that he is in love with you.
    • That he is doing you favors means that he is attentive to your needs. That means he's in love with you.
  7. Watch his phone manners. These days it is easy to find out how a guy feels about you, just look at his phone etiquette. He may be too shy to communicate with you in person and feel more comfortable on the phone. Here are some signs that he may have a crush on you:
    • Did he ask you for your phone number? Don't worry if he hasn't - he might find it more subtle to give you his number to let you know he's interested. If he gives you his number, text him right away with your name in it so he has your number. After you've given your number, put on a smile and say something like, "Call me sometime, we can hang out together!"
    • Pay attention to how often he calls or texts you. If he texts you a lot, it indicates that he likes you. If he never texts you, he might be shy. Don't hesitate to take the first step - he may just be waiting for your text message first! However, if you've texted him multiple times and he's not responding, he's probably not interested in you.

Part 2 of 3: Pay attention to what he says

  1. See if he asks if you like someone. If he asks you if you are in love with someone, then he is guaranteed to have a crush on you. Maybe he asks if he's jealous or afraid that you see someone else. Or he secretly hopes you'll say you're in love with him. This may not be too subtle, but most guys don't know any better. If he's always teasing or bothering you a bit about this, it could be because he's in love with you.
    • However, there is an exception to this rule. He may also ask you because one of his friends likes you, and that he is actually asking for his friend. See if he has a boyfriend who's staring at you, someone who might be in love with you.
  2. Watch if he says he just can't find the right girl. If the guy keeps telling you that he can't find any girl who is good enough for him, or that no girl is as smart, handsome, or interesting as you, then he might be trying to say you're the one for him. If he goes on a date with girls and tells you he didn't really like them, or if he tells you that no girl can compete with you, he may be trying to make it clear to you that you're really the only one for him.
    • Just make sure he doesn't have you in the Friend Zone. If he asks you for advice on dating, he can do it because he sees you as a friend. But if he "complains" that he can't seem to find the right one, he may be trying to tell you that he's in love with you.
  3. See if he is always trying to compliment you in a subtle way. Another indication of his crush is if he keeps trying to compliment you. These compliments are usually not as transparent as, "You look beautiful today." But he can tell you, for example, that your dress is a nice color, that he likes your new earrings, or that he likes your new shoes. The mere fact that he notices what you look like, what you do, or what you are wearing indicates that he is paying attention to you. He's probably in love with you.
    • He might also compliment you on how good you are at a particular sport, how smart you are in class, or how funny he thinks you are. While some guys are very shy about complimenting your personality traits or talents, this can also be a way for him to show that he's in love with you.
  4. See if he tries to figure out your plans. This also indicates that he is in love with you. Maybe he's asking because he wants to make sure you're not going on a date and he's a little jealous. Either it's his way of asking if you want to hang out with him, or he hopes you'll ask him to hang out. If he wants to know what you're doing outside of school, it's probably because he wants to be a part of it.
    • He may ask you something simple like, "Are you going to do something fun for the weekend?" If you say not, he can respond by asking if you want to hang out with him. If he does, chances are he's in love with you.
    • Watch his reaction when he asks you what you will be doing for the weekend. If you tell him you're going to hang out with your girlfriends, see if there's any relief in his face. That relief comes from the fact that you won't be hanging out with other guys.
  5. See if he opens up to you. If a guy has a crush on you, he can open up to talk about his thoughts and feelings. He can tell you about his favorite pet, his siblings, his friends, or even his dreams for the future. If you notice him saying something personal, or if he says something like, "I hardly tell anyone about this," or "Not many people know about this," he indicates that he thinks you are special. If he's in love with you, he can open up to you even more than most other people.
    • If he doesn't really open up, it doesn't mean he doesn't like you. He may just be a little shy.
  6. See if he smiles more around you. If the boy has a crush on you, he might be a bit more nervous around you than other girls. He could laugh really hard at something you said that isn't even that funny. Or he might laugh at something you said that was not intended to be funny at all. The next time you're together, make sure he laughs a lot or seems to laugh more than usual. If so, it could be because he's in love with you.
    • Study him when he hangs out with other people. Does he always smile a lot, or more when he's with you? If he's keeping his smile for you, it could be because he's in love with you.
    • You can also check if he's doing his best to make you laugh. Does he joke more when he's around you, or does he seem to try harder? Maybe he is in love with you.

Part 3 of 3: Reading his body language

  1. See if he always finds excuses to touch you. It's completely natural that if a guy likes you, he'll do his best to touch you more often. If you are sitting next to each other and your knees or legs are touching, or if he "accidentally" touches your feet with his, he may do it because he is in love with you. If the two of you are hanging out together in a group, and he often playfully pushes, pricks, or touches you a bit, it may indicate that he has a crush on you.
    • Next time you're together, pay close attention to what he does. Does he keep touching you lightly, or does he "accidentally" bump into you? If so, he may be in love with you. If he's very shy, he probably won't try to touch you. He may even be a little intimidated when he's around you.
  2. See if you can see him staring at you. This can also indicate that he likes you. If you see him looking at you in math class or if he is staring at you in the cafeteria, he may be in love with you. If he blushes and looks away, or is just embarrassed that you "caught" him, he's even more likely to have a crush on you.
    • The downside to this is that if you keep trying to catch him, he may also think you are in love with him. But you are, aren't you?
  3. See if he turns his body towards you when you talk. The next time you talk to each other, make sure he turns his chest, shoulders, and feet in your direction. If he's in love with you, he probably wants to be as close to you as possible and absorbed by whatever you have to say. He may even lean forward slightly to get even closer during the conversation. If he turns away from you, shrugs his shoulders, or crosses his arms, he may not be in love with you. While body language doesn't have to mean everything, it can help you determine if he's in love with you.
    • It is also helpful to observe the boy when he is hanging out with others. If his body language is more open to you than to others, then it's okay. If he always crosses his arms when talking to people, then it doesn't matter if he does the same to you.
  4. See if he's fidgeting when you're around. Friemelen is nervous. If he likes to play with his hood's cord, touch his nails, wipe an imaginary spot on his shirt, or seem to kick in nothing, then he likes you. Then he is nervous. The next time you talk to each other, notice if he moves his arms and other body parts more often than usual. If so, it could be because he's in love with you. In that case, he's so nervous about how he looks to you that he's not completely under control.
    • Maybe he's playing with his phone or looking at it to have something to do. This does not necessarily mean that he is bored or rather wants to talk about something else. It just means he's nervous about talking to you.
  5. See if he settles in when you are around. If you see him doing his hair right, looking in the mirror, wiping a stain off his shoes, or doing his shirt right when you're around, it could be because he's in love with you. He's probably trying to look the best he can for you. The next time you talk to each other, see if he seems a little self-conscious about his appearance. If he seems like that, he might be because he likes you and wants to look your best.
    • Just think: you also look in the mirror more often when you see your flame passing by, right? Guys do that too. If the boy likes you, he might wonder what he looks like in the middle of the conversation with you.
  6. See if it starts to glow when you walk into a room. This also immediately makes it clear that he likes you. When you walk into a room, no matter which room it is, and he immediately starts to smile and shine, it means that he is in love with you. He may not come right up to you and is a bit hesitant about how he feels, but his first reaction shows that he really is in love with you.
    • Maybe he's trying to turn away or pretend it doesn't amount to much. But if you've seen that first look in his eyes, then you know better.
  7. See if he gives you his undivided attention when you talk. If the boy is really in love with you, then he will probably give you all of his attention. He will turn his body towards you, make eye contact, and not look around the room looking for his friends. He will also leave his phone (unless he's using his phone as a crutch because he's nervous). If his friends walk by and he doesn't even see them, then he's in love with you. He doesn't even notice what's going on around him, because he's completely absorbed in you.
    • Next time you talk, see if he gives you his undivided attention. If he really looks at you, responds to what you say, and seems genuinely engaged, then he might be in love with you. However, he can also be so nervous that he looks around a bit because he doesn't know what to say.


  • Learn to understand the art of body language. It can tell you a LOT.
  • Don't ask him if he likes you if you think so. He can just say "yes" or "no".
  • Don't try too hard to show the guy who has a crush on you that you like him too.
  • It has been proven that when someone looks their loved one in the eye, their pupils dilate. Note that!
  • Ask your friends to find out who he is in love with.
  • It won't make things any easier if you start using another guy to make him jealous. In fact, this will only cause you more problems.