How to suppress an erection

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Unexpected Erection Without  Masturbating | Step by step guide
Video: How To Stop Unexpected Erection Without Masturbating | Step by step guide


An erection is a completely normal part of a healthy person's life. But if it happens at the wrong time, you can embarrass yourself. In this article, we will show you how you can hide and get rid of an erection with clothes.


Method 1 of 3: How to Avoid Awkward Situations

  1. 1 Wear pants and underwear that fit properly. As long as you are wearing the right clothes, your erection will not bother you. You can hide an erection with the right clothes and prevent it from becoming noticeable. Buy tight-fitting underpants and pants that fit your body.
    • Very tight underwear or trousers can make an erection too noticeable and more difficult to get rid of. It will also make it difficult for you to move.
    • If you are wearing too loose panties and shorts, it will also be difficult to hide an erection, since such clothes do not fit the body well enough.
  2. 2 Wear dark pants. Contrast is less noticeable on dark than on light. If you have an erection while wearing light-colored jeans, it will be much more noticeable than if you are wearing dark trousers. If you suspect that you may have an erection that will be difficult for you to cope with, wear navy blue, black pants and other subtle colors.
  3. 3 Wear long shirts. If you are wearing a shirt that falls just below the waist, it will be easier for you to cover up.In the fight against hormones, oversized T-shirts, jackets and oversized sweaters will also come in handy.
    • Always carry something with you to wear as a last resort. If you have a jacket or sweater in your backpack, they will be useful to you.
  4. 4 Avoid stimuli. It's difficult, but the more often you think about other things, the less often you will have unwanted erections. If you do not want to get aroused, do not view erotic images and do not think about sex.
    • Of course, it can be difficult to avoid exciting thoughts at times, and an erection often occurs when you don't think about it at all. Sometimes the body lives its own life due to hormones, and this is completely normal.
  5. 5 Relax. An erection is normal, although it can embarrass you. If you feel like it is coming, try to distract yourself. It is important to remember that you are okay and stay calm.

Method 2 of 3: How to hide an erection

  1. 1 Sit down. If you are standing, the erection will be noticeable. To hide it, sit down and cross your legs if necessary. If you are wearing tight trousers, you will feel better and the bulge will not be noticeable.
    • If you are surrounded by people, try to sit anywhere, but it is best to choose a chair with armrests. A reclining chair will do just like any other piece of furniture.
    • If possible, head to the toilet or your room to clean up yourself. Both places are perfect.
  2. 2 Move the bulge. You may be more comfortable if you move the bump to a place where it is less visible. If you can, correct everything with your hand or move your hips.
    • Move the bump up or down along the fly. The fly is protruding in any case, so everything will not be so noticeable.
    • If the bulge points out to the side, it will be noticeable and uncomfortable. Try to dislodge it.
  3. 3 Cover yourself with a book or backpack. To avoid an awkward situation, just place something on your lap.
    • If you're at school or a similar place, check your watch. How much longer can you sit?
    • Cover yourself with a towel if you are in the pool. Lie on a sun lounger and lie down until the erection wears off.
  4. 4 Wait it out. Try to relax and think about distractions. Even if the erection is very strong, after a few minutes it will go away without any effort on your part.
    • If you can't get rid of an erection by simply waiting, skip to the next section of the article.

Method 3 of 3: How to get rid of an erection

  1. 1 Do some exercise. If your erection doesn't go away, try exercising. Go outside, exercise, and the erection will go away pretty quickly - much faster than just waiting. Your muscles will need blood elsewhere.
    • Do 10 push-ups at a fast pace, then do 30-40 squats. This should help. Run if you like.
    • Sometimes, just focusing on a sport or a game is enough. Play sports to relieve stress.
    • Perhaps the worst thing is when an erection occurs in the pool. If this happens in the water, start swimming actively.
  2. 2 Eat something. Food will shift the body's attention to something else. Thanks to food, blood will flow to the stomach so that the body can process food and turn it into energy. Try some raw grains, oatmeal, or citrus fruits. This will speed up blood flow and keep your body busy.
  3. 3 Take a warm shower or bath. Oddly enough, a cold shower is usually recommended, but cold water stimulates sperm production, and warm water weakens reproductive function for a while. It may not help you get rid of an erection right now, but it will be beneficial in the long run. Any bathing will do.
  4. 4 Think about something unpleasant or difficult. There is such a joke: a guy's blood can rush either to the head or to the penis, but not to both at the same time.There is some truth to this joke, if you are unable to exercise or wait out an erection, try this:
    • Think about the nature of all living things. Reflect on what will happen after you die.
    • Solve this example in your head: (1567 x 34) (143 - 56)
    • Imagine the elderly in a nursing home eating lunch.
    • Try to write a Petrarch sonnet.
    • Imagine you need to eat raw fish.
    • Read Aristotle.
    • Solve a crossword puzzle or sudoku.
    • Think of how you once stepped on a dog's poop with your bare foot.
  5. 5 Pinch your leg lightly. If all else fails, try gently inflicting tangible pain on yourself. Pinch your hip to distract yourself. Do this once or twice, and if it doesn't work, move on to another method.
    • Do not under any circumstances try to hurt your genitals in an attempt to get rid of an erection. The erection is completely normal and sooner or later it will go away.
    • If you need to distract your body with any sensations, there is nothing wrong with masturbation. This will get rid of the erection.


  • Wear long shirts to hide your crotch area.
  • Don't think too much about it.
  • Read a book or article, or play online games to distract yourself.


  • Healthy masturbation is not dangerous. After orgasm, the erection goes away.