How to clean a car interior

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Super Clean the Interior of your Car (Carpets & Headliner)
Video: How To Super Clean the Interior of your Car (Carpets & Headliner)


Noticeable stains or unpleasant odors are obvious signs that you need to clean the interior of your car, but even without these signs, it is a good idea to periodically clean the interior for prevention purposes. Remove as much debris as possible from the vehicle before cleaning. Then, use a special floor and upholstery cleaner to clean the relevant areas of the vehicle interior.


Method 1 of 3: Precleaning

  1. 1 Remove all trash. All wrappers, pieces of paper, sand and pebbles and other pieces of debris that have accumulated in your cabin should be removed before cleaning.
  2. 2 Vacuum the vehicle interior. The vacuum cleaner will remove most of the large debris and make cleaning easier and more efficient. Cleaning of the interior is carried out mainly to get rid of greasy and smelly stains that cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaner or a broom.

Method 2 of 3: Cleaning the interior floor

  1. 1 Choose the right products. A regular aerosol carpet cleaner works great for your car's interior floor. You will also need a stiff bristled brush, like a stiff car tire brush made of flexible plastic.
  2. 2 Work on one area of ​​the cabin floor at a time. To avoid having to wet the floor of the car several times, focus your attention on one of the areas of the car, one by one, gradually moving to the next, instead of trying to clean everything at once. Often people find it easier to start on the floor on the driver's side, then move to the passenger side, and then proceed to the rear of the car.
  3. 3 Remove the rugs. They should be washed separately from the rest of the vehicle floor.
  4. 4 Pre-treat greasy stains on the floor. Problematic stains like tar or oil cannot be completely removed with a regular rug cleaner. Use a pre-treatment to remove these greasy stains before starting the cleaning process. Follow the directions on the product label. Typically, the stain remover will need to be sprayed or applied directly to the stain to completely cover it. Then let it soak for a few minutes before brushing.
  5. 5 In the meantime, wash the removed rugs. Apply an all-purpose or rug detergent to them, depending on whether the rugs have fabric on them or not. Rub them with a stiff brush, rinse with water and hang upright to dry. Wait until the carpets and floor are dry before placing the carpets back in the vehicle.
  6. 6 Spray the cleaner on the floor of the car. Apply the product on every part of the floor as you go. Brush the seams of the upholstery. You can use a little more on greasy areas, but avoid overusing the cleaner. Car floor upholstery is usually moisture resistant, but if it gets wet, mold can grow relatively easily.
  7. 7 Remove excess moisture as you go. After applying the cleaning agent to the coating and letting it sit for the required time, according to the instructions on the label - usually a few minutes - wipe off excess moisture from the coating by pressing firmly on a clean, dry towel along the newly treated area of ​​the floor. Move the towel in one direction rather than fidgeting back and forth. Continue until you have removed most of the moisture, then let the floor air dry by leaving the windows or doors in the car open. If necessary, you can use an electric hairdryer, pointing it at the floor of the salon.

Method 3 of 3: Cleaning the upholstery

  1. 1 Mix a special upholstery cleaner in a bucket of water. You can use the same product that you used for cleaning the floor, but it is better to choose a special cleaner for the upholstery.Use a lot of cleaner and mix vigorously to get a lot of lather.
    • You will use the foam itself to clean the upholstery, not soapy water. Upholstery, especially if the seats are made of fabric or velor, tend to look dry even when wet enough. Therefore, it is very easy to overuse the cleaner if you use soapy water or an aerosol cleaner.
  2. 2 Focus on one section of the cabin at a time. Just like you did with your car flooring, focus on cleaning one area of ​​the upholstery in one go, rather than applying foam all over the seats at once. Start cleaning from the same side from which you started cleaning the interior floor, and follow the same pattern.
  3. 3 Scoop up some foam with the brush to work with. Take as much foam as possible and as little water as possible on the bristles of the brush. Apply lather to the upholstery and rub thoroughly into the fabric with a brush. Use as little foam as possible just to cover the upholstery.
    • The foam in the bucket will gradually settle and you will need to beat it again periodically to get more foam. You can add more cleaning products to the bucket if needed.
  4. 4 Wipe off excess water with a dry terry towel. Press the towel firmly against the upholstery and move it straight, in one direction, to squeeze the water out of the seats into the towel.
  5. 5 Let the remaining moisture air dry. Most of the moisture will dry naturally. To prevent mold or mildew growth, leave your car windows or doors open to allow air circulation. You can also use an electric hair dryer to speed up the process.


  • Do not use a regular cleaner to clean upholstery or leather inserts. The skin must be cleaned with special cleaning agents or a soft cloth.
  • Especially strong odors should be removed with a special odor remover, rather than a conventional cleaner.
  • If you have access to a steam cleaner, you can use it to clean the interior of your car. Use a suitable floor and upholstery cleaner for whatever you are cleaning, and follow the instructions for the steam cleaner to properly use the detergent.

What do you need

  • Aerosol cleaner for car interior floor
  • Car upholstery cleaner
  • Bucket
  • Stiff bristled brush
  • Terry towels
  • Grease stain removers