How to clean a guinea pig cage

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
UPDATED! Guinea Pig Cage Cleaning Routine
Video: UPDATED! Guinea Pig Cage Cleaning Routine


Guinea pigs are wonderful pets! Guinea pigs have a docile nature and, in comparison with other small pets, they live long. But they, like any domestic animal, need a safe, clean and hygienic environment for a happy life.


Part 1 of 4: Making Your Guinea Pig Comfortable

  1. 1 Catch a guinea pig. Gently wrap one hand around the guinea pig's breast, while keeping your thumb under the jaw. Support the pig from behind with your other hand. It should be upright between your hands.
    • It is important to hold the pig firmly enough so that it does not fall, but not enough to hurt it. Be aware that if the guinea pig is susceptible or shy, it may try to break free from your hands and jump, which can lead to serious injury.
  2. 2 Remove the guinea pig from the cage. Once you catch your guinea pig, put it in a safe, closed place from all sides, from where it cannot escape. Make sure that no loud noises will scare your pig. Have someone watch your piggy or hold it in their arms.
  3. 3 Take care of your guinea pig's coat as needed. Long-haired guinea pigs need to be scratched daily. If you need to scratch or bathe your guinea pig, the easiest way to do this is when you get your pet out of the cage.
    • If there is no unpleasant smell from the guinea pig and it is not sticky, then it should be bathed a maximum of 2-3 times a year.
  4. 4 Give your guinea pig somewhere to hide. It's important for your pet to have a place to hide in its permanent cage. When you take a guinea pig out of her house, she might get scared. If you cannot move her permanent house, in which she is hiding, to the place where you transplanted her, then make a small temporary shelter by cutting out the bottom in a cardboard box.

Part 2 of 4: Daily Cleaning of the Guinea Pig Cage

  1. 1 Clean the cage where necessary. Remove food debris and debris by cleaning the cage with a wet paper towel where necessary and making sure the bedding is dry everywhere.
  2. 2 Replenish food and water supplies. This should be done every day. If your guinea pig spills water into a bowl of food, discard the food and refill the bowl with fresh, dry food.
  3. 3 Wash food and water bowls in hot, soapy water. By doing this every day, you can prevent bacteria from growing in food and water containers.

Part 3 of 4: Conducting weekly cleanings

  1. 1 Schedule thorough cleansing about once a week. Even if you keep your guinea pig's cage clean on a daily basis and clean where necessary, you should thoroughly clean the guinea pig's cage once a week. This way you can be sure that the guinea pig is healthy and happy and does not smell in its cage.
  2. 2 Remove everything from the guinea pig cage. When thoroughly cleaning the cage, remove all of your pet's toys, as well as his bowls, water bottles and house.
  3. 3 Wash your water bottle and food bowl. Litter and droppings often end up in the food bowl, so it's important to wash your food bowl and water bottle regularly.
    • Dispose of food and water leftovers. Pour in some hot water, then wash the water bottle and food bowl. Leave them to dry in the sink while you clean the cage.
    • If your pet's house can be washed, be sure to do it.
  4. 4 Place the cage where you plan to clean it and bring a large trash bag. Carefully sweep everything into the bag, including from the fence.
    • To clean out a very large cage, it is convenient to use a perforated spatula. Do not use the scapula from a cat, dog, or other pet.
  5. 5 Spray on the bottom of the cage. Use a mild detergent or a mixture of three parts warm water and one part distilled white vinegar.
    • For tougher stains and dirt, use undiluted vinegar, but be sure to rinse well afterwards!
  6. 6 Rinse the cage. Wash everything off the surface of the cage, especially after using a spray cleaner.
  7. 7 Dry the cage with paper towels. If you're not in a rush, you can air dry. Make sure the guinea pig's cage is completely dry before putting in the newspaper and bedding, as damp quickly creates mold that can make your pet sick.

Part 4 of 4: Setting up your pet's house

  1. 1 Place a new, clean newspaper on the bottom of the cage, and then lay down a mat. The litter should be 3-8 centimeters thick.
    • Never use cedar or pine shavings. Although wood shavings are often used as bedding in cages, they actually contain chemicals that can harm your guinea pig.
    • In general, hay works well as bedding. But wet hay can grow fungus, and dry, dusty hay can cause respiratory problems.
  2. 2 Make sure the cage is completely dry before covering it with newspaper and bedding. Putting new bedding and newspaper on a damp surface can lead to mold and fungus growth in the cage.
  3. 3 Collect the parts of the cage (if you took it apart), put toys and things back in their places. Hide your pet's favorite treats in a paper towel roll or hang from a string. (But make sure the pig can reach it!)
  4. 4 Watch your environment. Remember that guinea pigs need a constant temperature and their cage should not be exposed to direct sources of heat or cold. Do not let the temperature drop below 21 degrees Celsius or rise more than 32 degrees Celsius.


  • Give the guinea pig something to chew on in the cage. Untreated wood is better than plastic, as if the animal swallows the plastic, it may have health problems.
  • To wipe / spray the bottom of the guinea pig house, use a sponge or a small new rag and a diluted solution of distilled white vinegar. Do not use glass cleaner or other cleaning spray as this could harm your pig.
  • Place a newspaper under the bedding to make it easier to clean the cage. You can quickly roll it up when it's time to freshen up the cage.
  • There are many safe cage sprays / wipes available at pet stores if you are uncomfortable with home remedies.
  • Most experts recommend making houses for guinea pigs inside the cage.


  • In order for your pet to stay healthy, it is very important to clean the cage at least once a week.
  • Do not use wood shavings or sawdust as they can seriously harm your pet. Cedar bedding, like pine bedding, can cause many health problems. Kiln pine is suitable for bedding if nothing else is available.
  • Never leave guinea pigs unattended. Guinea pigs are naturally curious and can get in big trouble.
  • Guinea pigs need a constant temperature. The pig cage should not be exposed to direct sources of heat or cold.