How to kiss your girlfriend in high school

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Kiss Someone at School | Kissing Tips
Video: How to Kiss Someone at School | Kissing Tips


Kissing your girlfriend is a serious step, especially if either or both of you are kissing for the first time. But that doesn't mean you have to worry about it! If you know how to prepare to take the first step and respect your girlfriend's boundaries, you are well on your way to an unforgettable kiss. If you want to learn how to kiss your girlfriend in high school like a pro, just read Step 1 to get started.


Part 1 of 2: Preparing for the first step

  1. 1 Retire. Let's face it. It can be difficult to achieve complete privacy in high school, but you should try to make sure that you and your girlfriend can move away from friends to spend time together. You can step aside during school dances, find time at a party, or even go on a date together. Just try to make sure there is no chance that your friends might rush in, laugh at you, and end up ruining your mood.
    • Don't try this at school the first time. You need to find a slightly more romantic place.
    • This does not mean that you should not try to kiss your girlfriend at school when you are alone. The moment must be right, and solitude is not the only condition for this.
  2. 2 Freshen up your breath. If you are ready to kiss your girlfriend, then your breath should be ready for this too. You don't have to make dramatic gestures and eat ten mints, but you should brush your teeth if you're going to be dating your girlfriend soon. And if you both just had lunch, just chew the gum quickly. Don't make it a big deal out of it, or she'll think you are worried about kissing her.
    • You can also apply some lip balm over a few hours to soften your lips, but don't use it just before kissing, or your lips will be unpleasant.
  3. 3 Make her feel special. Once you're alone, you can't just move on to kissing, or the moment will feel a little strained. Instead, you need to show your girlfriend that you care about her by making her feel special. Compliment her, for example, “You are so beautiful today,” or say something cute like, “I had so much fun with you today. “You don't have to try too hard to show her that you really care about her. Turn off your phone, look into her eyes, and show that all your attention is on her.
    • If you want to kiss your girlfriend, then she must feel that you like the way she is, and that you see in her more than just a girl to kiss.
  4. 4 Make sure she's ready to kiss. Before kissing a girl, you need to make sure that you are on the same stage. This is probably your first kiss, and it could be her first kiss as well, so if you really want her to feel ready to take that step with you. While you shouldn't think of kissing her as a big deal, this is exactly what she will remember, so you need to find out if she wants to. Pay attention to whether she moves closer to you, whether she is glad to see you, whether she looks at your lips and, embarrassedly, touches her face or plays with her hair. This is a sign that she wants to kiss you and that she might be a little nervous.
    • If she always tries to distance herself when you are alone, and moves further and further away from you, then she may not be ready to take you to the next level. This does not mean that she does not like you, but it does mean that she is not ready yet.
  5. 5 Make physical contact. You shouldn't go from half a meter between you and your girlfriend to a wet kiss on her face, otherwise she won't be ready for it. Instead, get close to her and make physical contact. If you are sitting, you can sit closer to her, put your hand on her knee, or play with your hair. If you are standing, you can also touch her hair or face, touch her waist, or simply create physical closeness to show that you are ready to take a step.
    • It's also a good time to see if she's ready. Does she respond well to touch, does she move towards you, or even initiates touch?
  6. 6 Avoid common kissing mistakes. If you're kissing your girlfriend in high school for the first time, there are a few things to avoid:
    • French Kiss. It's not for everyone, and most people don't kiss with their tongue until high school. For your first kiss, give up your tongue, otherwise your girlfriend will be unpleasantly surprised. If you start with a French kiss, it will be overkill and too soon.
    • Wandering hands. Just because your girlfriend is ready for a kiss does not mean that she is ready for you to start wandering through her body. You can touch her in safe areas to show that you care, but do not wander your hands over her body to suddenly touch a place that she does not want you to touch.
    • An unexpected kiss. Don't just lash out and kiss her without a hint of what's going to happen. While the element of surprise is good, you don't want your girlfriend not to know what's going on when you take such an important step.

Part 2 of 2: The beginning of the kiss

  1. 1 Lean over to her so that your faces are practically touching. Once you've made physical contact, all you have to do is move a little closer until your faces are very close. If you are sitting, both of you should rotate your bodies a little. If you are standing, you can put your hands on her waist and move closer. It should be slow and natural, and you can make eye contact as you get closer.
    • You can lick your lips lightly to soften them, but it shouldn't be too obvious.
  2. 2 Tilt your head slightly. You shouldn't kiss your girlfriend with your head straight, otherwise your noses will get in your way. You should tilt your head slightly to one side, and she should tilt her head slightly to the other. Don't worry if you don't succeed the first time, or if both of you don't tilt your heads. It's not fatal for a normal kiss, so don't worry about it or tilt your head too much.
  3. 3 Kiss her. This is an important point! Just lean forward and create a bond by touching your lips with hers. Your lips won't merge perfectly, but you don't need to worry about it. Relax your lips, rather than protruding them, and just gently kiss your girlfriend's lips.You can hold the kiss for a few seconds or as long as you like.
  4. 4 Caress her cheeks and hair. This is something you can do while kissing a girl if you don't think it is too much of a challenge for your coordination. Just lightly run your hand over her cheeks or hair as you kiss her. You can do this during the second round if you kiss again after your first kiss is over.
  5. 5 Use your hands (a little). While you are kissing her, you can place your hands on her waist, upper back, knee, or shoulder if you are seated. If you don't touch her in indecent places, a little touch will help her feel the moment.
  6. 6 Remember to breathe. It sounds silly, but it's important. You may be so nervous or so excited that you are finally kissing your girlfriend that you may forget about one of the basic functions of a person. It means breathing in and out as you would normally while kissing her. If you've only been kissing for a few seconds, you can inhale before and exhale after.
  7. 7 Step back slowly. After a few seconds, you can slowly pull away while continuing to look into the girl's eyes. You don't need to immediately pull away, as if you were burned. Instead, look at her, smile, and gently move away. You can stroke her face or hair for an extra touch.
  8. 8 End on a good note. Let's face it. High school can be an awkward period in life. But you should try to make your girlfriend feel comfortable and say something like It was good to show that this moment was special for you. Don't just take her hand and walk away to return to the party and pretend nothing happened. It can be difficult for boys to express their feelings, but just try to make your girlfriend feel special and also let her know that you had a great time.
    • And, hey, no one forbids you to move on to the second kiss! If the first kiss went well, it's a good idea to move away and come back for the second ... and the third!