How to kiss a girl if you've never kissed before

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I Can’t Stop Kissing And Hugging My Girlfriend Prank!!
Video: I Can’t Stop Kissing And Hugging My Girlfriend Prank!!


The first kiss can be an unforgettable romantic moment. If you've never kissed before, then the moments preceding the kiss can be intimidating. At the same time, it is not difficult to prepare for an important moment if you find a comfortable place in which you can be alone with a girl. Look for signs that tell her that she is also eager to kiss you, and then bend over to her to gently nestle on her lips. Things don't always go smoothly, but the first kiss can be a new phase in your relationship.


Part 1 of 3: How to Create the Right Mood

  1. 1 Freshen your breath with chewing gum or mints. At the first kiss, bad breath is unacceptable. Always carry an oral freshener with you if the girl you want to kiss is around. Freshen your breath with one lollipop when the girl is not looking at you, or better yet, treat her to mint drops.
    • It is usually best to use mints, but wait until the candy is completely dissolved. When using chewing gum, be sure to spit the gum out of your mouth before kissing.
    • You have to be in close proximity to the object of your sympathy, so do not forget about personal hygiene. Brush your teeth and use dental floss. Then use a comfortable mouth freshener.
    • Spicy foods and foods like garlic often cause bad breath. It is better to temporarily abandon them if you are going to meet with a girl.
  2. 2 Take the girl to a secluded place. The presence of strangers can distract you during your first kiss, so choose a quiet and private place. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to choose the most romantic place in the city. It is important that you can relax and have a good time. For example, many people kiss for the first time at home.
    • You can also kiss a girl in the car, on the beach or in the park. If you are far from home (for example, at a disco), then try to find a secluded spot nearby.
    • The first kiss can happen anywhere, even in public. The right moment is much more important than the place. However, it is still better to be alone for the right mood.
  3. 3 Sit next to her to show your affection and establish intimacy. Take a casual moment to move closer to the girl (for example, during a conversation). Sit or stand opposite the girl to get as close as possible. If possible, be as close as possible that your toes are almost touching. If the girl is worried, spend some time in close proximity so that the girl gets used to your presence.
    • You don't have to sit face-to-face for a long time before kissing, but this closeness will help create the right situation.Take action when you think the moment is right.
    • Stay close enough that you don't have to rush forward. The kiss should be natural and gentle.
  4. 4 Look a girl in the eye to show your interest. Before kissing, you should establish a connection with the girl. Focus on her eyes longer than usual. If she doesn't look away, then the girl is almost certainly ready for a kiss.
    • For example, hold your gaze for a good 5 seconds. Look at her when you are talking, sitting next to her, or intending to move closer.
    • A long look can be embarrassing. Lower your gaze to your lips, and then look into your eyes again to show your interest. Express your intentions in subtle signs.
  5. 5 Prepare for a kiss with some light flirting. Find an excuse to touch the girl's hand or palm while talking. Compliment her eyes or hair. If you are close enough, turn so that your knees, legs, or hands touch. Touching can help you overcome the barrier of awkwardness that can get in the way of your first kiss.
    • You can compliment "It's so easy with you" or "I can't take my eyes off your eyes."
    • Use harmless touch. Respect the boundaries of a girl's personal space to make her feel safe.

Part 2 of 3: How to Know if a Girl is Ready for a Kiss

  1. 1 Notice non-verbal cues. These signs may overlap with the signals you use to show your interest. For example, a girl might move closer to you, look you in the eye, and find a reason to touch you. The easiest way is to interpret the signals that your body language tells you, but also watch the girl's eyes and mouth.
    • Rate the openness of her body language. It should be facing you when you are around. Depending on the position of the girl, her arms can be located on the sides of the body, rather than be crossed over her chest.
    • The girl can look at your lips and also lick or touch her lips.
    • At the end of the date, she may stop and even bend over to you to say goodbye.
    • Be aware that some signals may be caused by excitement. It is important to know the girl's usual behavior. If she constantly licks her lips in the presence of people, then this signal is not a sign of interest.
  2. 2 Notice verbal signs of interest. The most obvious signal is talking about kissing or related topics. There are also many other speech cues such as many personal questions or laughing when you are joking. Use these cues to gauge her mood and choose the right moment to kiss. If you're lucky, the girl might even kiss you or ask you to kiss her.
    • Deeply personal questions are often a sign of intimacy and usually show that the girl has certain feelings for you.
    • If a girl laughs at your comments and not the funniest jokes, then she is unlikely to object to the kiss.
    • Do not forget to assess the situation to determine the girl's interest. Think about how much fun you have together, and then evaluate the non-verbal cues to understand the mood of the couple.
  3. 3 Leave the girl alone if she seems closed or uncaring. If she crosses her arms or turns away from you, then the girl is not interested in you. A kiss is unlikely to work out well if she is distracted by the phone and other things. Wait for the girl's undivided attention. Sometimes it takes great patience.
    • If the girl is distracted, it is better to take her to another place to create the mood for a kiss, or to wait for the development of your relationship. Patience is essential for a first kiss.
    • If a girl's body language shows that she is not in the mood for a kiss, then it's best not to try your luck. It can ruin your relationship.
  4. 4 Ask the girl if in doubt. Spontaneity is great, but interpreting signals is not easy. Come up with an ingenious way to ask the girl to make the moment more romantic.Help her to relax. If you believe that you have a high chance of success without question, then trying is not torture.
    • For example, say "I really want to kiss you right now" or "Can I kiss you goodbye?"
    • You can use another approach: "I want to show you how much you mean to me." Pause so she can take a step back or refuse. Then move on to kissing.
    • If you refuse, do not ask about the reasons. Smile and say “I understand you,” and then do something else. For example, continue the conversation, or say goodbye and leave.

Part 3 of 3: How to kiss a girl for the first time

  1. 1 Tilt your head towards the girl. Stand still and bend about 90% towards the girl. In most cases, it will cover the remaining 10% of the distance that separates you. Stop if the girl moves back. This means that your relationship has not yet reached such an intimacy in which a kiss is possible.
    • Do not close your eyes while driving. This will help you make eye contact to gauge the girl's reaction.
    • If she doesn't move, evaluate her reaction. Do not continue unless she is expressing willingness to kiss (for example, smiling or folding her lips to kiss).
  2. 2 Tilt your head to the right to prepare for the kiss. Most people tilt their head to the right for a kiss. Move your head to the side about 3-5 centimeters, then stop in a comfortable position. If the girl tilted her head first, bend in the opposite direction so you don't collide.
    • You may find that you tilt your heads to one side. This happens even with experienced partners. Laugh and try again.
  3. 3 Part your lips slightly as if you want to take a sip of water. Your lips should be flush. Pull your lips slightly forward without over-tightening the muscles. Do not breathe out through your mouth!
    • Breathe through your nose. Take a slow breath and relax to prepare your mouth for the kiss.
  4. 4 Close your eyes to avoid distraction while kissing. Your eyes will likely be unable to focus while kissing, so don't be distracted by your partner's blurry face. Just close your eyes, relax and trust your instincts. For many people, kissing comes naturally. You can handle the first kiss, even if you don't seem to know how to kiss.
    • There is nothing wrong with kissing with your eyes open, but sometimes people find this behavior strange. To avoid problems, it is best to just close your eyes.
    • Closed eyes help you avoid distractions. Focus on the pleasant sensations while kissing and don't think about getting everything perfect.
  5. 5 Place your lips on the girl's lips. This is your first kiss, so be gentle! Place your lips gently on the girl's lips. Hold for 4-5 seconds and then step back. You can repeat it later if you both liked it.
    • Forget the deep, passionate kisses from the movies. This is not the best approach for a first kiss.
    • Everything will go well without licking the girl's lips and drooling. Keep your lips mostly closed and keep your tongue out to avoid problems.
  6. 6 Stop if the girl pulls away or says no. Rejection hurts, but it’s temporary pain. This is not the end you expected, but remember that a girl can have many reasons for refusal. Respect her decision in all circumstances. No need to get upset or ask questions. Observe her reaction and respond positively.
    • For example, you might smile and say, "It's okay." There is no need to create additional stress. Understand that consent is important.
    • If the girl is upset, angry, or sidelined, your feelings may not be reciprocal.
    • Perhaps she is very worried or has had bad experiences in the past. Develop a relationship and you will have other opportunities to kiss a girl.
    • Remember rejection is not the end of the world. This happens to everyone.You can't deserve a kiss if you don't gather your courage and try.


  • Use hygienic lipstick to keep your lips soft and not dry.
  • Watch your body language! If you want to kiss a girl, turn to her, look into her eyes and don't keep your hands in your pockets.
  • You may not like the way the girl kisses you. In this case, stop and politely ask her to kiss differently.
  • Relax and trust your instincts. Don't think about excitement and pursuit of the ideal.
  • When kissing, you do not need to keep your hands along your torso. Hug her around the waist or touch her face and play with her hair.
  • You can practice kissing a hand, mirror, fruit, or other object.
  • First kisses are meant to be your experience. Even if it doesn't feel delicious, you will learn to kiss better over time.
  • Remember kissing is not a competition. It is important to wait for the right person, even if it seems that everyone around has already kissed the girls.
  • You don't have to admit that you've never kissed if you don't have to.


  • Trying to kiss a girl at the wrong time can ruin your relationship, so take your time and make sure the girl is ready to kiss.
  • Each of us can hear a refusal. Remember that this is a temporary problem and one day your efforts will be rewarded.