How to kiss a person for the first time

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Kissing someone you like for the first time can be both enjoyable and exciting. No need to worry - in such a situation, it is important to relax, not be ashamed of your body and follow the basic instructions. If you want to kiss a person for the first time, then follow these simple steps.


Part 1 of 3: How to Prepare for a Kiss

  1. 1 Freshen up your breath. Fresh and pleasant breath is an important aspect of a memorable first kiss. Remember to brush your teeth and use a mouthwash shortly before kissing, buy peppermint gum or hard candy. Freshen your breath about an hour before kissing so that there is no breath too much minty, otherwise the person might guess that you attach too much importance to the kiss.
    • In the case of dinner or a meal before a kiss, it is best to avoid foods with a lot of garlic, onions, and other harsh spices.
  2. 2 Create a mood. It is important that the first kiss takes place in a private or romantic setting. The first kiss is often remembered for a lifetime, so it's best to create a special atmosphere. You don't have to light a thousand candles or take a serenade under your balcony, but don't miss out on the perfect time and place to kiss.
    • Kiss in the evening. Kissing at sunset or after sunset is more romantic than kissing during the day. You can also avoid unnecessary shyness by kissing in the dark.
    • Kiss in privacy. Choose a secluded spot free of distractions and outsiders so that you can focus only on the kiss. A secluded bench in the park, a cozy place on the beach, or even your balcony will do.
    • Try to look good. You can dress a little more smartly than usual to add importance to the moment. You probably won't want to kiss a person for the first time in a tracksuit.
  3. 3 Make sure your partner is ready to kiss. This is a very important nuance. You can create a mood and freshen the breath, but none of these will matter if the person is not ready. Before kissing, make sure your partner is showing signs of sympathy (asking you out, touching you, or directly communicating their feelings).
    • If your partner looks you in the eye, gently touches you, and smiles, he is probably ready for a kiss.
  4. 4 Don't make common kissing mistakes. Before kissing, it is important to take your time and be affectionate with your partner. If you act too aggressively or rudely, your partner may misinterpret your behavior and the kiss will feel forced. Try not to make these mistakes during your first kiss:
    • French Kiss.Don't immediately stick your tongue in your partner's mouth and leave your saliva all over the place. If your partner acts boldly and gently touches your tongue with the tip of his, then you can move on to a French kiss, but do not try to pull this trick in the first seconds of a regular kiss.
    • Bites. Biting your lips or even your partner's tongue lightly is an unusual way to make your kiss more passionate, but if you do it during your first kiss, your partner can get scared of surprise and even bounce off of you.
    • Inappropriate touching. A kiss is impossible without physical contact with a partner. You can move closer and stroke your partner's head or shoulders with your hands, but not necessary touch the intimate parts of a partner during the first kiss. This over-pushing can overwhelm your partner and be perceived as vulgar behavior, making the first kiss seem insincere.

Part 2 of 3: How to kiss a person

  1. 1 Touch your partner. Try to get close to the person you want to kiss - move closer if you are sitting, hugging your partner, or pulling your hair out of your face. Hold your gaze to make your intentions clear.
    • The first kiss will feel more natural if you've touched the person before and they don't mind physical contact. In this case, you do not need to touch the partner's intimate places.
    • Try teasing the person gently and gently to initiate physical contact. You can playfully hit or push your partner and then move on to more serious action.
    • Give a romantic compliment before your kiss. Just say, "Your eyes are driving me crazy," or, "You are simply irresistible today."
  2. 2 Move closer to your partner so that your faces are close. After the first touches, you should get closer to your partner so that your faces are a few centimeters apart. Maintain eye contact and smile gently to show your feelings for the person.
    • Move towards your partner so that your hips are almost touching, and also touch your partner's cheeks, hair, or shoulders with your hands.
    • The traditional pose for a kiss is the following: a guy hugs a girl by the waist, and a girl puts her hands on his shoulders and hugs him by the neck (remember the pose for "slow dance").
  3. 3 Kiss your partner. If you find yourself in the right position, then all you have to do is kiss your partner. There is no need to doubt. If both partners came to this of their own free will, then you are both ready for the first kiss. Lean forward gently and close your lips. Remember not to rush. Place your lips gently on your partner's. Part your lips slightly and kiss your partner for five to ten seconds.
    • Your hands shouldn't be idle. Caress your partner's face, hair, or neck, but try not to overdo it. Use other parts of your body to make the kiss even sweeter.
  4. 4 Step back. Step back slowly from your partner. There is no need to abruptly interrupt the kiss and immediately jump away from your partner a few steps. Continue touching your partner, pull back slightly and do not look away. Gently caress the person with your hands to make them feel like you like the kiss.
    • Don't rush to break off physical contact. If you act harshly, your partner may feel that you are disappointed.

Part 3 of 3: How to behave after a kiss

  1. 1 Continue kissing your partner. If you do not want to let go of your partner and continue to look each other in the eyes, then repeat the kiss. Gently touch your hair or cheek and move on to the next kiss. Try not to rush and wait for your partner to respond, but this time you can act a little more courageously.
    • If the situation seems appropriate, you can gradually move on to the French kiss. In this case, make sure that the partner also gently uses the tip of the tongue so as not to catch him by surprise.
  2. 2 Don't be discouraged if everything went imperfect. Don't be upset if your first kiss is worse than expected. First kisses are often embarrassing as people still continue to recognize each other. Through practice, you will learn to kiss well. As a last resort, you can take a break and try again when the time is right.
    • Even if things didn't go well, gently detach from the person and move on. Don't get hung up on what happened and imagine that your next kiss will turn out much better.


  • Before kissing, freshen your breath with mints or chewing gum.
  • Do not overstep the boundaries of your own comfort. Do not take actions that you are not ready for.
  • Make sure you know the person well.
  • If you hit your teeth, then do not attach any importance to this. If you love each other, your partner might find it cute, so keep kissing.
  • If you have dry and chapped lips, it's best not to kiss. This happens to everyone, so it's better to wait for a better moment.
  • Don't wear too much lipstick, as not all guys like it when a girl paints her lips. It's a matter of taste.
  • Remember to brush your teeth and use a mouthwash.
  • If you have dry lips, try rubbing in sugar or using lipstick.
  • Only kiss the person you like. The memory of the first kiss will stay with you for life. It is not recommended to go beyond kissing the first time.
  • If your partner asks you to stop or you are not 100% sure that you enjoy kissing a person, then you should stay... The best and only correct kisses are kisses that are voluntary. Even if you are very pleased, you cannot force a person to do something against his will.
  • Before kissing, make sure you really want to kiss the person.