How to survive a divorce

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to survive divorce in real life (3 steps to follow)
Video: How to survive divorce in real life (3 steps to follow)


Divorce is not easy, but you can make divorce less painful, which will give you the chance to get out of it with the least loss. You may feel: anger, pain, sadness, confusion, frustration, and resentment during the divorce proceedings. If you get stuck (or will constantly return to these emotions due to the events taking place) in these emotions, it can completely weaken your ability to think logically and make the right decisions. They can also rob you of your future happiness. A sense of humor and laughter can increase your chances of going through the divorce procedure as painlessly as possible.


  1. 1 Take care of yourself. You may have heard this more than once, but did not follow the advice, because you thought it would take a lot of time and money (for example, exercise, go on a diet, sleep more, and so on). But taking care of yourself is easy - for example, just smiling more, which will make you feel better. Smiling will improve your spiritual, emotional and psychological well-being.
  2. 2 Use your new-found well-being to your advantage. Spend a wonderful evening with your kids, or protect your mental health and your peace while your spouse tries to throw you off balance, or negotiate the best divorce conditions for you and save money on calls to an expensive lawyer just to to speak out. One thing is for sure - it will definitely only benefit you.
  3. 3 Remember that marriage itself is not your whole life. Even if your life was centered around him, when you were together, you are unique and unrepeatable and your life has a purpose. You deserve to love and be loved. This is a difficult time, but you will be able to overcome all difficulties and find your "bright future".
  4. 4 Tell yourself that life goes on - in or out of marriage. Your heart is not always broken and over time you will be able to overcome everything, even if it seems to you that your ordinary life is destroyed to the ground. The feeling of pain that you feel is absolutely justified. However, imagine how happy you will be in the near future, being in a healthy relationship. All this pain will be far away.
  5. 5 Move on. Set yourself new goals, learn new things, console yourself. Don't neglect yourself. If it was your spouse who left you, then he (she) may have told you that it was you who forced him (her) to this step by what you did or did not do. But the relationship is constantly developing and living on the words and actions of both partners, do not think that you are the person who broke this connection. The decision to divorce was a deliberate decision by your spouse. If you feel guilty, think about the events leading up to your breakup. Has your spouse tried to maintain your relationship? And you? Was divorce really the last resort, or did your spouse just choose the easiest way out of a difficult situation? If you feel angry, get angry and relive the feeling. But still, don't hurt yourself or others.
  6. 6 Know your strengths. It doesn't matter what others offer you, it is you, the one who goes through the divorce process. And you will definitely be able to cope with it.
  7. 7 Look for new activities for yourself. Are there hobbies that you enjoy or new activities that you would like to explore? Now is a good time to get carried away with something that will take your mind away from the difficult period you are going through and give you feelings of satisfaction and enjoyment. Also consider volunteering, as helping others in need is often a good way to distract yourself from your own pain.


  • Don't let your spouse's feelings of anger or sadness over your divorce discourage you. You should always be in the first place, so your spouse (ha) must (on) come to terms with it, just focus on yourself and go through this difficult process.
  • Learn to be happy with yourself. Love yourself. Always be your loyal friend. Smile to yourself every morning and every evening in the mirror. Say to yourself every day, "I love myself." Until you are comfortable with yourself, you can never truly “connect” with another person into a harmonious, complementary pair.
  • Do everything at your own pace. If your divorce has already turned your life into hell, and you can only squeeze a smile out of yourself once a week, start here. If your divorce proceedings have not yet begun, but your marriage has already turned your life into hell, then perhaps you should try to watch at least 5 minutes of your favorite comedy in the evening.


  • Your future ex-spouse may be very upset to see you careless. This will show him or her that you are moving on. The best way to bring good things into your life is to be in a good emotional state.