How to improve the grade on the test

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Improve Your Grade in One Month | 2022 GCSE and A Level Exams
Video: How to Improve Your Grade in One Month | 2022 GCSE and A Level Exams


Test papers are needed to check how well you have mastered the material studied. Each student strives to get good grades for them. If you want to improve your results too, in this article we will give you some useful tips. Meet the next test fully armed!


  1. 1 Listen carefully to the teacher when he talks about what will be on the test. Write down important points so that you don't forget them, for example, which topics will need to be repeated and what will make up the score.
  2. 2 Listen carefully in the lesson and write down the key points. Take as many notes as possible. Listen to other students' questions and write down the teacher's answers.
  3. 3 Ask the teacher what format the test will take — written answers to questions, multiple choice test, true or false test, matching, blanking, or essay. It is possible that there will be several types of assignments, especially if this is not a simple control, but a final test: for example, there will be an assignment for choosing the correct answer, several short answers to questions and a detailed answer / essay.
  4. 4 If the teacher does not tell you what the assignments will be, review the previous tests. The job types generally remain the same. It's a good idea to take questions from previous quizzes or tests and answer them again.
  5. 5 Study the information that you think is most important. Think about what the teacher might include in the test. Do not forget the material given to you for self-study.
  6. 6 Determine which material is most important and start preparing with it.
  7. 7 Review all of your class notes and homework assignments for the topic you are studying. Pay special attention to the mistakes that you made so as not to repeat them while performing the test.
  8. 8 Learn the terminology. Learn specific terms and concepts on the topic on which you are going to test.
  9. 9 Review additional questions on the topic that you did not consider when you did your homework. Try to answer these questions and see which ones cause difficulties. When finished, answer the simple questions as well.
  10. 10 Make an overview sheet. Include information from the textbook, notes from the lesson, and recent homework assignments that are relevant to the test. Ask a friend to show their notes to get information that you may have missed or missed in class.
  11. 11 Gradually study all the material that you have collected. Reread the synopsis, notes, and required tutorial pages. Briefly summarize the most important things in your mind. Answer the additional questions in the tutorial. Try to keep all the material in your head.
  12. 12 Ask a friend to ask you questions about the topic under study. Ask a friend or family member to test your knowledge of the topic.
  13. 13 Define your learning style and make the necessary changes to the preparation process.
  14. 14 Try to get enough sleep and have a good breakfast before the test. Be confident and positive. Pupils who maintain a positive attitude tend to give higher grades.
  15. 15 Get ready for the test. Take a pen (preferably two of the same) or pencil, depending on the teacher's requirements. If you can use a pencil, don't forget the eraser.If your teacher allows you to drink water in class, be sure to bring a bottle of water with you. Taking a sip of water can help you cheer up a little.
  16. 16 Don't be nervous or anxious about the result. Instead of worrying, try to relax and prepare carefully for your test. Tell yourself that you will write this test well. Repeat: “I can handle it! I can do it! It's simple! I know how to complete these tasks! " This will subconsciously affect your self-esteem.
  17. 17 Be proud of yourself! Know that whichever grade you get, you've done your best to get the top grade.
  18. 18 Believe in yourself. Before starting a test, smile and think about what inspires you. This will make you feel more confident. If you have a talisman, such as a "lucky" handle or pendant, have it with you.


  • Practice where there is no distraction. Put your phone, tablet, and the like away. Take a 10 minute break every half hour. Do not overexert yourself.
  • When taking notes, read the information first before writing it down. If you understand what is most important, you will need fewer entries. Write down the most important facts and keywords first.
  • If you find it difficult to answer a question, write down everything you know on this topic. So you can organize your ideas and come up with an answer.
  • Double check your answers before handing in to make sure you haven't made any careless mistakes or missed anything
  • Repeat the material for a quarter / year, and before the test you will only have to brush up on it a little.
  • Make flash cards. On the one hand, indicate the object of study (person / place / thing / idea), and on the other hand, write down as much information as possible about it. Write so that the information makes sense to you, and don't just copy it from the textbook. Review these cards constantly.
  • Eat before dark chocolate controls.
  • Listen carefully in the lesson and you will get high marks on the test.
  • Read the questions carefully and, if possible, underline key words such as “describe,” “explain,” or “calculate.”


  • Do not hurry. This can lead you to miss something important.
  • Read the questions carefully.
  • If you have forgotten about the test, quickly go through the necessary material to remember the main points.
  • And again: read the questions carefully.

What do you need

  • Lecture notes / notes taken in the lesson
  • Flash cards
  • Writing materials (pens, pencils, etc.)
  • Paper
  • Time to get ready