How to convert a person's height from centimeters to feet

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ex: Convert Height in Feet and Inches to Inches, Centimeters, and Meters
Video: Ex: Convert Height in Feet and Inches to Inches, Centimeters, and Meters


In different countries, a person's height is measured in different units. Keep in mind that the International System of Units centimeter is less than the inch or the foot, which are part of the Imperial System of Units. But units of measurement from different systems can be converted to each other, that is, they can be converted from centimeters to feet using simple mathematical operations.


Method 1 of 3: Converting to Inches

  1. 1 Measure your height in centimeters. Centimeters are used in the vast majority of countries where the international system of units is common. Feet is measured in America and several other countries. Let's say the height is 180 cm.
    • It is easier to convert centimeters to inches, and then convert inches to feet. But you can also convert centimeters to feet immediately if you have a calculator.
    • To test your calculations, remember that 180 cm is roughly 5 feet 10 inches.
  2. 2 Multiply your height in centimeters by 0.39 to convert to inches. One centimeter is about 0.39 inches. If you count manually, 0.39 can be rounded to 0.4, but then the growth value will not be entirely accurate. Note that the value in inches is always less than the value in centimeters.
    • 180cm0,39incm=70,2{ displaystyle 180cm * 0.39 { frac {in} {cm}} = 70.2} inches
    • Hereinafter, cm is centimeters, and in is inches.
  3. 3 Convert inches to feet. One foot has 12 inches, so the value in inches must be divided by 12 to get feet. In our example: 70.2 inches / 12 = 5.85 feet, but remember that the digits after the decimal point are not inches. As 125=60{ displaystyle 12 * 5 = 60} and 126=72{ displaystyle 12 * 6 = 72}, you are between 5 and 6 feet tall. So if you are 70.2 inches tall and 5 feet is 60 inches, then 70.2 - 60 = 10.2 inches.
    • 180cm = 70.2 inches
    • 70,212={ displaystyle { frac {70,2} {12}} =} 5 feet + 10.2 inches
  4. 4 Add the remainder in inches to get the final value.
    • 180cm = 70.2 inches
    • 70,212={ displaystyle { frac {70,2} {12}} =} 5 feet + 10.2 inches
    • 180 cm = 5'10.2, which is 5 feet 10.2 inches
  5. 5 Find a more accurate value using a multiplier of 0.393701. Do this if you want a very accurate measurement of heights in inches and feet.
    • 180 * 0.393701 = 70.86 inches
    • 70,8612={ displaystyle { frac {70.86} {12}} =}5 lbs + 10.86 inches
    • 180 cm = 5'10.9 or 5 feet and 10.9 inches.

Method 2 of 3: Convert to Feet

  1. 1 Multiply your height in centimeters by 0.0328084 to get your height in feet. This is a direct conversion, but it cannot read the number of inches straight away. For example, if you calculate that you are 6.25 feet tall, that does not mean 6 feet 2.5 inches. This means that the height is "six and a quarter (25%) feet" or "6'3" (6 feet 3 inches). For example:
    • 180cm=180cmx0,0328084ftcm=5,905512{ displaystyle 180cm = 180cmx0.0328084 { frac {ft} {cm}} = 5.905512} feet, where ft is feet and cm is centimeters.
    • 180cm = 5.905512 feet
  2. 2 Separate the fractional part of the decimal to get the exact number of inches. The whole decimal is the number of feet (in our example, 5 feet). The decimal part of a fraction is a percentage of feet. As a rule, height is never written in decimal form, that is, no one says “my height is 5.9 feet” - height is given in feet and inches.
    • 180cm = 5.905512 feet
    • 180cm = 5 feet + 0.905512 feet
  3. 3 Multiply the resulting decimal by 12 to convert it to inches. One foot has 12 inches, but in our example we need to figure out how many inches are 0.905512 feet. So just multiply these numbers. If you find it difficult to understand the logic of calculations, imagine that you need to find out how many inches are in 1 foot: 12 inches * 1 foot = 12 inches. If you need to calculate how many inches are in 6 feet: 12 inches * 6 feet = 72 inches. What if the number is less than one, for example 0.905? The logic is the same - multiply this number by 12 to find the number of inches.
    • 180cm = 5.905512 feet
    • 180cm = 5 feet + 0.905512 feet
    • 12 * 0.905512 feet = 10.9 inches
  4. 4 Add inches to feet for height. To do this, simply add a whole number (feet) to the found number of inches.
    • 180cm = 5.905512 feet
    • 180cm = 5 feet + 0.905512 feet
    • 12 * 0.905512 feet = 10.9 inches
    • 180 cm = 5'10.9 or 5 feet and 10.9 inches.

Method 3 of 3: Approximate Conversion

  1. 1 Take advantage of interestto get an approximate value if you don't have a calculator. Remember that one centimeter equals approximately 0.39 inches. That is, the height in inches is approximately 39% of the height in centimeters.To simplify calculations, round this number to 40%. Now calculate your approximate height in inches.
    • Remember: to find 10% of any number, you need to move the decimal point one position to the left.
    • Note that 40% can be represented like this: 40% = 10% + 10% + 10% + 10% = 4 * 10%.
  2. 2 Multiply your height in centimeters by 0.10 (that is, 10%). So you will find one tenth of the height. To do this without a calculator, simply move the decimal point one digit to the left. For example, 100 * 0.1 = 10; 9.2 * 0.1 = 0.92; 0.421 * 0.1 = 0.0421. In our example:
    • 180 cm * 10% = 18 cm
    • Don't forget that 10% = 0.10 because percent is just another way to write decimal fractions (e.g. 40% = 0.4; 59% = 0.59, etc.)
  3. 3 Multiply your result by 4 to calculate the height in inches. You have found 10% of your height. Since 40% = 4 * 10%, multiply this value by 4.
    • 1 cm = 40% of 1 inch
    • 180 cm * 10% = 18
    • 40% = 10% + 10% + 10% + 10% = 4 * 10%
    • 18 * 4 = 72 inches
  4. 4 Divide your result by 12 to calculate height in feet. If the numbers are not divisible, write the remainder as inches. For example, if the height is 50 inches, 50/12 = 4 stops. 2. So the height is 4'2 (4 feet 2 inches). In our example, the height is 72 inches; 72/12 = 6. Try to remember the following matches:
    • 12 inches = 1 foot
    • 24 inches = 2 feet
    • 36 inches = 3 feet
    • 48 inches = 4 feet
    • 60 inches = 5 feet
    • 72 inches = 6 feet
    • 84 inches = 7 feet
  5. 5 Divide one-tenth (10%) of your height by 3 to get the approximate height in feet. Remember 1 cm = 0.0328084 feet? That is, 1 cm = 3.3% (0.0328084 * 100 ≈ 3.3%). If you divide 10% by 3, you also get about 3.3%.
    • 1 cm = 3.3% of 1 foot
    • 180 cm * 10% = 18
    • 10%3=3,3%{ displaystyle { frac {10 \%} {3}} = 3.3 \%}
    • 183={ displaystyle { frac {18} {3}} =} 6 feet = 72 inches
      • Remember that the number after the decimal point is not the number of inches. To calculate inches, multiply the decimal by 12.
  6. 6 Please note that the result obtained with this method will always be higher than the actual value. Remember how at the beginning of this section we converted 0.39 to 39% and then rounded that number to 40%? This, of course, simplifies the entire calculation process, but also distorts the result. Thus, the resulting value will be slightly larger than the actual value.
    • To improve the accuracy of your calculations, subtract 1% from the original number. In our example: 180 - (180 * 1%) = 180 - 1.8 = 178.2 cm; thus, instead of 180 cm, work with 178.2 cm.If instead of 180 cm you get, for example, 182 cm, reduce this number to 180.
    • Using an accurate calculation: 180 cm = 5'10.9 (5 feet 10.9 inches).
    • Calculated approximately using the method described: 180 cm ≈ 6 feet.


  • A calculator will make calculations easier.


  • Try to remember that the number after the decimal point is not the number of inches. That is, 4.3 feet does not mean four feet three inches. This means that the height is four feet plus 0.3 feet, or 30% of 1 foot. This decimal fraction (0.3 in the example) needs to be multiplied by 12 to get inches.