How to stop believing in horoscopes

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stop Believing In Horoscopes
Video: Stop Believing In Horoscopes


As much as you would like to read into a horoscope to find out about your future, beware of the insidiousness of these stellar predictions, as they can instill in you the habit of relying on astrological predictions. Your destiny depends only on your decisions, so give up reading these invented and not based on anything predictions. Once you stop planning your business and personal life around the inventions of the ancient people, you will free your hands to find your own course of life, based on real events and the people around you.


Method 1 of 2: History and Science

  1. 1 Learn the history of horoscopes. A little diving into the roots of horoscope creation will help you realize that a horoscope has no right to even be called a science.
  2. 2 Consider how the positions of the stars could have changed since the first horoscopes were created. The signs of the zodiac are not at all where they used to be.
  3. 3 Understand that planets, galaxies and galaxy clusters are constantly moving in the vastness of the universe, which negates the likelihood of multiple births under the same zodiac sign. The birth of each person took place at a unique moment in the location of our planet in space.
  4. 4 Note that the solar horoscope is subject to severe limitations from science, for example:
    • The sun is a star that has a lot of mass. Extensive research has been carried out on the influence of the sun on the seismic activity of the Earth and other planets. Scientists have proven that the sun affects earthquakes that occur on Earth, no more than other planets.
    • The influence of the sun on our planet may turn out to be completely opposite to the opinion indicated in the horoscope, if we take into account the change in the arrangement of the planets around the sun.
    • According to the fact that the features of the sun sign can be the same as the usual features, opposite or somewhere in between. There is simply no proven statistical method in the world that will work based on the traditional characteristics of a mark.

Method 2 of 2: Treat the Horoscope as Fun

  1. 1 Understand that horoscopes are for fun and they mean absolutely nothing. You can convince yourself like this:
    • Read your horoscope (hopefully the last time).
    • See what your horoscope means. Then read the predictions of other signs. Can you relate them to yourself? Then look at all the other signs. Note how imprecise these descriptions are. At least a few of them can somehow be attributed to you, so your destiny can in no way be described by any sign.
    • If at some point you feel that you need to somehow change your behavior in order to adapt to the description in the horoscope, then this is direct evidence that the horoscope is not correct. Live in the here and now. Understand that no sign can affect who you really are. Unfortunately, most people ignore those facts that do not correspond to reality, and exaggerate the importance of those that are somehow slightly similar to the truth.
  2. 2 Think about the character traits described in the signs. Do the character descriptions of people really match reality? Do people who were born with you in the same month really behave exactly like you? You will soon see that the descriptions in the horoscopes do not make any sense - each of us has very prominent character traits, but they do not necessarily coincide with what is said in the description of "Taurus" or "Leo". If a person voluntarily chooses to conform to this description, then this is his choice, not a predicted conclusion.
    • You can check it out in practice. Read descriptions of zodiac signs that are not yours. Read carefully and without bias. Can some of the character traits of other characters be attributed to your friends? Most likely, yes, because horoscopes are created on the basis of generalization in order to please everyone at once. Everything lies in the desire of a person to correspond to any description, which makes us believe in the magical property of the horoscope.
    • One of the disadvantages of a horoscope is the twins phenomenon. Twins rarely have the same fate, and their character traits are always different from each other. If the horoscopes were true, then the twins would behave exactly the same.
  3. 3 Think about your former romantic partners, as well as people you were good friends with. Do they all have the same sign (which matches yours)? Most probably not. Horoscopes cannot predict the behavior of people, and accordingly they are not able to predict the compatibility of characters. Human relationships are much more nuanced than your month of birth.
  4. 4 Think for yourself how silly the very concept of a horoscope is. People born in the same month do not have identical character traits, and you also do not always fall in love with those who have a sign compatible with you. It is not at all a fact that you will be lucky if the magazine told you about it. These magazines were written just for the entertainment of people who enjoy reading generalized statements or conditional sources of hope.
    • More detailed horoscopes written by professional astrologers are based on their ability to read a person's character. Such horoscopes are also full of generalizations, because something good and something bad happens to each of us during the week - this is not the highest mathematics. Only you choose what to do.If you chose to tailor your life to the description, then this is your choice. Believe me, there is nothing stronger than self-belief.
    • Horoscopes are just opinions. Think about why distant cosmic bodies will somehow influence your character or destiny. Stars and planets are large clusters of various chemical elements that roam the vastness of the universe.
  5. 5 That's the whole naked truth. Hopefully, you are convinced that horoscopes are not a reliable source of information. It will be easier if you stop reading them, and you do not have time to notice how your life will go on its own independent from the stars.


  • Belief in horoscopes can have a detrimental effect on your life. If this article has not destroyed your faith in them, then you should see a therapist.
  • Most people don't believe in horoscopes. Imagine what they will think of you when they find out that you sincerely believe in horoscopes.
  • Challenge people's claims that their lives depend on a star sign. All people are much more complicated than a horoscope can dream of.


  • If your friends and family believe in the horoscope, then they will most likely not be very welcoming to your sober criticism. But don't let them confuse you - common sense is on your side.