How to stop making careless mistakes

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
avoid careless mistakes
Video: avoid careless mistakes


Mistakes due to carelessness can be more offensive than major mistakes, if only because they seem to be easier to prevent. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes from time to time, and that's okay. However, if you make a lot of mistakes due to carelessness, there are some easy ways to get back on track.


Method 1 of 4: Understand your mistakes

  1. 1 Understand that it's okay to make mistakes. So, are you wrong? Don't panic. We are all human, and we all make mistakes sometimes. Do not criticize or belittle yourself if this happens.
    • Recent psychological research has shown that there are two common ways the brain reacts to a mistake.The first one reads: "Be more attentive!" - what serves as a call to action when we think, "What happened and why?" The second way is more like the brain shuts down, perceives our negative feedback as a threat, and then avoids thinking about it altogether.
    • People who participated in the research and responded in the first way were more likely to learn from their mistakes and change their behavior.
    • People who reacted in the second way closed down completely or panicked and made the same mistakes over and over more often.
  2. 2 Keep a log of the mistakes you make during each week. Do you make mistakes at work or school? Or maybe at home? Do you allow them while driving or running urgent errands? Are you missing a deadline at work? Forgot to pay the bill or feed your pet? Forgot your keys in the ignition? Are you out of gasoline?
    • Admitting that you made a mistake and understanding what kind of mistake it is is a great start.
    • Track the patterns of mistakes you make to figure out how to avoid repeating them.
  3. 3 Determine what makes this mistake negligent. Ask yourself why you made a particular mistake. Were you in a hurry because you were playing for time? Were you tense and thinking about something else?
    • Mark next to each error in the log how you might have avoided it in the first place. For example: allocate more time for a task, start early, concentrate more on the process, etc.
  4. 4 Talk to someone about your mistakes. Many people make mistakes due to carelessness, and perhaps someone you know has ideas on how to break the habits that lead to oversights.
    • Try talking to a close friend about the mistakes you make. If you have something in common, chances are he made similar mistakes.
    • If you're wrong at work, talk to a more experienced coworker who you get along with to get a good idea of ​​how you can avoid it.

Method 2 of 4: Be Organized

  1. 1 Use a calendar. And only one! If you don't have it yet, buy it. If you have one, be sure to use it. There are many types: calendars and organizers in a smartphone or computer, as well as paper desk options.
    • Often times mistakes due to carelessness arise from the fact that we forget about what we have to do. It can be extremely helpful to keep a calendar of upcoming commitments, appointments, and deadlines.
    • In addition, you can use different colors: red for work, blue for children, green for hobbies, and so on. Look at the coming week and write down what you need to do to prepare for the upcoming events.
  2. 2 Organize your surroundings. You will be amazed at how clearer your head will be and how your concentration will increase when your environment is clean and organized.
    • Clean up the house all the time. Do not leave the room empty-handed if there is rubbish in it.
    • Set aside a “charitable place” for things you no longer need and want to give away.
    • Create an orderly system of documents at work.
  3. 3 Use checklists and to-do lists. Take a notebook and write down all kinds of things there. Write down everything that needs to be fixed in the house, indicate trips to the store, and clean up the rest of the clutter in her head to free her of unnecessary thoughts. Cross these points out later when you have completed them.
    • You can add tasks to the calendar without specific dates and times, but just general things that need to be done at a certain point in the future.

Method 3 of 4: Manage Your Time Better

  1. 1 Prioritize. List the most important things in life in order. Then, when you're ready to do something, decide how “important” it is.It might be worth considering how it matters and whether you can use your time more appropriately by doing something else.
    • Making a checklist or to-do list, writing down responsibilities in order of importance, will also help you figure out what to do first, second, third, and so on.
  2. 2 Simplify your schedule. If you find it constantly difficult to manage your responsibilities without making mistakes due to carelessness, it may be because you are putting too much on yourself. Each day is limited in time. How many hobbies do you have and how much time do you spend on them?
    • It's important to take some time to relax and enjoy life, but what if your schedule is constantly filled with “fun” commitments that you don't even have a minute to do?
    • Go back to your priority list and make sure you take enough time to concentrate on the top of the list.
    • Break tasks down into feasible parts. Organize your time so that you can do similar tasks together. For example, when shopping, go to stores that are close to each other.
  3. 3 Get help. In other words, delegate responsibilities. Make sure everyone in the household is doing chores and contributing to the household. If a work project is too large for you to handle on your own, ask colleagues to help you with whatever they can.

Method 4 of 4: Stay Positive, Relaxed, and Mindful

  1. 1 Maintain a regular sleep and meal schedule. It's amazing how quickly a lack of sleep and / or nutrition can make a person forgetful and make them tense and tired, which easily leads to mistakes due to inattention.
    • Try to go to bed and wake up at about the same time each day and eat healthy meals on a regular basis.
    • Spend some time doing sports: several times every week for at least 20 minutes. In a healthy body healthy mind.
  2. 2 Stay in the moment. Being mindful means constantly giving undivided attention to your affairs and completely immersing yourself in your activities. This will help you gain a new way of thinking and new approaches to decision making.
    • Often it is the little things in life that confuse us - things that we think do not need attention and which we supposedly already know. Remain mindful to deal with it.
  3. 3 Filter insignificant information. Ask yourself how to pay more attention to the important things in your life, and consider if your mind is full of unnecessary things like gossip, social media posts, and more.
    • Ask yourself, “Does it really matter to me? How does this affect my life? " If a good answer to these questions doesn't come immediately, it probably doesn't matter and is simply additional information that can increase your stress levels.
  4. 4 Allow yourself to relax well and qualitatively. Be mindful of everything you do, even when you watch movies or TV, have a snack, or call a friend.
    • For example, while watching a movie, you might ask yourself, “Am I sacrificing time to watch this movie? Maybe I should do something else? What will / will not happen as a result of watching this movie? Does it matter and can other things wait? "
    • Of course, relaxing is very important, but sometimes it is difficult to relax when you know that there are more important things.
  5. 5 Tell yourself that you will do better next time. Don't be overwhelmed by error. There is no need to be a perfectionist. Do not blame others for your mistake, do not make excuses or reproach yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. What matters is how you deal with them. Just think about how you can solve the problem and move on.
  6. 6 Seek professional help if you are stressed, overworked, or depressed. Mistakes due to carelessness are a normal part of life, and they shouldn't hurt you too much. If you find yourself obsessing over these mistakes or being too harsh on yourself, consider contacting a counselor. You can benefit from therapy.
    • Perfectionism or the desire to control everything can disrupt life in many of its forms. Working with a therapist can help you learn to let go of little things.
    • Excessive stress can also affect your mental health. Talk to your psychologist or health care provider about your concerns.