How to stop feeling tired after taking sugar

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Quit Sugar | Sugar & Carb Withdrawals: How to Beat Sugar Addiction
Video: How to Quit Sugar | Sugar & Carb Withdrawals: How to Beat Sugar Addiction


If you feel tired after consuming sugar, changing the way and time of consuming sweets will help your body digest the sugar better. Try eating sweets that contain fat and / or protein, or eat sweets immediately after a meal. Also, try to reduce your sugar intake so that you don't feel tired after eating a pie, cake, or cookie.


Method 1 of 3: Consume sweets wisely

  1. 1 Don't get carried away with sweets. You can eat a slice of cheesecake, but half a casserole can make you feel sleepy in the next few minutes or hours. Try to reduce your sugar intake in one sitting. For example, if the serving size is 10 gummy bears, eat that amount and not more candy.
  2. 2 Try eating protein before or with sugar. A small amount of protein before or with sugar can help avoid drowsiness caused by sweets. Prefer protein-based desserts like cheesecake or peanut butter sweets. Eat nuts or meat before eating sweets.
    • This does not mean that you can eat the whole cake with protein powder!
  3. 3 Eat fat with sweets. Sometimes the sugar found in fruits can cause fatigue. He can give you an influx of energy, and then cause a breakdown. To help your body metabolize sugar more efficiently and prevent the release of blood sugar and subsequent fatigue, eat fruits along with fats and proteins. For example, if you usually feel sleepy after a fruit smoothie, try eating a handful of almonds before enjoying your fruit smoothie.
  4. 4 Swap sugar snacks for an afternoon dessert. Try not to eat sugary snacks. Eating sugary foods separately from food can cause drowsiness in those who usually experience it after sweets. For example, if you eat a sweet snack in the middle of the day rather than after a meal, you are more likely to experience adverse symptoms such as lethargy and sleepiness. Instead, eat sweets after a well-balanced meal to help your body better maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
  5. 5 Avoid drinks that contain both sugar and caffeine. Although you will experience a burst of energy after coffee with sugar, the combination of caffeine and sugar can lead to subsequent breakdown. This in turn leads to feelings of fatigue and even apathy. Stay away from sugary caffeinated drinks, soda, and energy drinks. Drink soda, sweetened tea, or black coffee if you need a boost.

Method 2 of 3: Reduce Sugar Intake

  1. 1 Reduce the amount of sugar you consume per day. If you often feel sleepy after sweets, you may want to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. Try to keep your daily sugar intake in line with the nutritional guidelines.The recommended amount of sugar should not exceed 10% of the total calories per day. For example, a 2,000 calorie meal per day should not contain more than 200 calories of sugar (2 tablespoons or 50 g).
    • Try replacing sugary drinks with water.
    • Sugary snacks can also be replaced with low-sugar fruits such as berries.
  2. 2 Beware of foods high in sugar. Many convenience foods are high in sugar. Salad dressings or yoghurts can be unusually high in added sugar, frustrating your efforts. Read food labels carefully and beware of added sugar:
    • Brown sugar;
    • sugar substance from corn;
    • corn syrup;
    • dextrose;
    • fructose;
    • glucose;
    • high-fructose corn syrup;
    • honey;
    • mactose;
    • maltose syrup;
    • maltose;
    • molasses;
    • raw sugar;
    • sucrose.
  3. 3 Consult your doctor. If you feel sleepy after sweets, this may be a sign of a pathological disease. If after sweets you are constantly experiencing difficulties in order not to fall asleep, you should make an appointment with the doctor. He will take tests to check your blood sugar and tell you how to lower it.

Method 3 of 3: How to Overcome Sleepiness

  1. 1 Move. If you fall asleep after sweets, try exercising. A short walk or a full workout will cheer you up. If the afternoon treats make you feel sluggish, try taking a short walk around the office.
  2. 2 Try not to eat added sugar. When you feel a lack of energy, it is very easy to reach for another cookie or energy drink and cheer up. But try not to do that. You will only increase your blood sugar levels again, after which you will experience a breakdown, which can make you feel even more tired.
  3. 3 Have a glass of water or a cup of tea. Desire to eat something sweet can hide dehydration. Before enjoying something sweet, try drinking a large glass of water or a cup of tea and see if the liquid has helped soothe your cravings for sweets.
  4. 4 Let the sunshine in. To overcome sleepiness caused by consuming too much sugar, it is usually enough to just go outside. Sunlight will warm and invigorate you. A little time in the sun should be enough to get a boost of vitamin D. This is a nutrient that is essential for maintaining health and wellness.