How to respond to a kiss

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Even if you think you are the most unflappable person on the planet, keep in mind that most people lose their composure a little after a good kiss. As a result, a panic begins inside from not knowing what to do next. However, there is no right answer for what to do after the kiss, which is good! Just be yourself and take your time.


Method 1 of 3: Respond to your first kiss

  1. 1 Enjoy the moment slowly, without worrying about the next steps. A good kiss is a timeless moment, so savor it. Don't feel obligated to immediately move on or take action. Just have fun! More often than not, people naturally find something to talk about or do, or just keep kissing. So just let the moment happen.
    • Overall, the best advice is to take your time. Take your time. Better just take a breath and slow down your thoughts.
    • The best advice for reacting after a kiss is to follow your heart. It sounds corny, but all kisses are different, and you will know what to do if you just trust yourself.
  2. 2 Finish the kiss without getting too far from your partner's face. After kissing, slowly pull your head back to give each of you some space. If you've been hugging, you can relax a little or snuggle up to make the moment more intimate.
  3. 3 Look your partner in the eye and smile. As you move away, a simple, light smile is a great way to express your emotions without having to come up with something polite. Chances are, nervous, happy giggles and smiles will happen anyway, but don't worry if you have nothing to say. This giddy, half-awkward moment is the perfect way to show how much you enjoy each other without perfect movie quotes. In addition, you can:
    • run your hand through your partner's hair;
    • pull him in for a hug;
    • hug him or take his face in the palm of your hand;
    • rub your noses;
    • touch foreheads or noses;
    • hold each other to enjoy a quiet moment alone.
  4. 4 Do not squeeze out any phrases, quotes, or jokes to dispel your awkwardness. People often feel awkward after kissing, regardless of the circumstances. And that's okay! Learn to accept this moment (which, I must admit, is not so awkward, but rather even exciting) without feeling the need to say anything. Most of the "brilliant" phrases people come up with after kissing are ridiculously awful. It is often more than enough to smile and just say, "I liked it."
    • Don't be too smart! Just keep being yourself.
    • If you are confident and want to say something, do it! Even if it's a little corny, it's likely to put a smile on your partner's face.
  5. 5 Continue to develop the relationship after the first kiss. The first kiss is just one step to a relationship, so don't make it so important that you stop being yourself. Even though things may be a little different within a day or two, there is still no reason that one kiss would change the way you relate to each other.
    • The more you treat a kiss like a small stature in a serious relationship, rather than the most important moment in your life, the less likely the first kiss will be the last.

Method 2 of 3: Move on after a passionate kiss

  1. 1 Hold your partner close to you so that your faces are almost touching. Love joys are often preceded by a deep, hot kiss, but the whole mood will dissipate if you distance yourself from each other. Continue body contact, wrapping your arm around your partner's back or raising your palms to wrap your arms around their face. If you hug each other, the spark between you will not go out, and it will be easier for you to continue kissing.
  2. 2 Snuggle up for a second kiss if it seems appropriate. Your partner may not be moving away from you or taking their eyes off you. Perhaps you will notice that he glances briefly at your lips. Or maybe both of you are smiling and it feels right. If you don't rush things after the kiss, don't move away from each other and move to the next level, perhaps the natural course of events will lead to the fact that you kiss again.
    • At this point, you should stop reading this article! Relax and immerse yourself in a moment, trusting yourself and your partner.
  3. 3 Kiss other areas of your partner's face and neck. If passions run high, move down to your neck or ears. Pull your partner closer by gently guiding their head with your fingers if you want them to kiss specific areas of your body. Let your lips and hands control your desires. Get lower if you want to add passion, or stay on your feet if you move slowly and study each other.
    • You have an equal say in what happens after those deep, passionate kisses, so feel free to set your boundaries or slow things down.
  4. 4 Take a moment to ask if you can move on before doing this. If you want to go beyond kissing, you should always stop for a second and ask if there are any objections. It may sound strange, but this will not spoil the mood, but simply show your respect for your partner.
    • A kiss is not an invitation to action. A kiss is just a kiss, don't feel like it gives you the power to move to the next level.
  5. 5 Try not to be hard on yourself. In movies, moments of passionate kissing are often sensitive, dramatic, and mostly silent. But in real life, passion is more varied, exciting, funny and a little silly. Nothing is perfect. Part of the fun, though, is knowing that you can laugh if your partner steps on your feet or needs to turn away to sneeze. Instead of trying to control everything so that everything is "perfect", "passionate" or "sexy", just enjoy each other's company. Let the passion flare up naturally and just have fun.

Method 3 of 3: How to react after an unwanted kiss

  1. 1 Stop the kiss with a firm and confident movement. If the kiss doesn't feel right for any reason, don't panic or jump back. When the kiss is over, take one big step back, making it clear that there will be no follow-up. You can also place your hands in front of you in a non-aggressive manner, palms down, to indicate the distance between you.
  2. 2 Politely tell the person that you don't think kissing is a good idea. Passions will be running high in the moment, so speak briefly and kindly.A simple “I don’t think this is a good idea right now” is often the best answer without having to be rude and start an argument. Just say you don't want to kiss.
    • In circumstances where one or both partners are hot and emotional, it is generally best to avoid explaining or arguing. In times like these, it is best to be as simple as possible, knowing that you can explain yourself later.
  3. 3 Move away. There is no reason to be late now. If necessary, you can present your reasons later. Until then, just say, "I'm sorry," and leave. It will be easier for everyone to move on if you are not in the same room.
  4. 4 Take some time later to explain why you didn't want to kiss (if it seems appropriate). If you have a friend who drank a little, or an ex-partner who had other intentions, or a platonic friend who wanted something more, you might be comfortable explaining why you don't want romance. However, remember that you don’t have to explain anything to anyone if you don’t want to. The mere lack of desire to kiss a person is already enough.


  • Don't be too constrained. Behave naturally. Chances are, your partner is more worried than you are, so just relax.


  • Never run away or tell your friends about what you are doing with your partner, or invent ways to “share” your kiss.