How to stop a kitten from biting

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to STOP Kittens From Biting You (6 Tips!)
Video: How to STOP Kittens From Biting You (6 Tips!)


To wean a kitten from biting, you first need to understand why it does it. Different animals bite for different reasons, so in order to successfully re-educate a kitten, you need to understand what makes him / her bite. Kittens usually bite for three reasons: they are overexcited; you caught a kitten in the middle of an active game; the kitten is scared. Show some patience and you can retrain your kitten. To find out more, skip to step 1.


Method 1 of 3: Dealing with Misdirected Play

  1. 1 Understand that kittens learn to play carefully with their siblings. A vital part of a kitten's early childhood is playing with its littermates. Kittens learn to play accurately through scratches and bites from their brothers and sisters. This is how the kittens understand what hurts and what doesn't.
    • If a kitten is deprived of this early experience, for example, it is raised by humans or alone in a litter, he / she most likely does not know which actions are painful and which are not.
  2. 2 Be aware that the kitten will hunt and bite your foot as his / her hunting instincts dictate. The kitten learns to catch prey, and will chase everything that moves - this is a natural instinct (even if the kitten never has to hunt). When a kitten reaches 12 weeks of age, his instinct tells him to bite his prey in order to kill it. Accordingly, the scenario of the game changes from a simple pursuit of moving objects - your feet and hands, to biting a caught target.
    • Unfortunately, this behavior of the kitten can be exacerbated by the reaction of "prey". If you react with fright to bites, the hunting instinct, which requires chasing and biting the victim, only intensifies.
  3. 3 Tire your kitten out by playing with a toy on a rope to protect it from being bitten. Kittens are prone to bursts of wild energy, which makes them forget not to bite. The trick is to divert such bursts of energy away from your arms and legs, safely playing active games with the kitten, simulating the pursuit of prey using a toy on a rope. Tease the kitten with a toy, keeping your limbs at a safe distance.
    • Usually the kitten plays actively and vigorously for about 5-10 minutes, after which it will be sure to lie down to rest. When the kitten has played enough, pet him, reward calm demeanor with a small piece of delicacy.
  4. 4 Don't let your kitten get bored as much as possible. When kittens are bored, they accumulate excess energy, the explosions of which lead to frantic biting of your feet. Provide the kitten with enough toys, and periodically change toys (hide some and take out others) to make them look new to the kitten.
    • There are many automatic toys on the market that can be programmed to start moving at a specific time, so you can grab attention and stimulate development even when you are not at home.
  5. 5 If you do get bitten, give the kitten big eyes. If you are unlucky and bitten, do not react with fear, because this confirms that you are a prey (this can be quite funny since the kitten is tiny, but it can lead to problems with biting afterwards). Instead, bend over to the kitten and look him / her carefully in the eyes with a steady gaze. For cats, a long gaze is a sign of dominance, and next time the kitten thinks twice before rushing at you.

Method 2 of 3: Controlling Fear Bites

  1. 1 Never cut off a kitten's escape route. The caught kitten will be too frightened and will bite in defense. If the kitten has escaped for cover, leave him / her alone. Pulling the kitten out from under the bed will only increase his fear and confirm the truth of his fears.
    • If the kitten hid because it was very scared, place food or treats within reach and leave the room. When the kitten realizes that there is no more threat, he / she will have an excuse to leave the shelter, which will also serve as a reward for "bravery".
  2. 2 Try to build a good relationship between the kids and the kitten. It may seem strange, but it is difficult for children and kittens to find a common language. This is mainly because it is difficult for children to understand that a kitten does not always want to be picked up. If your kitten is afraid of children, help him / her overcome this fear. To do this, you can do the following:
    • Feed the kitten in one part of the room, while the children sit in the other part of the same room and do not pay attention to the kitten. Explain to the children that the kitten should not be touched when he is eating because he / she may see them as a threat.Having remembered that children are not dangerous (neither for the kitten, nor for food), the kitten will gradually be afraid of them less and less, and over time will begin to associate them with something pleasant (with food).
  3. 3 Ignore the kitten to make him feel confident. Cats perceive looking directly into the eyes as a challenge. Thus, an anxious kitten may consider your gaze not as a result of affection or anxiety, but as a threat. To make the kitten feel more confident:
    • Lie on the floor. A person standing tall can look intimidating to a small animal.
    • Turn your head away from the kitten. If he / she gets close, do not turn towards him / her, give the kitten the opportunity to explore himself at his / her own pace. This will help the kitten feel more at ease with you.
  4. 4 Reward courageous behavior. Positive reinforcement of exploratory behavior can teach a timid kitten that the experience can be enjoyable. To do this, carry a bag of cat treats with you. As soon as you notice that the kitten crawled out from under the couch and went somewhere, drop a piece of the treat within its reach. This will help the kitten associate this vast world with pleasant things like food.

Method 3 of 3: Dealing with an overexcited kitten

  1. 1 Note that redirected aggression is one of the most common causes of overexcitement. Half of the cases of cats attacking humans are the result of redirected aggression. This happens with kittens when they are upset. When the kitten has already prepared for the attack, but something did not work out, he / she redirects his / her emotions to the nearest thing. Very often - on the person who disturbed the kitten. And he throws himself and bites.
    • For example, if your cat spots a bird outside the window, but he cannot catch it because there is a window glass in the way, he may redirect his anger to something moving near him, or disturbing him. For example, on your leg.
  2. 2 Direct the emotions of the over-excited kitten to the toy. When you notice signs of overexcitement, redirect the kitten's emotions to the toy. As soon as the emotions are thrown out in a more or less acceptable way, your kitten will become friendly again.
    • Launch the kitten with a catnip toy, or tease him with a toy on a string.
  3. 3 Look for signs of overexcited kitten in the future. The key to not being bitten is to keep your distance between the kitten and yourself when you notice that the kitten is overexcited, scared, or upset. Signs that your cat is overexcited and may bite:
    • Folded ears.
    • Twitching (jerking) of the tail.
    • Twitching of the skin.
    • Wide open, attentively looking eyes.
    • The wool is upright.
    • Dull growl.


  • Reward the kitten's good behavior with small bits of treats and your affection.
  • Never yell at or hit your kitten. This refers to cruelty to animals and is generally unacceptable.
  • Play with the kitten with a toy on a rope so that he / she does not accidentally scratch you while playing.


  • Do not leave small children alone with kittens, because there is a high chance that the baby will do something that will scare the kitten and the kitten will bite him.