How to grow long curly hair

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SECRETS TO GROWING LONG HAIR :  curly / healthy hair tips
Video: SECRETS TO GROWING LONG HAIR : curly / healthy hair tips


1 Limit hair washing. Don't wash your hair every day. Daily washing flushes out natural oils from hair, and since curly hair is prone to dryness, daily washing can make it dry and brittle. Instead, wash your hair every other day or a couple of times a week.
  • Don't wash your hair twice. This tip is only good for those with straight hair, but not for people with curly hair. When washing, apply shampoo only once.
  • If necessary, you can wash your hair with conditioner (called a “wash together”) between your regular shampoos. This way, you won't harm your hair with the sulfates found in most shampoos.
  • 2 Wash and condition your hair in strands. Curly hair can be thick and unmanageable, so it can sometimes be difficult to rinse all parts of it at once.
    • If you have very thick or curly hair, try to wash each section separately.
    • Try a special shampoo for curly hair. It can be moisturizing and wash less natural oils from your hair.
  • 3 Use a rich, nourishing conditioner with every wash. You may need to apply conditioner to the ends of your hair between washes if they feel dry to you.
    • You may also need to use additional moisturizing / protective products both before and after shampooing. There are many oils and serums available to help seal your hair and prevent damage.
    • Apply conditioner starting from the ends of your hair. Generally, you will not need to apply conditioner higher than the middle of your hair unless your hair is dry at the roots.
  • Part 2 of 3: Styling

    1. 1 Use your fingers. Do not try to comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb; so you will only damage them. Instead, use your fingers or a very wide-toothed comb (like a pickaxe) to detangle your hair before styling.
      • You should avoid brushing altogether, especially on wet hair when it is more susceptible to damage.
    2. 2 Blot rather than rub your hair. When drying your hair with a towel, just blot the moisture, and do not rub your hair. Your hair can be brittle if you rub it with a towel.
      • You can also replace the towel with a cotton T-shirt or microfiber cloth to dry your hair. Typically, this fabric is softer than a towel, so it will be softer on your hair.
    3. 3 Avoid hot styling. It includes drying with a hairdryer, winding on a curling iron and straightening with an iron. Excessive heat changes the structure of the hair and it becomes brittle and weak.
      • Sometimes you just can't avoid blow-drying. In such cases, use a hair dryer at low setting and use a diffuser. We also recommend using a cream for curly hair just before styling.
    4. 4 Don't tie your hair in a bun or ponytail every day. Most of the time, a bun or ponytail will not harm your hair, however, removing a rubber band or hairpin can be painful for them.
      • If you pull your hair back, make sure not to pull it too tight. Avoid metal pins and rubber bands.

    Part 3 of 3: Further Care

    1. 1 Use hair care products with protein and a variety of oils. Protein and oils are intensely moisturizing and nourishing ingredients that will prevent breakage and dryness of your hair, and therefore keep your hair healthy. Most people benefit from using these products once a week or at least once a month. Hair from different people will respond differently to this treatment, so you may need to use several different treatments to find the one that works best.
      • If you decide to use a commercial protein, it is advisable to balance it with an additional hair conditioner, as hair can become stiffer and therefore vulnerable to breakage.
      • A natural protein treatment in the form of raw eggs and mayonnaise will help those who have not been approached by a commercial treatment.
      • Hair oils come in two main types: nourishing and moisturizing. Nourishing oils, usually jojoba and almond, are intended for use on wet hair to seal the ends of the hair, while moisturizing oils such as castor and avocado oils are heavier and are intended for occasional nourishment. The heated moisturizing oil should be massaged into the scalp for 5-20 minutes to moisturize the hair and accelerate its growth.
    2. 2 Cover your hair overnight. Protect your hair by covering it with a silk kerchief, scarf or bandana before bed. Additional protection will help prevent damage and destruction.
      • Alternatively, you can dampen your hair a bit and put on a shower cap before bed, creating a naturally warm and moist environment to keep your hair hydrated.
      • If winding your hair up at night is not an option, you can sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase to reduce friction on the pillow.
    3. 3 Get your hair cut regularly. You might find it counterintuitive to cut your hair all the time if you want to grow it back, but your hair gets damaged and broken, making it harder to grow it back.
      • Regularly trimming split ends will improve the overall condition of your hair and help it grow healthy.
      • On average, human hair grows 1.27 cm per month. If you notice that your hair is permanently brittle more than 1.27 cm in length, it will become clear that it cannot be grown beyond its current length.
      • When you go to the hairdresser, ask him to cut the ends while they are still dry, if the hairdresser himself does not know this. (Or, before contacting a professional, make sure they have experience with curly hair.) Since the structure of wet and dry curly hair is different, it will be correct to cut it on dry hair.
    4. 4 Relax. Stress can have a significant impact on the health of your hair; when you're stressed, your hair becomes brittle and may fall out more than usual. So you need to get more rest if you want to have long and healthy hair.
      • Try meditation, yoga, or tai chi. These are all great ways to relieve stress that is damaging your hair.
    5. 5 Take care of your body. Hair reacts not only to the nutrients you put on it, but also to those that go inside your body. To have healthy hair, take care of your body by giving it good nutrition and exercise.
      • Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Make sure you get enough protein, omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy hair.
      • Drink plenty of water every day.
      • Exercise regularly. You don't need to go to the gym all the time, but 15-20 minute workouts several times a week will tone your body up and, among other things, have a beneficial effect on hair health.


    • It is true that hair grows faster in some people.
    • It is a myth that some people cannot grow their hair longer than they do now. It is a fact that people with weak and brittle hair have a harder time growing it back.
    • The more curled your curls, the drier they are, because natural oils do not easily move along their lengths, which is why the ends will always be dry.