How to grow sideburns

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Grow & Care for Sideburns
Video: How to Grow & Care for Sideburns


The Russian word "sideburns" comes from the German Backenbartwhich literally means "beard on the cheeks". Sideburns have long been considered a symbol of masculinity. It can take several weeks to grow a sideburn. However, there are several ways to speed up facial hair growth. If your hair does not grow evenly or does not grow at all, you can talk to your doctor about suitable treatments.


Part 1 of 3: Growing Sideburns Naturally

  1. 1 Grow your facial hair for four weeks. For full-fledged sideburns, you need to grow hair 2.5–5 centimeters long. You may need to grow your hair even longer if you want thicker sideburns. Facial hair grows constantly, but rather slowly, so it may take a month or more to get sideburns of the required length.
    • Try to grow your beard to the desired length first and then shave your hair locally to create sideburns.
    • If you want short sideburns, it can take anywhere from a few days to one week to grow your hair. Grow your facial hair until it reaches the desired length.
    • Note that if you are young (teenager or in your early twenties), it may take even longer to grow your facial hair. Please be patient and wait.
  2. 2 Apply beard oil to moisturize your skin and facial hair. For the best results when growing sideburns, moisturize your hair and facial skin regularly. Use a few drops of beard oil for this.
    • If you don't have beard oil, you can replace it with a moisturizer or a few drops of olive oil.
  3. 3 Comb your growing hair. When your hair is a little longer, start brushing it to keep it neat and well-groomed. Use a beard comb or natural bristle brush to do this. Try to brush your hair once a day.
  4. 4 When the facial hair has grown enough, shave it locally to create sideburns. Sideburns are two strips of hair on the sides of the face that connect to the hair on the head. When the hair has grown to the desired length, you can shave it off on the chin and partly on the cheeks to create sideburns.
    • For sideburns, shave off the hair on the chin and bottom of the cheeks.
    • After that, shave off any hair that grows outside the sideburns. You can make the hair strips as narrow or wide as you like. Some even come up with their own designs for their sideburns, but this is a more complicated way.
    • When you shave off the hair in the appropriate places, you should have two strips of hair that extend from the scalp hair above the ears and reach about the middle of the cheeks.
  5. 5 Trim and shape your sideburns. In this case, you can experiment and give free rein to your imagination. Do you want curvy classic sideburns, or something more modern and chunky? Which bottom edge do you prefer, straight or beveled? If you know what you're aiming for, grab a precision trimmer and trim the sideburns as you wish. You can even customize the sideburns to match the shape of your face.
    • If you have a thin, oblong face, curvy sideburns along your jawline will help smooth out sharp lines and angles.
    • For a rounded face, shorter sideburns are usually suitable.
  6. 6 Maintain your sideburns regularly. Once you've found a style that's right for you, get busy maintaining it. Try to shave your hair around your sideburns at least once every three days. In this case, you can use a regular or electric shaver.
    • It is also necessary to trim the hair on the sideburns themselves so that they do not grow too long. Many electric shavers are equipped with special attachments that allow you to shave your hair not completely, but to a certain length.

Part 2 of 3: Boost Testosterone Levels for Better Facial Hair Growth

  1. 1 Exercise regularly. Regular exercise helps to naturally increase testosterone levels, which promotes facial hair growth. Try to do at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercises every day, and lift weights a couple of times a week.
    • For cardio workouts, you can do jogging, walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, or exercising with an exercise machine such as an elliptical walking machine.
    • Choose what you really like to enjoy your sport.
  2. 2 Eat a healthy diet. While eating certain foods will not boost beard growth, a balanced, healthy diet will provide your body with all the nutrients it needs for normal facial hair growth. Plus, eating a healthy diet will help you lose weight, which will help increase testosterone levels and improve facial hair growth.
    • Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats in your diet.
    • Avoid fatty foods, fried foods, and foods with added sugar.
    • Take a daily multivitamin to provide your body with additional nutrients.
  3. 3 Get enough sleep. Adequate rest is essential for well-being, and among other things, it helps to increase testosterone levels. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep every night.
    • To improve sleep, try to go to bed in the evening and get up at the same time in the morning.
    • You can also develop a relaxing bedtime routine. For example, you can take a bath before bed, have a cup of herbal tea, or listen to soothing music.
    • Try not to use your phone, computer or watch TV at least an hour before going to bed. The light of electronic screens negatively affects the ability to fall asleep and night sleep.
  4. 4 Monitor your stress levels. Stress can also affect testosterone levels, which in turn affects hair growth and can even cause hair loss. Manage your stress levels for optimal hair growth. This can be achieved by incorporating various relaxation practices into your daily life. The following methods can help cope with stress:
    • yoga classes;
    • meditation;
    • deep breathing;
    • progressive muscle relaxation.

Part 3 of 3: Try Special Techniques If Facial Hair Doesn't Grow

  1. 1 See your doctor. If you suspect that your testosterone levels are too low, you may need to see your doctor. Your doctor may order a simple blood test to determine your testosterone levels.
    • In some cases, slightly low testosterone levels may not cause any symptoms and may not require treatment. If your testosterone level is low enough that it manifests itself in certain symptoms, such as insufficient facial hair growth, your doctor may recommend that you increase this level with medication.
    • To increase testosterone levels, your doctor may advise you to make lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or quitting smoking.
  2. 2 Ask your doctor about minoxidil. If you want to keep your facial hair growing and your lifestyle changes don't work as expected, talk to your doctor about using minoxidil, which stimulates hair growth. Although this drug is most commonly recommended for scalp treatment, it helps some people regrow hair as well.
    • Please note that minoxidil has certain side effects and should be used over a long period of time to get a noticeable result. It can take months before you feel the change.
    • Check with your doctor before using minoxidil to stimulate facial hair growth.
    • Do not try minoxidil for facial hair growth if you are a teenager or in your early twenties. Check with your doctor if you are concerned about insufficient facial hair growth.
  3. 3 Consider the possibility of testosterone therapy. For those who have very low testosterone levels or who have switched from female to male, testosterone therapy may be the only way to achieve facial hair growth. If you suspect that you have low testosterone levels, or know that you cannot grow facial hair, talk to your doctor and inquire about testosterone therapy.
  4. 4 Consider the possibility of a facial hair transplant. Another method for those who cannot grow facial hair is with scalp to face hair transplants. Hair transplants can help reshape your face and grow sideburns or even a full beard. However, be aware that this is quite expensive. It is also a surgical procedure and should be used as a last resort.
    • Consult your doctor regarding the possibility of a facial hair transplant.


  • Please note that sideburns are not suitable for everyone and not for all styles. If for some reason you have not managed to grow suitable sideburns, you can shave them off at any time, and try again after two weeks.