Be stylish

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Everyone is eager to know how to look nice and dress appropriately for whatever life has in store. Would you like that too? Then keep reading.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Choosing clothes

  1. Wear clothes that show off your figure. The first thing you'll need to do to look stylish effortlessly is to make sure you're wearing clothes that show off your body type. Since an effortless style is supposed to be subtle, you need clothes that fit you well to measure that elegant, pricey look with the help of your clothes. You need clothes that make you look thinner and have the perfect length, and everything is well proportioned.
  2. Stick to the classic cut. Effortless style is mainly based on classic fashion images. Dressing according to trends only indicates that you are way too busy with your outfit and that you have been following the latest fashion news, like a stock broker keeps an eye on the stocks. Opt for classic styles in a classic cut for a more effortless look that will look good for years to come.
    • This means, for example, that instead of long casual dresses, women opt for knee-length dresses, while men should opt for pants that are a bit wider, instead of tight plantalons.
  3. Choose muted, neutral colors and bold accents. Which colors are popular and which colors are considered absolutely horrifying is very dependent on time and place. Just take a look at your mom's 70s clothes. To look effortlessly stylish, opt for a more timeless look, which means sticking with more muted and neutral colors. However, you can brighten this up with bold, eye-catching colors, especially when it comes to accessories.
    • Muted colors include oak (light brown), black, white, denim / navy blue and gray.
    • Some colors that are suitable for accentuation are most reds, many blues, plum / aubergine purple, golden yellow (such as rubber ducks or tulips) and emerald green.
    • Be careful with some colors. Be wary of certain greens and yellows and avoid orange, as these colors tend to go on and on and off.
  4. Avoid busy patterns and textures. Busy patterns and textures (such as fleecy / fluffy / feathered fabrics) can quickly make an outfit look dated and not stylish, as they are often not in vogue for more than a season or look a year. Next year it will be a different pattern, so why bother? Look stylish effortlessly by keeping your clothes stylish for decades, not months.
  5. Buy your clothes strategically. To look really stylish, your clothes should look expensive. Now you can make cheap clothes look expensive, but investing in items that actually cost a lot of money is probably not the worst idea. A few select luxury items that are difficult to copy, such as a nice wool sweater or a wool coat can really add class to your wardrobe. A limited number of beautiful items of clothing are preferable to a large number that only look cheap.
  6. Create an interchangeable collection. If you really want to work on the effortless in your effortless style, get a wardrobe that matches almost all pieces of clothing. This allows you to choose clothing based on comfort, style preference or weather conditions, instead of being limited by color or style combinations.
    • Choose one clothing style (vintage, modern, etc.) and then one color palette (the advice in this article to use muted colors with a few bold accents can help with this).
  7. Take care of your clothes. Looking stylish means that your clothes should look well-maintained. No stains, holes, loose threads or creases. If you want clothes to look well-maintained, the best way to do this is to take good care of them! Keep your clothes clean, folded and properly stored, and do some maintenance if necessary.
  8. Have your clothes tailored. What you probably don't realize about models and famous people is that they look so stylish because their clothes fit perfectly. And how do you get that done? By hiring a tailor, of course! Find a reliable tailor near you to adjust your clothes perfectly to the shape of your body. There are even larger clothing stores that can do this for you.
    • It's not nearly as expensive as it sounds. Tailoring a shirt often costs no more than € 10-20, trousers about € 30.
    • It may seem a bit strange to spend your money on that, but if you get your clothes made to measure and take good care of it, you will continue to look great for the next 10 years. It's an investment.

Part 2 of 3: Dressing

  1. Keep it simple. Effortless style is all about, as the term implies, looking like you didn't have to put in the effort, so get simple outfits. Use a limited number of clothes and accessories. This is especially important when it comes to accessories.
    • For example, do not wear a scarf, bracelet and large earrings, as well as a hat. Try to limit yourself to two remarkable accents / accessories.
  2. Choose clothes that are appropriate for the occasion you are going to. It's important to wear clothes that are stylish, but not too neat for the occasion. Dressing too smartly is a clear sign that you have spent way too much time and attention on your clothes. Do not wear an elegant dress when you go to the supermarket and do not wear a long gown when, for example, a cocktail dress is sufficient.
  3. Emphasize the accessories. Since your clothes should generally be in muted neutral colors, your accessories should be an accent. These should grab attention and look extra cool. It's easier to have accessories that conform to current fashions and trends, so don't worry too much about that (it's usually okay for this part).
    • For example, you could pair a floppy hat and fashionable patterned scarf with a brown jacket, blue T-shirt, white tight jeans, and brown shoes.
    • Another example could be a black dress in combination with red earrings and a bracelet.
    • Just make sure you don't stray from the color palette when choosing an outfit. The color of eye-catching accessories should generally match or complement the rest of the clothes.
  4. Don't ignore your hair. Your hair will also need to be stylish. Opt for a simple style, or a carefully crafted “messy” look, but make sure you create the look yourself. Your hair should be nice, even if it doesn't have to look like you just spent an hour getting it just right.
    • Avoid hair products to create a more natural look associated with an effortless style. This means, no gel or hairspray!
  5. Use make-up as little as possible. Women should avoid very flashy make-up. Keep the colors natural ladies, and try to get as close as possible to looking like you're wearing no makeup at all. You want to emphasize your best features and hide certain imperfections, of course, but don't overdo it.
    • Lips are an exception, as these can be a great way to add a little extra flair to an outfit by introducing bright colors, such as classic red.
  6. Keep lines and textures to a minimum. Combining patterns well is incredibly difficult and will make you appear more chaotic and less elegant. It's okay to have an item in your wardrobe that has a pattern or texture, but limit this to one.
  7. Avoid bulky clothing. Keep layering to a minimum and avoid heavy items or other items that add a lot of bulk. These give you a plump appearance and make you less sleek and stylish. Sweaters that are too big can be worn in time and depending on the occasion, but they tend to be in and out of style, so be careful with that.

Part 3 of 3: Presentation

  1. Don't neglect your perfume. While it may not be visible, the right perfume can contribute a lot to how others perceive you. Smell good by keeping yourself and your clothes clean, but also consider adding some perfume or eau te toilette to your list of fashion items. Avoid juvenile scents, such as fruit, in favor of something more mature, for a truly classic note.
  2. Create your own style. Stick to a certain clothing theme to create your own style. This is a look that people will associate with you and it will make you more stylish, even if they don't really like your clothes.
  3. Make sure your look matches who you are. The look you create for yourself should generally fit who you are as a person. For example, a really sweet woman who takes on a catty look will look strange and out of place, just like a businessman walking around in gangsta style. Match your clothes with your personality and people are much more likely to see it as your style.
  4. Have faith in yourself. Ever feel like some models can wear a brown paper bag and still look the catwalk as the pinnacle of the latest fashion? You know a guy who wears a tracksuit and somehow manages to look well dressed? What the fashion world would prefer you not to know is that a lot of looking stylish comes down to radiating confidence. Obviously, you don't actually need to have a lot of confidence, but if you walk around the street wearing clothes that you really believe will make you look great, most people will be inclined to agree (at least) that those clothes are you stand perfectly.
  5. Act like you don't care. Of course, the effortless part of the stylish look should be conveyed by an air like you don't care, or that you just put on the first set of clothes you could find. Be modest or almost indifferent when people compliment your clothes.
  6. Walk gracefully. To appear stylish, you will also need to look elegant and coordinated. So this doesn't mean falling over in high heels, ladies! Being elegant should be easier on men, but it remains important, so don't ignore it.
  7. Look as if you are completely comfortable, even if you are not. Even if you are wearing 10 centimeter stiletto heels, you should come across as if it were completely natural and you have no problems with it at all. Don't complain or constantly rearrange your clothes. If that style doesn't suit you and you can't seem casual in it, try something that's just a bit more comfortable. You can wear comfortable clothes and be stylish at the same time.
  8. Relax. Again, effortless style is all about looking great, but without looking like you put in any special effort. Effortless, right? So relax. Adopt a generally relaxed attitude to life. Always stay calm and content, and you will look much better no matter what you wear.


  • Read the fashion items from a number of different magazines, such as Cosmopolitan and Glamor for women and GQ for men. Collect tips; pay attention to what you think is beautiful and ugly.
  • There is no need to stock up on clothes from the latest and hippest designers. Choose the simpler items from cheaper fashion stores, such as simple T-shirts and blouses, and spruce them up with more expensive accessories and / or jackets.
  • Never let clothes carry "you". Your personality is what should come out, not the personality of the clothes!
  • Do it with what you have at home; mix and match old clothes, or change old jeans.
  • This one comes from a girl just like you: you may be embarrassed about it, but secondhand clothing stores are a must. V&D, Bijenkorf and C&A are all the same, and everyone wears those clothes. Especially in the richer neighborhoods, second-hand shops can be very convenient.
  • When you feel like your wardrobe could use an update, take a look at your closet and try to find a way to wear something you already own in a different way, instead of running straight to the store.
  • Remember that following trends doesn't always make you stylish. Real style depends on searching and choosing something - you should wear what you think will flatter you and match your personality.
  • When you wear necklaces and / or other accessories, choose colors that match your outfit!
  • Don't just go to the Bijenkorf and C&A, because everyone already does. Those clothes are not the most original and therefore do not always look effortless.
  • Take advantage of the bargain basket! You will be amazed at what you can find there! Just because these are cheaper clothes doesn't mean you can't wear them! Also browse thrift stores and garage sales. You can find lots of cute, unique things for a fraction of the original price!


  • Stay true to yourself or you will not feel comfortable.
  • Don't let people judge you for your clothes. Your personality is what really matters!
  • Don't walk around half naked, wear clothes! Going out in a low-cut tube top and booty shorts isn't classy.
  • Don't wear clothes just because other people like them. Find your own style, live the way you want.
  • Don't try to be someone else. Just be yourself!
  • Don't get slutty. If you'd rather die a thousand deaths than show your parents what you're wearing, don't wear it!