How to get revenge on an ex-boyfriend

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Revenge On Your Ex Boyfriend
Video: How To Get Revenge On Your Ex Boyfriend


Breaking up is a painful experience, especially if your ex has hurt you a lot. If you are going through a painful breakup, then the desire to take revenge on your ex is understandable. While vengeance sounds tempting in theory, it often provokes even greater disgust at the situation. If you really need to settle scores with him, there are some simple strategies you can use to keep you out of trouble. However, the best revenge is to show him that you don't need him. Also, you may feel better if you deal with your desire for revenge by showing that you are still in pain.


Method 1 of 3: Get revenge on him

  1. 1 "Accidentally" send him a message that is supposedly for the other guy. Make your ex think you've already found the other by sending them a carefully worded, flirty message. Immediately after sending, write again, informing that there was a misunderstanding. So the guy decides that now you are indifferent to him and that you quickly found a replacement for him.
    • You could write, “Thank you for last night. I am looking forward to a new meeting. " And then send: “Oops, wrong number. Now I will delete your contact. "
  2. 2 Post an embarrassing photo of him online or in a public place. Despite the fact that in no case should you publish intimate photos of your ex-boyfriend, you can indulge in his impartial images. Share the photo on your social media page or ask a friend to post it. Alternatively, print the photo or make a poster out of it, and then hang it on your ex-boyfriend's area or in places where he likes to spend time.
    • For example, you can use a photo of him doing something stupid or having a bad haircut.
    • Never post a nude or semi-nude photo of your ex-boyfriend.

    A warning: keep in mind - if you keep posting pictures of him, it could turn into bullying. If you decide to take this step, do not repeat it twice.

  3. 3 Hide something while taking your belongings from his house. Tell your ex-boyfriend that you need to come to his house and pick up the things you left there when you met him. When indoors, hide his favorite object, such as a TV remote, his favorite video game, or parts from his Lego set. He will go crazy until he finds a hidden object.
    • Do not take anything from his belongings, because it will be considered theft.
    • When hiding an item, be careful not to damage it. For example, you can shove the remote between the sofa cushions. However, you should not put it in the toilet cistern, where it will be flooded with water.
    • Place the item where the guy eventually finds it. For example, you can move the wine corkscrew to a different kitchen drawer, but not to the air conditioner vent.
  4. 4 Send his new girlfriend an anonymous message about his actions. If he's already dating someone, it probably hurts you a lot, especially if he cheated on you with that person. Try not to take out the evil on the new girl, because she most likely did not know about you. However, you can tell her that this guy is a scoundrel. Send her an email, social media or text message explaining what happened in your relationship.
    • Create a fake social media profile or use a fake email address. If you want to send SMS, use an application that allows you to send text from a fake number.
    • You can say: “I heard that you are dating Anton. I thought you should know that he was already in a relationship when he started dating you. He cheated on his ex and constantly lied to her. If I were you, I would be careful with him. "
  5. 5 Let him experience the natural consequences of his actions. This is a great way to get revenge on him because you don't have to do anything. After he hurts you, it may seem like he's gotten away with mistreating you. Ultimately, however, he will pay the price for his actions. Just sit and watch as he shovels away the consequences of his bad behavior.
    • For example, right now it may seem to him that he is on top of the world with the person for whom he left you. However, people will understand that he is a cheater, and this will damage his reputation. Plus, the relationship started out in an ugly situation, so he and his new girlfriend may have trust issues. Think about these consequences whenever you feel upset about what happened.

Method 2 of 3: Show him that you don't need him

  1. 1 Go out with your friends and have fun. After a breakup, it's only natural to want to curl up and cry. You can of course do this and no one will judge you, but you should also get out of the house and have a great time. Invite your friends to do something fun and rock out. Then post photos of you having fun so everyone knows you are enjoying life.
    • For example, go rollerblading, play bowling or mini golf, audition for an amateur theater, play an evening of games, drink or sing karaoke.
  2. 2 Flirt with other guys when your ex is nearby. You may not be ready for a new relationship, but there is nothing wrong with flirting. Plus, people tend to want what they can't get, so seeing you with another guy might make your ex jealous. Lightly compliment the other guy and lightly touch his arm or shoulder. When your ex looks in your direction, lean closer to the other guy to make the situation look more intimate.
    • You could say something like, "You're so funny!" - or: "This shirt emphasizes your pectoral muscles so much."

    Advice: post pictures with other guys on social media if you think your ex is still following your pages. Even if these guys are just friends, he may become jealous and realize that you don't need him.

  3. 3 Celebrate everything that is going well in your life. Breaking up can make you feel very overwhelmed, so it is likely that you are having a hard time thinking positively at the moment. To focus on the bright side, make a list of everything you are grateful for in your life right now. Then share your gratitude with others by telling your friends about it and posting on the Internet.
    • You can write on your page on the social network: "I am so happy that I have the opportunity to exhibit my work in a local coffee shop!" - or: "I really appreciate my best friend, my puppy and the job I just adore."
  4. 4 Take time to look your best to feel your best. Wear your favorite outfit, hair, and makeup if you wear makeup.Consider pampering yourself with a manicure or new haircut. Then take some pictures that make you look amazing and post them online for everyone to see. Alternatively, you can ask your friends to walk with you near the place where you know your ex-boyfriend will be.
    • Don't try to change yourself or improve your appearance. You are already beautiful!
  5. 5 Try something new to grow as a person. While you are recovering from a breakup, it may be difficult to spend time alone if you are used to being a couple. Grab this free time and use it to do what you've always wanted to try! Make a list of activities, hobbies, or interests that appeal to you. And then start implementing them and crossing out the items.
    • For example, try going to a new restaurant, start drawing, learn to play the guitar, or join an amateur sports team.
  6. 6 Try not to talk about your ex so that he thinks you forgot him. Since this guy hurt you, chances are you want to tell everyone what a fool he is. However, it just shows him that you still care. Better not to mention his name at all. So everyone will think that you have forgotten it.
    • If you still feel like letting off some steam about what happened, talk to a close friend or relative. However, don't share your feelings with everyone.

Method 3 of 3: Deal with the desire for revenge

  1. 1 Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Chances are, you're in pain right now, and that's okay. Your desire for revenge is also understandable. Tell yourself that there is nothing wrong with any emotions you have, and then let them go.
    • You can say to yourself: “I am very angry with Anton for breaking up with me right before Valentine's Day. I thought he really cared about me. I want him to hurt as much as me. "

    Advice: you may feel a little guilty for wanting revenge, but there is no reason to feel that way. Thoughts of revenge are completely normal.

  2. 2 Visualizehow you seek revenge and where it leads. As a rule, thoughts of revenge are much more satisfying than actually carrying it out. Imagine doing something bad to your ex, like writing bad words in front of his house or burning his favorite shirts. Enjoy the satisfaction of "watching" his suffering. Then imagine what might happen if you actually do it.
    • For example, let's say your ex-boyfriend cheated on you. You can imagine walking to his house and spray the word "cheater" on his car. Then imagine that he has to drive in a car and feel awkward. Next, think about the implications of actually doing this. For example, his mom may be very upset, and you may be arrested or ordered to pay money for damaging the car.
  3. 3 Do something soothing to help you relax and think clearly. You may be very upset at the moment, and you have every right to do so. Try not to make any decisions on emotions. Instead, do something to help you relax and pull yourself together.
    • For example, go to a yoga class, paint an adult coloring book, take a walk in nature, go shopping with friends, or play with your dog.
  4. 4 Try discussing your feelings with your ex if that helps. You may not want to see him again, but sometimes expressing pain to your ex can help ease your mind. If you think this might help, ask him to speak to you in person or over the phone. Then use first-person statements to tell him how his actions affected you.
    • First-person statements can help you focus on you and soften the accusations against the other person.For example, say, “I think you don’t respect me,” instead of, “You don’t respect me.”
    • You can say, "I feel that you have betrayed my trust, and it hurts a lot."

    Consider this option: If you're not ready for a full conversation, send him a message or email expressing your emotions.

  5. 5 Have pity on your ex for being such a mean person. Now you probably hate your ex, and that's understandable. However, if you look at him as someone worth pitying, you may feel a little better. Try to look at him as an inferior or weak person who has not been able to cope with the relationship. Then think about how sad it is.
    • You might say to yourself, “It's sad that he's not mature enough to break up with a partner before he goes over to a new one,” or, “He must be really alone if he thinks he needs two girls. I feel sorry for him".


  • Remember the old adage, "The best revenge is to be happy."


  • Perhaps revenge will make you feel more negative. Better to focus on making yourself happy rather than making him suffer.
  • Don't share nude or sexually suggestive photos of your ex to get revenge on him. Not only is this completely inappropriate, but it can also get you into trouble.
  • Don't break the law to get revenge on your ex. For example, do not scratch his car with the key or ruin his belongings.