How to celebrate Good Friday

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Observe Good Friday
Video: How to Observe Good Friday


If you are a Christian (Christian) and believe that Jesus Christ, being the eternal Son of God, died for all our sins, then for you Good Friday is the most mournful, saddest and at the same time the most holy day of the year.

In fact, this is not a day of celebration, but a day of contemplation.


  1. 1 Visit a local church.
    • For Roman Catholics: There is no Mass on Good Friday, but Communion is usually held. Pray to the Lord in holy communion. Rosary prayers are especially appropriate on Good Friday.
    • In addition to the Holy Mass, many churches also hold the Way of the Cross, which is well worth a visit.
  2. 2 Some Christian communities (Catholic and others) put on a passionate play. You can visit it or perhaps participate or organize.
    • If at the celebration you accept visitors, you can offer them afternoon tea or an "Easter bun". It is a caramel-covered bun with some cross-shaped dough on top. It can be toasted or plain.
  3. 3 Also, some people fast on Good Friday. Someone completely abstains from food, and someone eats very little. If your body is still growing, it would be better to eat some food. Read the paragraph below about Byzantine Christians.
  4. 4 If you don't go to Mass, stop doing anything at 3pm and pray if possible. It is believed that Jesus died on the cross at this time.
  5. 5 During the day, meditate on the death of Jesus. This is the main meaning of Good Friday.

Method 1 of 2: For Byzantine Christians

  1. 1 Byzantine Christians are advised to fast by abstaining from all meat and dairy products (including eggs). Orthodox Christians should familiarize themselves with the rules of their diocese.
  2. 2 Attend Matins with the reading of the twelve Passion Gospels and the Great Heel.

Method 2 of 2: For Protestants and Others

  1. 1 There are many different traditions held by every Christian denomination. The best way to find out about them is to contact a pastor, priest, priest, or church leader.


  • Try to attend mass or church service in the morning, as it will be very crowded on Good Friday and it will be difficult to find a place to sit. Of course, you can stand during the entire mass, thinking about what Jesus has done for you.
  • Saint Francis of Assisi conducted the "Divine Service of the Way of the Cross" for people who could not afford a trip to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem (on a pilgrimage). So they could think about the passion of our Lord right in their church.
  • On Good Friday (just like other Fridays during Lent), Catholics abstain from meat and can only eat fish. Moreover, the fish should be cooked, not fried or breaded.
  • Try to grieve on this day. Act like you're at a funeral.
  • Never go on holiday on Good Friday. Good Friday is not a holiday or a vacation.

What do you need

Roman Catholics

  • Baptize yourself and baptize your own cross when you attend church
  • Your psaltery (rosary)
  • Your prayer book
  • Your bible
  • Easter buns
  • Boiled fish for lunch / dinner

Protestants and others

  • Your bible
  • What Your Pastor, Priest, Father, or Church Leader Suggests
  • Your faith