How to open a lemonade rack

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
These Kids Will Teach You How to Run a Lemonade Stand
Video: These Kids Will Teach You How to Run a Lemonade Stand


The Lemonade Rack is more than just a classic. This is a great opportunity for young people to learn the basics of business. Opening a lemonade rack will teach you how to be a responsible person. It is also a great opportunity to have fun.


Part 1 of 3: Organization

  1. 1 Choose a location. If you put up a counter in front of your house, only a few people will see you.Instead, choose a place where a lot of people are walking. Local parks and beaches are good options, especially if the weather is fine.
    • You can also ask permission from your church or local grocery store to put up a lemonade stand near the entrance. Be sure to ask permission before installing the stand.
    • Check local events schedule. If your area is going to have street festivals or sporting events, you can set up your counter at the locations where these events will take place.
    • Think about the hottest and most thirsty places. People who are sunbathing on the beach or playing 18 rounds of golf in the sun will gladly buy your lemonade.
    • Follow the weather forecast. If you decide to work on a hot, sunny day, choose a shaded area for the counter.
  2. 2 Install the stand. You need a sturdy table and chair for you to sit down. Set your table and chair on a flat surface so you don't spill your lemonade. Alternatively, you can cover the table with a brightly colored tablecloth to grab the attention of passers-by.
    • You can lay the table so that it covers the front. Thanks to this, you can hide some things that customers should not see.
    • Place jugs, cups, napkins, and straws on the table. Everything should look neat. The tidier your counter looks, the more people will want to visit it.
  3. 3 Make your workplace comfortable. If you plan to work for a long period of time, you need to make sure that your workplace is as comfortable as possible. Have an adequate amount of drinking water. Alternatively, you can place a soft pillow on the chair to make it more comfortable for you to sit. If the weather is hot, you can use a battery powered fan or fan.
    • If you work all day, then most likely the moment will come when the sun begins to shine on you. If this happens, close the rack for half an hour and move it to a shady place.
    • Make sure you use sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage.
  4. 4 Decorate your rack. You can decide for yourself how to do this, there are no specific templates. Most importantly, your rack should look bright and fun.
    • You can print pictures with the necessary themes and stick them on the rack.
    • Try to make your own jewelry. You can draw lemons, glasses and pitchers, sun, beach and anything lemonade related.
    • You can put fresh flowers on the table to decorate it, or use bright straws and napkins instead of the usual white ones.
    • Install a sign that shows what you are selling. Place it where it is so that passersby can easily spot it. For example, you can attach a sign like this to the front of the tablecloth.
  5. 5 Advertise your rack. Even if your counter is in a good location, make sure everyone around you knows about your business. Try to create an advertisement for your counter, and place it near your workplace.
    • You can use sheets of white printer paper or colorful cardboard.
    • Use different colored markers to draw the ad for your rack.
    • Include your assortment, price, and your counter location in your ad.
  6. 6 Tell everyone about your lemonade rack. Ask your friends not only to visit your counter, but also to tell your friends about it, and also bring them! Alternatively, you can advertise the rack on social media. This makes more people aware of your business.

Part 2 of 3: The Guide

  1. 1 Be friendly. People are attracted by good nature and a smile. You can ask passers-by to buy lemonade. Most likely, you will be surprised at how many new customers you have due to your goodwill.
    • Encourage customers to come back.You can say, "I'll be here at noon tomorrow! Come!"
  2. 2 Keep the rack clean. Your good nature can attract people, and a dirty stance can alienate them. Make sure you don't spill the lemonade while pouring it, making everything sticky. The napkins should be in an even stack, and the straws should be neatly collected in a glass. Such things should not be scattered all over the table. A special place should be reserved for glasses. Make sure that you do not accidentally hit them and they do not break.
  3. 3 Offer a wide range. Although you will be offering lemonade to your customers, they will be more willing to come to you if you are selling more than just lemonade. On a hot day, some people would love to drink cold water instead of lemonade. You could also sell lemonade snacks.
    • You can prepare your own snacks to boost your bottom line. Cookies and cakes are good options.
    • Some people may prefer salty snacks over sugary ones. Individual bags of pretzels, potato chips, peanuts are great snacks.
    • Fruit is a great alternative to a healthy snack. Apples, oranges, or sliced ​​watermelon go well with cold lemonade on a hot day.
  4. 4 Set prices. Make sure your price matches the product. If you live in a hot area where there are many people who are thirsty, you can put the price higher.
    • Make interesting offers for your customers, for example: "Buy 2 glasses and get 1 free!" You will lose money for one glass of lemonade, but you will attract more parents with children!
    • Keep a tip box on hand to earn extra money.
  5. 5 Make sure you can give change. You must have the money to give you change in case the client pays you with a large bill. Try not to take large bills. It would be a shame to lose the client if you couldn't give them the change.
    • Keep an envelope handy in which you can keep change money. Be careful not to lose it!
  6. 6 Track your earnings. A lemonade rack can be a good lesson in business and finance. Keep track of how much money you make by recording all of your income.
    • Take a piece of paper and divide it into 5 columns. Each column should have its own name: "Day", "Sold", "Price per glass", "Tips" and "Total".
    • Record all sales in a spreadsheet.
    • At the end of the week, add up all the numbers in the Total column to find out how much money you made.
  7. 7 Calculate your profit. You may have already made money selling lemonade, but don't forget that you've already invested money to start your own business! You must find out if you managed to get back the money you invested in the beginning. We hope you earned something.
    • Write down the cost of each item you bought for this business. These items can be lemonade ingredients, cups / straws / napkins, advertisements and decorations, and so on.
    • Calculate how much money you have invested in the business.
    • Subtract how much money you put in from the amount you made selling lemonade. If this amount is less, you have not made money this week. If the amount is greater, this is your profit!

Part 3 of 3: Making the lemonade

  1. 1 Choose what you will make lemonade from: from powder or from lemons. The advantage of using lemons is that it will be healthier and more natural. Some people may be more like the idea of ​​homemade lemonade. The advantage of powdered lemonade is the low price and the absence of lemon pulp in the drink, which may please some customers. Plus, lemonade is much quicker to make from powder. But it is worth remembering that a lot of this lemonade can be harmful to health, because the powder is an unnatural substance. Lemons are a healthier choice.Weigh all the pros and cons and make the right decision.
  2. 2 Make lemonade powder. If you decide to make lemonade from powder, then this is a very simple task! You will have delicious lemonade!
    • Buy the powder at the grocery store.
    • Follow the directions on the package when making your lemonade. Stir well until powder is dissolved.
    • Taste the lemonade to add more water or powder if needed.
    • When you like the taste of the drink, you can sell it!
  3. 3 Make lemonade with fresh lemons. If you decide to make lemonade with fresh lemons, you will have to put in more time and energy, but you will end up with a delicious, healthy drink. Prepare all ingredients. This recipe is for 4.5 liters::
    • 8 lemons
    • 2 cups sugar
    • 1 glass of hot water
    • 4.5 liters of cold water
  4. 4 Mix sugar and hot water. Add sugar to hot water to dissolve faster. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. 5 Squeeze or roll the lemons on the table before cutting them in half. This will allow you to squeeze more juice out of the lemons. Place the lemon on the table and then press down on it with your palm. Roll it over the surface until you feel the lemon begin to lose its firmness.
    • When you're done, cut the lemon in half.
  6. 6 Squeeze the juice out of the lemons. You should get about 1/4 cup of juice from each lemon. You should end up with 2 cups of juice.
    • Take half a lemon and squeeze the juice into a bowl. Place your other hand under the lemon to catch the seeds and pulp. They shouldn't get into lemonade.
    • You can pierce the lemon with a fork to squeeze out more juice.
  7. 7 Combine all ingredients in a large jug. Pour hot water, sugar mixture, lemon juice and cold water into a pitcher. Take a large jug for this. Refrigerate the mixture. Your lemonade is ready to drink.
  8. 8 Do not mix lemonade and ice right away. If you add ice directly to the lemonade pitcher, the ice will melt during the day. You will have watered down lemonade.
    • Refrigerate lemonade before selling it. You can supply a container of ice, and each customer can take as much as needed.
  9. 9 Serve several varieties of lemonade. You can make a lemonade base and then add different ingredients to make drinks with different flavors.
    • Make Strawberry Lemonade: Chop 2 cups strawberries and stir with 1/2 cup sugar. Leave the resulting mixture at room temperature for about 45 minutes, then drain the syrup. Add 1 tablespoon of syrup to each glass of lemonade.
    • You can repeat this step with any berry: raspberries, blueberries, or others!
    • Place the sliced ​​watermelon in a blender and chop until juiced and add to your lemonade.
    • Be creative! Experiment with different flavors!


  • Ask friends to help you, but make sure everyone gets their fair share of the profits.
  • If you want to work all year round, you could sell hot chocolate during the winter.
  • If a passerby doesn't have time, don't bother him. If you're polite, he might come back later!
  • If you're upset about low sales, don't show it and remember to have fun!
  • Make a beautiful poster to attract more people.
  • Be friendly to your customers.
  • Don't put high prices, many people will buy your lemonade.
  • Make sure you look neat. Keep your hands and hair clean so customers don't think you are stirring the lemonade with your hands.


  • Never leave the rack unattended. Someone might steal all your money or lemonade!
  • Place the box of money next to you or behind the counter. Don't risk it!
  • Make sure you have permission to install your rack on private property.
  • Ask an adult to help you cut the lemons.
  • Use sunscreen to avoid sunburn.

What do you need

  • Lemons or lemonade powder
  • Jug
  • Sugar
  • Lemonade stand sign
  • Envelope or money box
  • Table and chair
  • Tablecloth
  • Ice and mobile refrigerator
  • Snacks that can be sold with lemonade (optional)
  • A jar or box for tips (optional)
  • Extra money to give change to customers