How to refuse a fan or end a relationship (in a letter)

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Writing Letters: formal & informal English
Video: Writing Letters: formal & informal English


A farewell letter is written to a person whose love you have rejected. It is important not to offend the person, so think through your letter to the smallest detail. Other people's feelings are different from our own. Any careless word can deeply hurt, and you will leave a negative impression of yourself forever.


Method 1 of 1: How to write the last letter

  1. 1 In fact, everything is simple: either you want to hurt the person or you don't.
  2. 2 If you chose the first option, then just list all the disadvantages of a possible relationship. Write accurately and without unnecessary details. From your letter, the person should understand that you will not meet with him because you want to meet someone better. You can hurt the person even more by writing that he almost succeeded in becoming the way you wanted, and do not let him lose hope and give up. You can also use the example of one of your friends whom you find more attractive. However, after that, you should seriously consider the motives for your actions and why you want to cause suffering to the other person.
  3. 3 If you want to soften the blow, don't write bad about the person. Before sending your letter, read it several times. Don't blame or criticize. Remember that the person reading your letter will be asking himself the question, "What did I do wrong?" or "What's wrong with me?"
  4. 4 Make it clear that you do not want to continue the relationship, do not leave the person in any doubt.
  5. 5 Keep it short.
  6. 6 To avoid unnecessary persuasion, it is best to communicate your decision by sending an email.
  7. 7 Give one simple explanation for the breakup. Write that the person is not to blame for this situation, and that it is in yourself. You can write like this: "I am not in love with anyone else." "I don't want to date anyone right now." "I'd better meet different people for a while." "I have personal problems, so any relationship is now impossible for me." If neither option works for you, write: "I don't know why, but I don't have any feelings for you anymore."
  8. 8 Explain to the person that they are not at fault for your refusal, even if they are not.
  9. 9 Share what the person taught you and what lessons you learned from the relationship. If you cannot give such examples, then just remind of some pleasant moments, the memories of which will forever remain in your heart.
  10. 10 Write that you wish the person good luck in your personal life and hope for further friendship.
  11. 11 Don't talk too often about your love life with other people. Don't brag. Remember: if you are kind and nice in dealing with people, they will reciprocate, and arrogant behavior will alienate them.
  12. 12 You may receive a reply letter. It may contain both requests to return and sharp remarks. You can get flowers as a gift. The person will hope that they will move you and force you to change your mind. Perhaps he will use heavy artillery, begin to weave intrigues, trying to hurt you. In case of dangerous behavior on the part of the rejected, seek help from other people. If this is going to take a long time, ask politely to stop any attempts to bring you back.
  13. 13 Remember that you are not turning down a person because you are too good for them. If you yourself have never been rejected, this does not mean that you are perfect. The reason is most likely because your partners accepted your flaws and saw more strengths in you. If you do not notice your shortcomings, you can be called a self-confident person who does not want to understand simple things. Perhaps you choose people who are not capable of rejecting you. Think about what it is like to receive such a farewell letter, and try not to deliberately hurt other people's feelings in the future.