Control static hair

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Static Hair Hacks | Tutorial on How to Prevent and Stop Staticky Hair
Video: Static Hair Hacks | Tutorial on How to Prevent and Stop Staticky Hair


On cold winter days when your hair gets dry, flyaways can completely ruin the style you worked so hard for in the morning. Whether you have static hair from electricity or naturally frizzy hair, you too can tame those unruly hairs. Continue to step 1 below and learn how to fix flyaways in both long and short term.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Fix the problem yourself at the moment

  1. Use a product specifically designed for your hair type. Static hair is caused by your hair being dry, by using too many care or styling products, or by chemical damage. As your hair dries, it produces more friction, which creates static electricity. A silicone-based hair serum is suitable for most hair types and ensures that your hair remains hydrated, supple and shiny. But if you are serious about doing something about static and unruly hair, first determine which hair type you have and keep that in mind when choosing a care product:
    • Hairspray specifically designed to combat flyaways is best for you thin until semi-thick have her. A little spray should get the job done, while still keeping your hair looking natural.
    • Lightweight pomade designed to trap moisture is best for thicker her. The trick with pomade is that you only have to use a little bit of it; the effect is very big! Make sure to spread the pomade evenly over your hands before applying it to the stubborn hairs.
  2. Try using an unscented drying towel to control flyaways. Oh, that's what dryer sheets are for! you may think now.And that's partly true! Drying wipes are great at reducing static, and if you don't mind rubbing your hair with drying towels, you can indeed use them against flyaways. Very handy when you are on the road.
  3. Take an ice cube and run it over your flyaways. Obviously, you can't do this if you're already at school or at work, but it works very well when you're still at home and notice your hair is jumping in all directions. Just take an ice cube from the freezer and slide it over your unruly, dry hair. Cold water helps keep your hair in moisture, making it easier to control.
  4. Use a small amount of non-greasy hand or body lotion. The most important thing here is that the lotion is not greasy. Just like tumble dryers, your hand or body lotion probably doesn't associate with your hair, but give it a try anyway. Put a little lotion on your hands, spread it and work it into your hair. Concentrate on the problem areas. Always remember that static hair is dry hair, and soaking your hair with body lotion can solve much of the problem.
    • Only do this if you have medium to thick hair.

Method 2 of 2: Get rid of flyaways permanently

  1. If your hair tends to become static, run your fingers through it instead of brushing it. Less friction automatically means less static electricity. Running your fingers through your hair will reduce the amount of friction on your hair, while brushing your hair will make it worse. The more friction and static electricity, the more static your hair will be.
  2. Use a shampoo especially suitable for dry or frizzy hair, and don't forget to use conditioner too! A few things are important to know if you want to control flyaways with shampoo and conditioner:
    • You don't have to shampoo your hair every day. If you shampoo your hair every day, you can expect it to get dry. Unless you work in a place where you sweat a lot, or where your hair gets really dirty or greasy, or if you absolutely need to wash your hair every day for some urgent reason, you can try to wash it no more than once every day. wash for two or three days.
    • And if you shampoo your hair, choose a moisturizing shampoo or a frizz shampoo. Hydrating and anti-frizz shampoos contain moisturizing ingredients such as aloe vera, which provide extra protection against drying out. When washing your hair, focus on cleaning your scalp, rather than drying out the ends of your hair.
    • Choose a shampoo that is suitable for your hair type. For example, if you have curls, choose a shampoo that states it is specifically designed for curly hair.
    • Always use conditioner when shampooing your hair. Use a conditioner to keep your hair from drying out, breaking and jumping in all directions. When applying the conditioner, focus especially on the tips of your hair.
  3. Use a brightening shampoo once a month. If you use a lot of styling products in your hair, your hair can become dry and static due to the high concentration of care products. To avoid this, it is best to use a clarifying shampoo once a month. Take care of your hair as best you can afterwards.
  4. Make sure your hair is better guided by using so-called leave-in products. When you buy a product, check the label for quat or amine. Such products conduct the current better than products based on silicone or alcohol. Products that are better able to conduct electricity make your hair less static.
  5. Avoid breaking her. Split or broken ends can also cause flyaways. Preventing your hair from breaking is easier than fixing the problem afterwards. Always treat your hair gently. Some ways to keep your hair from breaking are:
    • Use silk pillowcases
    • Use your hair dryer and curling iron, and other appliances that use heat, on the lowest setting
    • Use chemical treatments as little as possible
    • Use linen hair ties
  6. Keep in mind that keeping flyaways in check is always about trapping moisture in your hair. If you shampoo and condition your hair properly, use the right products, and use the tricks above whenever you experience disobedient hair, you will at least be able to largely control the problem.


  • Sometimes the thin hairs near your hairline, your so-called baby hairs, tend to become static. You could try to style those hairs specifically, or you could try to grow them out.
  • If you want to control your flyaways with the help of hand or body lotion, opt for a scented lotion that has the same scent as your perfume, deodorant or body spray.
  • Don't pull your hair back into a very tight ponytail, or pin it too tightly. This is often the first cause of your hair becoming static and jumping in all directions.
  • Don't mess with your hair too much. Too many chemicals are bad for your hair and make it look and feel even worse.