How to clean your Rainbow sandals

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 7 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Leather Sandals - How to Clean
Video: Leather Sandals - How to Clean


Many people like to wear Rainbow sandals, so called flip flops, which take the shape of the wearer's foot. They look great in early spring, but by the end of summer they can get a little dirty and frayed, with a layer of dust and sand. Fortunately, the Rainbow is durable and shouldn't be damaged by cleaning.


Method 1 of 3: Removing dirt

  1. 1 Prepare some soapy water. You are better off using cool water as warm or hot water can damage the skin on your Rainbow sandals. Add a drop or two of dish soap and mix well.
  2. 2 Wipe your shoes with a damp cloth. Soak a piece of clean cloth in soapy water and squeeze lightly to remove excess water. Gently moisten and wipe off dirty areas in a circular motion.
    • For particularly dirty areas that a wet rag cannot clean, you may find it useful to use a soft-bristled brush, such as an old toothbrush.
    • Try to rub with enough force to remove any accumulated dirt without damaging your skin.
  3. 3 Dry your sandals. Use a paper towel to wipe off any moisture from your shoes. Be sure to do this very carefully, as soap residues can further damage your skin.
    • It is a good idea to dry your sandals in the sun before using to help remove moisture completely.

Method 2 of 3: Get rid of bad odors

  1. 1 Leave your sandals in the sun. Before proceeding with more advanced methods, try not wearing your Rainbow sandals for a while, and just leave them to dry in the sun for a few days. At the initial stage of the onset of an unpleasant odor, the sun's ultraviolet rays and fresh air will help you to solve this problem.
    • Even if this does not completely solve the problem, it is a great idea to be able to make sure your sandals are completely dry before you start trying to clean them.
  2. 2 Use rubbing alcohol. Concentrated rubbing alcohol will help you eliminate unpleasant odors. Soak a few paper towels with rubbing alcohol (they should be damp but not wet) and place them on the parts of the sandals that come into contact with your feet. Leave it there for a few hours, or until the towels are completely dry.
  3. 3 Spray vodka onto the surface of the sandal. Just like alcohol, it will help eliminate bad odors. Pour some vodka into a spray bottle and spray your sandals. Leave them to dry in the sun for a few hours.
  4. 4 Use baking soda. This product is highly effective in removing all types of unpleasant odors. Place your Rainbow sandals in a 4 liter Velcro bag and add half a cup of baking soda inside. Close the bag, shake vigorously, completely enveloping the sandals with a layer of baking soda. Leave it there for a few days before removing it.
    • This process may take some effort, but you should remove all the baking soda from your flip flops by bumping them together or wiping them with a clean rag.

Method 3 of 3: Preparing the legs

  1. 1 Wash your feet thoroughly. Washing your feet on time will keep your Rainbow sandals clean and odor-free. Keep deodorant soap in the shower and use a washcloth to vigorously wash your feet with it. This will not only remove dirt and dust that can further stain your sandals, but it will also exfoliate dead skin cells that contribute to the foul odor.
  2. 2 Dry your feet well. When getting out of the shower, do not stop only at the ankle area. Dry your feet thoroughly with a terry towel, including the areas between your toes, to prevent any fungal infections.
    • If you are concerned about a fungal infection, then you may want to consider using daily foot talcum powder.
  3. 3 Use an antiperspirant for your feet. This is a good idea if you have excessive sweating of your feet. While the talcum powder absorbs sweat, the antiperspirant actually stops sweating. If you notice that your feet are constantly sweating, using an antiperspirant in the morning will help you make your sandals a lot cleaner.
  4. 4 Give your feet some sun. The odor-causing fungus is best in damp and dark areas near the sole of the shoe. Try to set aside time each day to walk barefoot, ideally outdoors, exposing your heels to the sun. Just remember to thoroughly wash and dry your feet if they get dirty.