How to clean eyeliner from carpet

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Remove Makeup From Carpet
Video: How To Remove Makeup From Carpet


Sometimes in a hurry, doing makeup, you may not even notice how eyeliner marks will appear on your favorite carpet. Any kind of eyeliner on the carpet leaves dark, ugly stains. Do not panic! By following the tips in this article, you can remove eyeliner from carpet, just like you remove makeup from your face on a daily basis.


Method 1 of 3: Using dish soap

  1. 1 Mix dish soap with warm water. This is the easiest way to remove these stains, as dishwashing detergent is usually at hand for every housewife. Add a quarter teaspoon of dish soap to a cup of warm water. Pour the solution into a container with a lid. Close it and shake well.
    • Use whatever container you have for mixing the ingredients. Take a spray bottle. Using a spray bottle, you can mix the main ingredients of the solution and then spray it onto the stain.
  2. 2 Apply the solution to the stain. You can use a cloth, paper towel, or sponge. It is advisable to use a white cloth or sponge so that the carpet does not change color when the stain is removed. Blot the stain. Do not rub it as you may rub the stain even further. In addition, the eyeliner can penetrate deeper into the fibers of the carpet.
    • Saturate the stain well with the prepared solution.
    • Continue blotting the stain until it is completely gone. The stain should disappear completely. Repeat the process until the carpet is clean again.
  3. 3 Dry the carpet. Place a couple of paper towels on the wet spot and place something heavy on top. After a few hours, remove the paper towels and leave the stain open. Do not walk on the carpet while it is drying.After the carpet is dry, check to see if you have completely removed the stain. If not, repeat the process.
    • Vacuum the carpet as it dries so that the previously stained area is no different from the carpet as a whole.

Method 2 of 3: Using a carpet cleaner

  1. 1 Get a carpet cleaner or stain remover. You can buy such a product at a household chemicals store. Check out the range of such products at a store near your home. Choose a product that meets your expectations, such as quick results, removes old stains, smells good, does not contain harmful chemicals, and so on. In addition, in a household chemicals store, you can find products that have different prices. Choose the best remedy for you.
    • Typically, refer to the instructions for your carpet cleaner for information on what types of stains your chosen carpet removes. Pay attention to the composition of the product that you will be using.
    • The sooner you start removing the stain, the more likely you are to get a positive result. Keep a bottle of carpet cleaner handy for use whenever you need it.
  2. 2 Test on a small area of ​​carpet before removing the stain. Generally, carpet cleaners are safe enough to be used on a variety of carpet surfaces. However, it's best to test your chosen product on an inconspicuous area to make sure you don't ruin the carpet when you remove the stain. When you are sure that the chosen product is safe, you can start removing the stain.
  3. 3 Follow the directions on the carpet cleaner bottle. Be sure to take the time to read the instructions and use the chosen tool correctly. To get the desired result, it is important to properly dilute the product you are using, as well as adhere to the required time frame.
  4. 4 Wait for the product to dry and see the result. Place a few paper towels on the damp area of ​​the carpet and place something heavy on top. After a few hours, remove the paper towels and allow the carpet to dry. After the carpet is completely dry, evaluate the result. Repeat the process again if necessary.
    • Vacuum the carpet as it dries so that the previously stained area is no different from the carpet as a whole.

Method 3 of 3: Using an ammonia solution

  1. 1 Mix one tablespoon of ammonia with half a glass of warm water. Ammonia is an effective stain remover. It is found in many cleaning products. Use ammonia to remove stains. Purchase ammonia from a household chemical store.
  2. 2 Apply the resulting solution to the stain with a sponge or cloth. Do not rub the stain, otherwise the eyeliner will be absorbed even more into the carpet fibers. Blot the stain until it is completely gone. Repeat the process until you have completely removed the stain.
    • Since ammonia has a rather strong odor, remove the stain in a well-ventilated area. Don't worry, your carpet will not smell like ammonia when dry.
  3. 3 Wait for the carpet to dry. The carpet should be completely dry. After this happens, evaluate the result. Repeat the process again if necessary. Vacuum the carpet as it dries so that the previously stained area is no different from the carpet as a whole.
    • Ammonia can be harmful to pets. Therefore, be careful when using ammonia to remove the stain. Keep pets away from the treated area of ​​the carpet.