How to remove chewing gum from a dryer drum

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Remove Gum from a Dryer Quickly
Video: Remove Gum from a Dryer Quickly


  • 2 Take a plastic knife or putty knife and scrape off the gum with it. You can use your nails for this if you like. Just do not press too hard or damage the dryer drum.
  • 3 Soak a rag in white vinegar. Use it to wipe the drum to remove any remaining rubber.
  • Method 3 of 5: Use laundry detergent

    If ice doesn't help you get rid of the gum completely, try using a laundry detergent. Perhaps this method will be more effective, only the gum needs to be softened first.

    1. 1 In a bowl, mix one tablespoon of washing powder with a little water until a thick paste forms.
    2. 2 Take a clean rag, dab the paste on it, and start wiping down the drum. Rub the gum until it is completely removed.
    3. 3 Wipe off any remaining paste with a damp cloth.
    4. 4 Soak some old rags and dry them in the dryer. They will help remove any remaining gum.

    Method 4 of 5: Use special cleaners

    If the above methods don't work, try removing the gum using chemicals such as WD-40 or Goo Gone aerosols.

    1. 1 Take a can of WD-40 and spray it thoroughly over the gum. If you are using Goo Gone, apply it to a clean rag first.
    2. 2 Wipe down the dryer with a rag. Rub the gum until it is completely removed.
    3. 3 Clean the tumble dryer drum with a cloth dampened with dishwashing liquid. Wipe it well to remove any traces of aerosol. Leave the dryer open for a while before using it again.
    4. 4 Soak some old rags and dry them in the dryer. They will help remove gum and aerosol residues.

    Method 5 of 5: Use a dryer sheet

    You can use tumble dryers, although some people are concerned about their chemical composition. If you don't care, and if other methods do not work, then try cleaning the drum of the rubber with a tissue.

    1. 1 Take a few wipes and dampen them with water. Then place them on the sticky gum and let sit for 10-15 minutes.
    2. 2 Then use these wipes to wipe the rubber off the drum surface. Do this until you completely remove it.


    • Be careful not to damage the tumble dryer when you scrape the rubber off the tumble dryer.
    • After cleaning the drum, put old, wet rags in it and run for one cycle to remove any remaining rubber.


    • If you will be using chemical cleaners, be sure to ventilate the dryer to allow the residue to evaporate.

    You will need

    • Ice
    • Plastic knife or spatula
    • Rag
    • Vinegar
    • Washing powder
    • WD-40 or Goo Gone
    • Dishwashing liquid
    • Drying wipes