How to stay happy while celebrating Valentine's Day alone

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 16 September 2024
How To Draw Hugging Hearts For Valentine’s Day
Video: How To Draw Hugging Hearts For Valentine’s Day


Ah, romance. Just what you need ... isn't it? However, if you are lonely, by your own will or by force of circumstances, an advertising campaign for Valentine's Day and a desire to be accepted in society can make the "day of lonely hearts" dull, dreary and even cruel. It's hard to see that life has something good in store when you are attacked with romantic comedies on TV, flowers, romance novels, cute heart keychains and endless sentimental advertisements or invitations.

Do not worry. On Valentine's Day, you can be happy alone. Suppress a vague desire to get a couple, if the time for this has not yet come, and seize the moment.


Method 1 of 1: Celebrating Valentine's Day Alone

  1. 1 Take a look at things from the other side. If you're feeling sad and Valentine's Day is making you remember that you are “just” a loner, consider that you are not the only lonely person who has to put up with this day.
    • Someone, perhaps, feels just as unhappy, but some people, perhaps, are having a great time, making fun of the meaninglessness of the holiday and not attaching any importance to it. And then, we should not forget about the couples who resist the whirlpool of this day as best they can, desperately struggling with the imposed need to buy gifts and celebrate as usual. Even though they have a loved one, jewelry and Valentine's Day campaigns seem silly and irrelevant to them.
    • With this thought in mind, you can more easily stop sobbing into your handkerchief.
    • Remind yourself that everyone is cashing in on this holiday: from the cashier to the flower seller, from the owners of the stalls with sweets and souvenirs to the big restaurant owners where you can order a romantic dinner for two.
  2. 2 Learn to love loneliness. Remember all the advantages of a "bachelor" life: you don't have to fight with anyone for the TV remote control, and the living space can be kept in your usual state without having to clean every 5 minutes. The sight of couples, of course, carries a certain message, but it is important to remember that this is a reflection of the far from complete reality of how people live; don't let the thought that everyone with a significant other is automatically happy fool yourself. Many people enjoy their loneliness, but the idea of ​​a happy life for singles is currently not popular either in the media or in the political course of many countries.
    • Write down a list of the benefits associated with being bachelor. For example, a lot of free time, no compromises on the home front and excessive responsibility, and so on. Consider how quickly certain list items evaporate as a relationship begins. Concentrate on seeing the advantages, not the disadvantages.
    • If on Valentine's Day people poke your loneliness in your face, respond calmly and courteously, “I like being alone. I myself choose how to live, and I do not have to compromise, cook or even make the bed. " Perhaps you should also mention the statistic that half of the world's population, 51% of whom are women, are unmarried.
  3. 3 Be happy with yourself regardless of your marital status. Romance tales assure that the other person can complement you; that is why some people readily declare “you are my better half”, “I was nothing until I met you” and “our hearts beat in the same rhythm”, but do not appreciate the meaning of the words spoken. Taken seriously, such a point of view may imply interdependence, an inability to act independently, and the loss of oneself as a person in another person. It's not very romantic! And can all relationships be equated with the fabulous “and they lived happily ever after”? Divorce statistics and stories of unhappy marriages prove the opposite for a large group of people. Do not forget that the absence of a soul mate should not force you to change, lose your freedom and habits. Rather than succumbing to sadness on Valentine's Day, celebrate your accomplishments that show that you are a strong, healthy person; a person who, if love suddenly falls on him, will find a place for it in his heart, but who needs a relationship not in order to raise self-esteem and assure himself of his own happiness.
  4. 4 Do not give in to the knocking down stream. You may be a real romantic and crave to meet your soul mate, but for now, patience is a true virtue. There will be a myriad of Valentine's Day in your life, just as there will be many people you might fall in love with. Sometimes it can be difficult to get through Valentine's day alone, when there is such a dominance of hidden messages around, hinting at the need to hurry and risk losing your chance.If this were true, then there would be no love that appears in adulthood and old age, which, of course, is not true. Regardless of age, love flares up many times throughout our lives. Until then, love the life you are living, not living to find love.
    • Remember what can happen if you rush and get married before you know and understand yourself. This decision may one day end up with one of the spouses realizing that he needs to "find himself" and that the relationship suffers from this.
    • Diapers are not romantic at all. As well as endless sleepless nights. Don't run ahead of yourself until you feel absolutely ready for a serious relationship; enjoy your freedom as long as it is or as long as you want to keep it.
  5. 5 Pamper yourself. If, while queuing up to buy items from the prosaic everyday list, you spot a hairy teddy bear holding a heart in its paws, and you are daydreaming about one of these sentimental postcards, or you want a heart-shaped box of chocolates before drooling, try treating yourself instead of in order to annoy. If cutie Teddy is so cute that you want to fall asleep with him in an embrace, give in to the desire. Or better yet, invest in what you really want: a bottle of perfume, a six-pack of beer, a new coffee press, or a book by your favorite author. Don't get hung up on what you don't have. After all, this is Valentine's Day, and love should be for yourself!
    • Allow yourself too much. Buy a full-day spa pass or get a ticket for a sightseeing flight over your city. You can invite friends if you are uncomfortable being alone.
    • ... But not too much. Put your problems aside for a day, but don't make them worse. The good mood of the experience will continue in the future if you don't have to worry about cutting costs (from buying a huge box of expensive chocolate) or an emergency diet because the chocolate was too tasty to stop eating.
  6. 6 Find out what's going on in the world of singles. Lots of bars organize evenings for people who don't have a second half, allowing you to properly celebrate your freedom. You should not, however, go there with the explicit intention of meeting love; treat this as a great way to have fun and meet people to talk to over a cocktail. Loneliness is far from the best reason to fall in love!
  7. 7 Think about your savings. Overly romantic people now, perhaps, will answer: “Oh, how can you hang a price tag on love? She's priceless! " In the end, this kind of thinking can lead you to a rather wasteful life, and therefore to a lack of attention to the practical side and how important it is to show love in word and deed, in addition to expensive tokens. Diamonds are expensive, but none of them is a relationship advisor.
  8. 8 Enjoy exercise. If the lack of love gets you hooked, shake it off the same way you shake off any other blues - with good old physical exertion. A run around the park, a lap or two on an ice rink, or a swim in the pool can be your lucky ticket to freedom from primitive primitive desires.
  9. 9 Think about the day after the holiday. Will the lovers continue to whisper sweet nonsense in each other's ear? Will they continue to surprise each other with an unexpected dinner by candlelight and a walk through shared memories? This can hardly be hoped for. Reality, however, does not want to put up with such injustice and suggests doing the opposite: in the end, all of us, with or without our soul mates, sometimes forget to appreciate the people who are important to us.Why not treat Valentine's Day as a reminder to spend the year so people know how much they mean to you. For your friends who have a couple, this will show that love is in everything.


  • Send valentines to people you really love: family members, close friends, and so on. It will help you feel grateful for the true love that fills life all the time, and does not come in a whirlwind of Valentine's Day.
  • Tune in for a tasty treat and look forward to a day of cheap sweets, when candy and chocolates drop 4x in price from heart-shaped boxes. This is the best day of the year to enjoy expensive chocolates at fabulous prices. And, what is already there, even if you have a soul mate, still think about this option of celebration: spending this day alone with each other, immersed in more personal affairs, can be even more romantic.
  • Celebrate a day of cheap sweets. All these dainty treats, filled candies and other interesting inventions are losing their price on February 15th. You can make yourself a wonderful holiday in anticipation of sweets!
  • It is helpful to realize that there are much less fortunate people in the world. You may be worried about the absence of a couple on Valentine's Day, but many people have no home, no food, no health, freedom and other necessary conditions for life. Your position pales in comparison to those of those who live under dictatorship or in the poverty of third world countries. Offer voluntary donations to a homeless shelter or third world aid point. You will understand how lucky you are, and even forget about your problems.
  • Stay away from supermarkets. Advertisers portray Valentine's Day as a must-have event for everyone, and make you feel like a failure if you don't join the party. This feeling is especially strong in Canada and the United States, where people are literally obsessed with Valentine's Day. Brazil, however, is a great example of behavior. In this country, no one celebrates Valentine's Day in February, because this date is the day of the Brazilian Carnival (instead of February 14, Valentine's Day is celebrated in June). It might be worth going overseas to avoid the hype in the week leading up to Valentine's Day!
  • Spend time with people who understand you and enjoy the day at the gym or anywhere else you can relax. If your friends are also celebrating Valentine's Day alone, get together!


  • Watching sentimental romantic comedies or TV shows about the holiday will only make things worse, as will listening to love songs on the radio. You can not only be mired in self-pity, but also feel it as such. This will only leave a feeling of your own insignificance, unhappiness, and make you cry from the feeling that you are insanely lacking something. Do yourself a favor and get yourself out of it; after all, there are tons of fun things to do, like celebrating phlox day.
  • If people act like they feel sorry for you, avoid making sharp comments about their love life. Instead, gently remind them that you are happy, that you have a lot going on in your life, and that it’s enough for you. If they still bother you with questions, ask themwhy im so wondering if you have anyone. It can get on their nerves a lot!

What do you need

  • Sweets
  • Time for exercise