How to get home safely at night

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Night out on the town - How to get home safely
Video: Night out on the town - How to get home safely


Every person should take a wide variety of precautions to ensure their safety while walking at night.When walking at night, be confident and mindful of your goal. Don't be distracted by phone calls and avoid dark alleys or parking lots where criminals might be waiting for you. If possible, walk with a friend or dog. If not, be sure to inform your loved one that you will be outside at night.


Method 1 of 4: Walk with Purpose

  1. 1 Keep your head high. When walking at night by yourself, be sure to keep your head high and look forward. This will help you control your surroundings. Don't look down or around. Just catch a glimpse of the people passing by.
    • Do not hold a mobile phone in your hand. Holding your phone in your hand can be tempting to look into it. If you do this, you will not be able to control your environment, which can lead to the fact that you become a victim of an attack.
    • If you think you are in danger, call a friend or family member and talk to them until you reach your destination. Thanks to this, the person close to you will know what is happening to you.
    • Do not use headphones while walking. Otherwise, you will not be able to control your environment.
  2. 2 Think over your route. Be sure to plan your route in advance. You will know where you need to go, and this will make you feel confident. Choose a busy street where you can be seen by others.
    • Don't wander aimlessly if you get lost. Find the nearest gas station, supermarket or restaurant to find out where to go.
  3. 3 Make sure your hands are free. You can only have a flashlight in your hands. Thanks to this, you will be able to repel the attack. Also, if you stumble and start to fall, your arms will help you maintain your balance.
    • Place all your personal belongings in one bag. This way you don't have to carry multiple bags with you. If a dangerous situation arises, the absence of packets will help you to respond correctly and quickly to an attack.

Method 2 of 4: Take the Necessary Precautions

  1. 1 Carry personal protective equipment with you. You can carry a whistle, pepper spray, or tear gas cans with you. The whistle will let others know that something is wrong, and the loud noise will deter potential intruders. With the correct use of pepper spray or tear gas cans, you can buy yourself time and seek help.
    • When using pepper spray or tear gas cans, make sure the hole is facing away from you and facing the attacker.
  2. 2 Turn on your flashlight. A flashlight or bike light is a great tool to use when you have to be outdoors at night. Even if your route runs through illuminated streets, you can still navigate unlit areas. In this case, a flashlight can help you.
    • Use a flashlight that fits over your head to keep your hands free.
  3. 3 Wear reflective clothing and comfortable shoes. If you have to walk in the dark, wear reflective stripes on the front, bottom, sides, and back. Reflective clothing allows car and motorcycle riders to see you at night. Also, make sure you have comfortable shoes, such as sneakers. Running shoes will give you a more confident gait, and you can quickly run away from potential intruders.
    • If you are returning home from the office, take your sneakers with you in a separate bag to change your shoes and get home safely.
    • You can also purchase a reflective vest to wear over your clothes if you don't want to change your clothes every time you go home.

    Lorenzo garriga

    French translator and native speaker Lorenzo Garriga is a native speaker and connoisseur of the French language. He has many years of experience as a translator, author and editor. A composer, pianist and traveler who has been wandering the world for over 30 years on a tight budget and with a backpack on his back.

    Lorenzo garriga
    French translator and native speaker

    Don't wear overly flashy clothing and jewelry, especially when traveling. If you are visiting a place and want to safely get to your hotel (or where you are staying), you need to blend in with the crowd. For example, you can wear basic dark pants, a plain shirt, or old shoes. You don’t have to wear a big watch, a lot of expensive jewelry or a ton of makeup — you don’t want to draw unnecessary attention. ”

Method 3 of 4: Avoid Suspicious Areas and People

  1. 1 Walk along busy streets. If you have to be outside at night, always take a route where you can meet other passers-by. Thanks to this, you will not feel fear, feeling that you are alone on a deserted street. Also, try to choose streets where other people know you. Thanks to this, you can always knock on your neighbor's door if you feel that you are in danger.
  2. 2 Stay away from dark areas. Avoid poorly lit lanes and parking spaces. Only navigate through illuminated streets and always take a flashlight with you if you have to walk in poorly lit areas. Also, stay away from streets with large bushes, buildings, arches, or similar structures that criminals can hide behind.
    • Resist the temptation to take a shortcut through a dark alley or car park.
  3. 3 Change your route if you spot suspicious people. If you see a suspicious person walking towards you or following you, immediately change your route. Take another street to change your route. Thanks to this, you will be able to prevent an attack by an intruder.
    • If you see someone watching you, head to a location where you will be surrounded by people, such as a gas station, store, or restaurant. Do not go to your car or your home if no one is around.

Method 4 of 4: Take Care of Your Safety

  1. 1 Take a walk with a friend. If you need to be outside at night, bring a friend with you or bring your dog. It's safer to be outside with a friend at night. It is unlikely that an attacker will decide to attack you if you are not alone.
  2. 2 Inform your loved ones about your plans. If you have to walk down the street alone at night, be sure to tell your loved one about it. Tell him about your plans, route and estimated time of arrival home.
    • You can also use apps that allow your friends or family to follow you as you walk down the street at night. Your loved ones will know when you started your journey, your route, your current location, and the time you arrived at your destination.
  3. 3 Trust your instincts. Instincts are your best allies when you're outside at night. Stop and look around if you think someone is watching you. Let the person following you know that you are aware of their presence.
    • If you see someone chasing you, you shouldn't go home or get into your car. Go to a public and safe place instead. You can wait until your route is safe again. You can also call a taxi that will take you to your destination.


  • Take special care when crossing the road. Motorists may not notice you and you could be involved in an accident.
  • If you are tired or drunk, it is better to call a taxi than to walk to your car or home at night.
  • Upon arrival at or departure from your destination, let your loved one know (by calling or writing a message) that everything is fine with you, so that they do not worry about you.