How to start your own country

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can You Start Your Own Country?
Video: Can You Start Your Own Country?


Are you tired of crazy politicians, government interference or social permissiveness? The taxes have gotten so high that you can't bear it? Have you ever thought that things would change for the better if people trusted you? Then we have good news: you can start your own microstate! It is not easy, but it is possible, and we will tell you how to do it. We will also give you good and bad examples and show you the very real future of state building. Read on!


  1. 1 Learn about your country. Before you start creating a new country, it makes sense to learn more about your own.
  2. 2 Develop a plan. Come up with the name of the country, districts, capital, language. Think about it.
  3. 3 Understand the rules. As Bob Dylan said, "To live outside the law, you have to be honest." The same idea holds true for the formation of a microstate: in order to create your own rules, you must follow the already established rules and norms. The main foundation on which modern states are built is the 1933 Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, also known as the Montevideo Convention. Here are the basic rules outlined in the first article of the Convention:

    The state as a subject of international law should have the following features:
    • Permanent population.
    • Defined territory.
    • Government.
    • The ability to enter into relationships with other states.
    • The result of the first ten articles is an explanation that the existence of the state does not depend on whether other countries recognize it, it is free to act on its own behalf, and that no state has the right to interfere in the affairs of another.
    • Please note that these are not laws in the conventional sense. Of course, you can declare your country anytime, anywhere. However, no one will take you seriously. It all boils down to a simple truth: you will have no legitimacy as a state.
  4. 4 Find an area for your microstate. This is the hardest part. All existing land has already been appropriated by existing states. With one exception. What is the exception? Antarctica.But even if you cope with the weather and the lack of "attractiveness for the population", the most powerful countries in the world claim Antarctica and they are unlikely to just let you put up a flag and say: "Mine!" Nevertheless, there are still options for how to find a suitable place on our Planet:
    • Conquer an already existing country. There are many small island states in the Pacific that hardly have a combat-ready army. Sure, it's crazy, but this crazy idea might work! All you need is an army, a navy, and support from the international community that protects these small peoples from invaders. Such attempts were made in the Comoros, Vanuatu and the Maldives, but ultimately failed.
    • Buy an existing site. If you are wealthy enough, you can buy the island, although it is unlikely that the titular nation will give you its sovereignty so easily. It may be easier to shake a corrupt or very poor country, but even that will not be easy: several libertarians have tried to buy Tortuga from poor Haiti, but to no avail. There are some things that money cannot buy.
    • Find a loophole. For example, the Indian Creek Republic was founded on land between the United States and Canada due to the fact that the boundaries of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 were not clearly defined. It existed from 1832 to 1835, and then was annexed to the United States.
    • You may now think that there is no hope, but we left the best at the end. As land became scarce, and humanity's need for new lands only increases, creative (and financially secure) people took to the sea.
  5. 5 Build an island. The ocean, as they say, is the last frontier. International waters do not belong to any people, this spurs interest and activity in them.
    • Principality of Sealand... Sealand is a structure, no bigger than a football field, in the North Sea off the coast of England. During World War II, it was built as a military base to house troops and weapons to strike at the Nazi invaders. After the war, Sealand was abandoned until 1966, when an underground DJ named Roy Bates, tired of fighting the British government over his pirate radio station, moved there to continue the business. The station was no longer aired, however he announced that the now floating fortress was the Principality of Sealand. He raised the flag, proclaimed himself a prince, and his wife Princess Joan. Sealand survived all trials and remains an independent state to this day.
    • Palm Islands Group... The Palm Island Group off the coast of Dubai, although not a state, has become a promising destination for state building. In the direction of the Persian Gulf, there are three palm-shaped artificial islands created for the luxurious life of world millionaires and billionaires.

    • Sistading Institute... It was founded by the grandson of Milton Friedman and the creator of PayPal, Peter Thiel. It is a liberty-claiming utopian organization that believes that a free market independent of governments is a good start for democracy. They hope experimental, innovative governments can generate new governance ideas that will change the world. Their goal is to create platforms located at sea with free building codes, with a minimum wage, and also without restrictions on firearms. Proponents believe that this will create a new generation of free enterprise. Critics speculate that free building codes and low-wage, gun-laden workers led by would-be John Golts are a recipe for disaster. While the politics of the Seastading Institute may or may not be to your taste, it is fair to say that the ocean is truly a new frontier.
    • Republic of Minerva. One millionaire activist dumped sand on a reef in the Pacific Ocean south of Fiji and created an artificial island. This is how the Republic of Minerva was born. But if you are not rich enough to create a country, then just accept the fact that the rest of the carefree microstates are claiming their rights to the countries of imaginary continents or planets.
    • In addition to traditional state-owned territories, there are many untouched, unexplored and uncontrolled territories that are virtually limitless - since they exist only virtually. Call it a cloud, call it a network, or borrow the name "cyberspace" from William Gibson. People spend more and more time communicating online, acquiring emotional connections through interactive communication. Virtual worlds such as Second Life and Blue Mars create a 3D environment, have their own currency and their own constitutions (called "Terms and Conditions"). Flat worlds such as Facebook (social media) encourage like-minded groups around the world to work together for the common good - just like a particular group. Like an ocean, virtual nations will have a growing influence over the next 100 years, which could lead to the emergence of a real, separate national identity.
  6. 6 Get your friends involved. One of the key requirements for the state, in addition to the territory, is the population. If the land you have conquered or created does not have an indigenous population, you will have to assemble the company yourself. Get your friends and family to join you in this venture and you will have a small but dedicated population.
    • These days, if you are serious about anything (and creating a micro-state can be really serious), then you need a website. Use it to find like-minded people and provide them with compelling reasons to populate your new Republic. This could be: work and money, freedom for polygamy, or just a chance to be part of the birth of a nation.
    • You must decide what requirements will be presented to your citizens. Do I need to take a citizenship test or comply with certain laws? What will be the form for their identification: passport, driver's license, subcutaneous RFID tag?
  7. 7 Establish a government and a constitution. The success or failure of your venture is largely dependent on leadership in management. For example, the success of the United States lies in its Constitution, which is clear and open to interpretation and development. Without it, perhaps, the country would have ceased to be a single whole and would have collapsed due to unrest into dozens of small national states. Your government and your constitution should be guided by principles that should be established at the outset. Here are some examples of different microstates and their underlying principles:
    • New rome was created with the aim of "restoring classical Roman culture, religion and virtue."
    • Aerian Empire based on a good sense of humor, love of science fiction, fantasy and games.
    • Political imitations or political movements. These microstates are typically based on political convictions and often contradictory. In the past, some have managed to attract media or political interest, although this is rare. Despite their relative obscurity, they are among the most common types of microstates.
    • Cultural missions... These microstates are like historical projects. They are created with the aim of promoting a specific culture and tradition. There are many Germanic microstates, such as Domanglia, that are trying to recreate the culture and traditions of the former German Empire. Many of them also include nationalist and patriotic projects.
    • Separatist formations... Until now, the most serious form of micro-states is separatist formations. This is the most ancient form of microstates. Notable separatist microstates: Sealand, Hutt River Province and Christiania Free City.
  8. 8 Develop a legal system. Every good country has a system by which laws are made. A couple of examples:
    • Referendum. Citizens vote to make decisions on issues of national importance or local self-government. Referendums are held in Switzerland.
    • True democracy. The people vote literally for everything. In a large country, such a system is difficult to implement, but within the framework of micronation, it is quite possible.
  9. 9 Declare your independence. Now that you have a territory, a population, and a government with a constitution, it's time to declare yourself. Depending on what you have prepared for the world, one of three things will happen:
    • A collective yawn. The world can hear of your declaration of independence and immediately return to watching a rerun of Star Trek.
    • Community of Nations invitation, UN seat and requests for ambassadors and embassies.
    • Armed invasion. If your state goes against the boundaries of existing treaties, human rights, or other legal protocols, you can get anything. It can be just a knock on the door of a policeman who will calmly inform you that “Independent State of V. Ivanov on the street. Lenin 12 "is run by the city council, which does not recognize your sovereignty and that you must remove your flag from the roof or you will be fined. Or maybe it will be a massive invasion by the United Nations coalition, ordering you to resign and voluntarily sit in a bulletproof Mercedes SUV, which will take you immediately to The Hague to stand trial for crimes against humanity. Or maybe your micro-state will suffer the same fate as the Republic of Minerva: shortly after libertarian millionaire and activist Michael Oliver created a land mass by pouring sand on the Minerva Reefs south of Fiji and subsequently proclaiming sovereignty, the island was captured and annexed ( with international support) to Tonga.
  10. 10 Build your economy. If you do not trade in rubles, dollars, euros or other currencies, you will have to create your own financial system. Will the wealth of your people be built on gold, on securities, or only on your word of honor? While your word may be enough in a circle of friends, getting a government loan will require strong guarantees. Even if you stick to the set currency, you still need to decide how to fund your government. The best way to do this is through taxes. The same taxes, because of which you decided to create your own state. Through taxation, your government will be able to provide basic services such as electricity, running water, the necessary officials (as few as you want), and the army.
    • The main responsibility of every state (large or small) is the ability to protect its citizens from enemies. Whether it be regular troops, a national guard, conscription or some other defensive solution, this is an important point to consider when creating a constitution.
  11. 11 Get recognized by the global community. To eliminate the unfavorable factors that led to the creation of your country (see above), you will need to become a global player. To do this, recognition from other countries is necessary. You will need a solid background in international law, politics and diplomacy. If you do not have such experience, it will be advisable to organize a cabinet of qualified politicians who are able to take on this burden.
    • This is perhaps the most difficult step of all.Some countries such as Palestine, Taiwan and Northern Cyprus seem to have done everything necessary, but are still not recognized by many countries. There are no rules here - each country has its own standards by which they decide on recognition. The result can be influenced by such things as: belonging to al-Qaeda, communism or capitalism. Your relationship to human rights or the control of natural resources also matters. For example, in the United States, the decision to recognize a nation is made by the President. The decision you make will depend on who currently occupies the White House, and their policies and preferences change every four years.
    • In addition, to join the UN, none of the five powers - the United States, Britain, China, Russia, and France - must veto your membership. In other words, you will have to be neutral on issues such as territorial disputes, including with Palestine, Taiwan and Crimea.
    • If you live in the immediate vicinity or in Europe itself, try applying to join the European Union. So you will ensure your country sovereignty in world politics.
  12. 12 Create your symbols. Every country needs a flag and yours, of course, will not be an exception. It is the most famous national symbol, but there are other symbols that will help create your national identity:
    • Money... What will your currency look like? Will your profile be featured on gold coins and 3D holograms on paper banknotes, or will you use emblematic icons like the Statue of Liberty or Charlton Heston? Will you go the modern way, or will you carve every detail by hand in the old fashioned way?
    • National emblem... You can come up with a national motto and translate it into Latin. There are many free online translators available. Add some ornate graphics to the shield to make everyone think you are a descendant of royalty. Or you can state your mission in a clear, native language by asking the designer to create a logo. A good logo can be worth more than England's crown jewels!
    • Official correspondence... All letters you write to the President, UN, Prime Minister and other heads of state will need high quality letterhead paper with your stamp embossed.
    • National anthem... Do not forget about the national anthem, which will be played at important events.
  13. 13 Select the state language. Every state needs an official language. Here are the options you have:
    • Select an existing language (for example, Russian, English or French). You can also use an ancient language (such as ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs) or a language from movies (such as Klingon, as in Star Trek).
    • Come up with your own language. This is a very real task: this is how Esperanto and the Elvish language from The Lord of the Rings appeared. Do not forget that the citizens of your state will need to be taught this language.
    • Combine multiple languages ​​in one. Believe it or not, this is how English came about.
  14. 14 Take it and do it! The world is not getting bigger, and the governments are not getting smaller (whatever they promise), so the sooner you take and put forward your demands, the sooner you can declare yourself a prince, king, emperor, ayatollah, supreme ruler or president for life [ insert your imperial dynasty here].


  • Join the organization. There are many organizations for people trying to create their own countries that specialize in microstates. They may be general UN-style, such as the Organization of Active Microstates (OAM) or the League of Separatist States (LoSS), or they may have more specific goals, such as the Mapping Society of Microstates (MCS). This can be a great opportunity to meet other micro-nationalists.Perhaps they will help you and your microstate in some way. You can even create a Federation of United Microstates!
  • It is very important to create a functional website, possibly with a blog function, used as a press office. It's also a good idea to create a Wiki article - you can use one of the existing MicroWiki sites, but remember that your country should be bigger than a website and article!
  • Micro-nationalism is a hobby and at the same time a serious thing that unites people from all walks of life. Respect is the key to peace. Intolerance is the key to war.
  • Get involved. There are many different communities. Become nationally conscious (or your official ambassadors may do so) and get involved!
  • If you want to buy land for founding your own micronation, but you do not have enough money, you can try to organize a collection of donations.
  • Think about nuclear weapons later. First, create a successful and stable country.
  • Maintain neutral relations with superpowers. It's better to stay away from North Korea.
  • Want to found a country for fun? Then it is not necessary to buy land. The house will do for fun.
  • Explore existing and well-established microstates. What made them successful (or what led to their downfall)? What can you learn from them?
  • If your goal is to create a functional and independent country, you ultimately need infrastructure (roads, schools, buildings, hospital, fire station).


  • Do not use the symbols of another country. It's illegal.
  • If you act too seriously, existing governments may see separatism in your desire to create a state, not just innocent entertainment. Most countries have a regular army that will quickly deal with the upstart micro-state.