How to organize your workplace

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be More Organized + Productive! | Tips & Tricks!
Video: How to Be More Organized + Productive! | Tips & Tricks!


Many people think that table clutter is caused by a clutter in the head. A clean and organized workplace dramatically improves efficiency, concentration and the ability to find all the things you need. You will be amazed at how much more efficient your work can be after removing clutter on your desk. Take some time to clear all unnecessary items from the table and then organize your supplies and supplies.


Part 1 of 3: Cleaning

  1. 1 Start from scratch. Organizing your workspace is much easier when you start with an empty desk. Remove all items from the work surface and empty the drawers (if any). Stack things on a separate table or on the floor for review later. Once the clutter has been removed, it will be much easier for you to figure out how to better organize your workspace.
    • You will spend much more time if you go through all the items in the workplace one by one.
  2. 2 Clean the table inside and out. Now the table is empty and nothing else prevents you from doing a thorough cleaning. Remove dust and wipe surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner. Treat dried stains and buff away scratches on the wood countertop. After cleaning, your desk will look like new.
    • Be sure to empty the table before cleaning, otherwise you will have to go around with a rag all the items.
  3. 3 Get rid of old and unnecessary things. Review the items removed from the table and divide everything into two piles: in the first place all the garbage, and in the second those things that need to be left. Get rid of trash and all unnecessary items decisively so that only the bare minimum is left in the end. Now it will be easier for you to put things in order.
    • People are often attached to useless and unused things. Get rid of them for some much-needed peace of mind.
    • Remember to throw away any debris you find. It may turn out that he took up most of the workspace.

    Christel Ferguson

    Professional organizer Christelle Ferguson is the owner of Space to Love, a space organizing and tidying service. Has an advanced level certification in Feng Shui in Architecture, Interior Design and Landscape. He has been with the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association for Productivity and Organization Professionals for over five years.

    Christel Ferguson
    Professional organizer

    Group the items off the table and decide what to keep. As soon as everything is laid out, you may find that you have five scissors instead of the two you need. In addition, so you can understand what and where to fold: for pens you need a larger container, but for stickers - a smaller one.

  4. 4 Refresh the space around the table. Pay attention to all obsolete items. These may include last year's calendars, answered and unanswered emails, and old photos. Replace such items with new items. All removed items can be thrown away or put into the closet. All items that are on the table should be new and relevant in the future.
    • Sometimes you can leave things that are dear to you. If there was an old photograph, gift or memorable souvenir on the table, then keep it in another place, and use the table as intended.

Part 2 of 3: Order and organization

  1. 1 Change the arrangement of things on the table. Now that it's time to put things back on the table, don't place them in their old places. Think over a new order to rationally use the freed up space. You can arrange things in a "mirror image" by moving them to the opposite side of the table, or choose a new place for each item. Organize items in an order that will inspire you to be productive at your desk.
    • Rearranging things on the table is a little trick that removes the monotony of daily work and dilutes the look familiar to the eye.
    • In China, there is a whole art of rearranging everyday objects, which is known as Feng Shui... It has been proven that this approach has a psychotherapeutic effect.
  2. 2 Stock up on new accessories. Are you running out of paper, pens or paper clips? Go to a stationery store and grab the materials you need. Take a list with you so you don't forget anything (you can also use a special calendar app for your phone for the list). Pay special attention to frequently used accessories that run out quickly. Now during the work you will have all the necessary items at hand.
    • Even if your employer provides you with all your stationery, a few personal items (like your favorite pen) will make your job more comfortable.
  3. 3 Arrange items correctly. Think about how you want to organize your desk, and then arrange things for maximum efficiency and to prevent clutter. For example, leave the center of the desk for the computer and keep all important tools and documents within easy reach. So you will not only simplify your work, but also save the time that goes into searching, since now all things are in their places.
    • Your intuition will always tell you the most logical place for each item. For example, if you instinctively look for a certain item in a specific location, then this is probably the most optimal storage location.

    Christel Ferguson

    Professional organizer Christelle Ferguson is the owner of Space to Love, a space organizing and tidying service. Has an advanced level certification in Feng Shui in Architecture, Interior Design and Landscape. He has been with the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association for Productivity and Organization Professionals for over five years.

    Christel Ferguson
    Professional organizer

    Everything should have its place. Remove everything from the countertop and put it in drawers or somewhere else. If you have a lot of documents, categorize them, organize them into folders, and fold them in the dedicated drawer.

  4. 4 Add zest. Your goal is a clean and organized workplace, but it doesn't have to be boring. Use some embellishments to add some personality. A couple of framed photos, a small figurine or a fun cup will liven up your workspace and make it more comfortable.
    • If you work in an open office space or private office, bring a few personal items from home to dilute the monotonous work atmosphere.
    • Hang up inspiring images and sayings to motivate yourself to work hard.

Part 3 of 3: Efficiency and Productivity

  1. 1 Keep important items close at hand. If you use certain things often, then they should be within reach. Rate how often you use specific items on the table and rank them in order of importance. This approach will allow you to simplify the process of finding and working with things.
    • Stationery, office paper, notebooks, communications and digital instruments can be stored right on your desk or anywhere else.
    • Arrange pens and pencils in a glass or a special stand so that they are nearby and do not take up much space.
    • Staples and staplers can be stored near the printer or in a document area.
    • Thanks to the order on the table, you will save about an hour a day, which is usually spent looking for the right things.
  2. 2 Place frequently used items in the top drawers. Not so important, at the same time regularly used things can be folded into boxes so that it is convenient to take them out at the right time. In the top drawers, place large and frequently used items that are not needed on your desk.
    • For example, it may be that a laptop, tablet or other electronic device is used more often than pen and paper. In this case, the office supplies can be folded into the drawer and the electronic devices can be left on the table.
    • If you use a lot of small items, then buy a special drawer tray. They usually come in the size of drawers and have many compartments that allow you to conveniently organize small items.
    • Rate the importance of each subject. If you often use a thing or check with certain documents, then keep them on the table. If the item is used from time to time, then place it in the top drawer. If the item is rarely used and has no place on the table at all, then store it in another place.

    Christel Ferguson

    Professional organizer Christelle Ferguson is the owner of Space to Love, a space organizing and tidying service. Has an advanced level certification in Feng Shui in Architecture, Interior Design and Landscape. He has been with the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association for Productivity and Organization Professionals for over five years.

    Christel Ferguson
    Professional organizer

    Empty the boxes and measure them. Then think about which organizer dividers work best for them. Take care of the special compartments for the stapler and binder, scissors and pens. This will keep everything neat and orderly in your desk drawers.

  3. 3 Remove unused items. All things that you decide to leave, but do not want to keep close at hand, can be folded into the closet so that there is no clutter on the table. These items usually include personal items, food and drink, and devices that are rarely used. Written documents need to be folded into folders and placed in a filing cabinet, and the rest of the materials can be stored in the bottom drawer or closet if they are not needed for work. Leave only the most essential items on the table, and put the rest of the things to the maximum in drawers or cabinets.
    • Get in the habit of putting things back in place after use, otherwise the table will constantly clutter, and the drawers will quickly begin to fill up with unnecessary items.
  4. 4 Stack papers and documents in the special tray. This affiliation simplifies the process of sorting documents. The trays are shallow and have stepped levels for convenient placement of incoming and outgoing documents, as well as answered and unanswered emails. Stack your writing materials in trays, folders, and filing cabinets to avoid cluttering your desk surface with paper.
    • Use one or more trays for different types of documents to free your desk from unnecessary paper.
    • You can allocate one tray for documents that are currently in work, and the second for incoming and outgoing letters.
  5. 5 Keep your shared work space tidy. Occasionally, employees share a desk or work space in the office, or the desk is next to another work area and there is limited space. Try to maintain order in this situation as well.
    • First, make sure there are clear boundaries separating the belonging of things and objects. Then tidy up your work area to be more productive.
    • Label personal items with tags and store them near your place. Separate your work papers and fold them into folders and then into drawers or trays.
    • Set aside space for shared utensils so that such items do not accumulate in your work area.
    • Use a backpack or briefcase to keep track of your belongings. If your workplace is shared, then you are unlikely to be able to sort and store accessories on the table and in drawers exactly as you like.
    • Stack things regularly and clean up the common work area to avoid clutter. The more people work in one office, the more garbage, unnecessary things and messy papers are collected there.


  • Place a wastebasket next to your desk to dispose of anything you don't need at once. Otherwise, rubbish will accumulate on the table.
  • If there is no room for a table lamp, purchase a lamp with a holder.
  • Label the boxes according to the content so you don't have to go through each box to find the document you want.
  • Buy simple boxes to store your extra items in. Some items should be close at hand, but not on the table. Place them under a table, next to it, or elsewhere in the room.
  • If you love tinkering, then try making your own unique storage boxes and trays from special materials.
  • Try to remove all the things that distract your attention. This is important for mental organization and work efficiency.
  • Your chair should be equipped with a backrest. An uncomfortable chair and poor posture affect your health and mood.
  • If you are cleaning up your workplace, leave the minimum amount of personal belongings and jewelry on the table. The more items, the higher the chance of chaos and disorder.
  • Consider a filing system so that you always know where the finished documents are located, which papers need to be revised or thrown away. When organizing papers, you can proceed from the degree of importance and completion.
  • Keep a notepad or a few sheets of paper on your desk so that you can always write something down when needed.


  • A cluttered workplace reduces productivity. Order increases efficiency.
  • Don't forget where you put your things. If you have a lot of tools, appliances and folders of paper, then write down the location of all the items.