How to organize papers

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Organize Papers & Documents at Home (Part 1 of 10 Paper Clutter Series)
Video: How to Organize Papers & Documents at Home (Part 1 of 10 Paper Clutter Series)


Things get more difficult when we are not organized. But, for some, organization is never born. It turns out that there are certain tricks that organized people know and use to keep their lives in order. And one day, when your papers are sorted, you’ll ask yourself why you don’t organize everything else.


  1. 1 Collect individual reams of papers, for example: phone numbers, bank accounts, tax forms, and school papers.
  2. 2 Go through each paper and decide whether to store, process, or discard. Do not be distructed.
  3. 3 Buy a filing cabinet and store your papers in labeled folders: phone numbers, bank accounts, etc.
  4. 4 Sort your income tax papers by year. Store them in the back of your filing cabinet, as you won't be using them every day or month.
  5. 5 Colored files will help you find what you need faster. Color files can also be used to sort the work.For example, all files related to the house are green, the training files are red, and the spouse's trade files are blue.
  6. 6 Always update your files. When you organize all your files, it will be easier for you to work with them. It's helpful to cut up copies of your utility bills and your credit card bills after you've paid all your taxes for the year, because they only take up space.
  7. 7 Keep all wills, birth certificates, passports and other documents important to your family in a appropriately labeled folder. These files are best kept in a fireproof filing cabinet, safe, or safe deposit box.