How to tell if you've found a soul mate

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The 9 SIGNS You’ve Found Your SOULMATE | Lewis Howes
Video: The 9 SIGNS You’ve Found Your SOULMATE | Lewis Howes


Everyone would like to find the perfect match. According to the long-standing opinion, there is such a person for everyone in the world. But soul mates are not magical creatures, they will not fall from heaven straight into our hands. A true soul mate is a person with whom you can spend the rest of your life, who will contribute to your development and grow with you. This is no longer easy work.


Part 1 of 3: Determine Compatibility

  1. 1 Look for a partner who complements you. To build a solid foundation for lasting love, look for someone who brings balance to your life.
    • Don't overly rely on the ancient adage that "opposites attract." Relationships between opposites can turn into an unviable symbiosis.
    • For example, if you are a quiet and calm person, then you should not assume that your partner should be noisy and flighty. With this, you may not be able to speak a word. So it is better to look for someone who is close enough in spirit. With this you can get along and develop together.
  2. 2 Consider your core principles. Your person should be someone with whom you can share your views and beliefs. If you are a devout person and your partner is an atheist, then you will certainly not avoid disagreements in the future.
    • You will probably be more comfortable with someone who has the same basic moral values ​​as you.
    • Think about what you want out of the relationship. Do you want to start a family? Where do you want to live? If you want to travel, but you like a person who prefers a sedentary lifestyle, then change your mind. You can get along quite well with each other, but you are unlikely to succeed in building a life together.
    • Having shared priorities is a good indicator that you can live together.
  3. 3 Stop looking for the "one person". The fact is that there is more than one person in the world who suits you. Stay open-minded and don't strive for the "perfect" soul mate.
    • The thought of looking for the "one" soul mate can even hurt. Ideal relationships do not exist, and conflicts cannot be avoided. Conflict is not at all a sign that you are with the wrong person.
    • In an effort to find the "one", we are often looking for a person who will "complement" us. Don't expect to find a partner who meets your every need. It is better to look for someone who will contribute to your personal growth.
  4. 4 Appearance is not the main thing. Attractiveness is good, but the ability to be good companions to each other is much more important.
    • You should be comfortable in the company of your partner. It's important that you want to spend time with this person. An attractive person with whom you are bored or not interested is not someone with whom you can build a long-term relationship.
    • You and your partner should have common interests that bring you closer together. You can go to concerts if you like music. Nature lovers can go camping.
  5. 5 Don't be content with a bad relationship. In search of love, you do not need to be with someone who does not bring you happiness. It is a mistake to think that you can change your partner.
    • If you are unhappy with someone, then almost certainly that person is not completely happy with you. Don't be fooled, look further.
    • Consider your past relationships and possible examples. Consider what worked and what didn't. Try not to limit yourself to the type of people you have met in the past.
  6. 6 Do not hurry. The more time you spend with the person, the better you will get to know them. If it seems to you that you have found a soul mate, then continue dating. Follow the development of this person, as well as your own development.
    • In a relationship with a potential partner "for life" it is better not to rush. This way you can improve and develop them.
    • You should not narrow your choice down to meaningless restrictions. Don't look for a partner by profession or age. It's okay to have preferences, but it's important to be open-minded when looking for love.

Part 2 of 3: Developing Relationships Harmoniously

  1. 1 Pay attention to your interactions with your partner. The language of your communication is very important. The key to everything is an open and honest exchange of opinions. Try to allow both of you to have a calm conversation in which everyone listens and hears the other person.
    • Speak with kindness and love. Even in moments of tension or disagreement, your conversation should not leave the calm channel. It is important to understand and support each other.
  2. 2 Trust your instincts. There is a feeling when, after a week of dating, it seems to you that you have known your partner for many years. If you are attracted to a person and he is important to you, then you should not resist this feeling.
    • Enthusiasm is important in a relationship. If you have it mutually, then you are on the right track.
  3. 3 Support your partner's endeavors. Part of a relationship is a positive impact on a partner. You need to be the mainstay in his or her pursuit of success.
    • Encourage your partner to take up a new hobby or change professional activity.Support in these situations fuels not only your relationship, but also your partner's self-esteem.
  4. 4 Share your emotions. In a healthy relationship, there should always be a heart-to-heart conversation. You are free to share intimate details with each other without fear of judgment. Opening up to a responsive partner will bring you closer together.
    • At first, it will be difficult for you to share details that make you feel vulnerable. But if you are really going to spend your whole life with a person, then it is important to start building a close connection now.
    • During these conversations, it is important for both of you to listen carefully and be as involved as possible.

Part 3 of 3: Building a Life Together

  1. 1 Be flexible. All couples have difficult times. This is part of life. The ability to cope with such a situation is the best test for the kindredness of your souls.
    • Devotion and trust are the keys to success. It is so important to know that your partner will be on your side even in the most difficult situation.
  2. 2 Solve problems together. Your soul mate will not only take your side, but also support you in difficult times. Partners should encourage each other and protect weaknesses.
    • Be prepared to compromise. A soul mate is not your double at all. In a conflict situation, you can approach the problem in different ways. The point is to solve it together and support each other.
  3. 3 Learn to forgive. Learn to forgive in situations where you have been hurt. Instead of constantly thinking about it, it’s better to forgive and move on.
    • If this is not the first time your partner hurts you, and you would like to maintain the relationship and settle the problem, then make your partner responsible for their actions. Problem solving will strengthen and take your relationship to the next level.
    • Admit it when you are wrong. If it was you who made the mistake, then it must be admitted. All strong relationships are built on honesty. If you and your partner know how to admit your guilt and resolve the conflict, then the success of the relationship is only in your hands.
  4. 4 Don't let the passion fade away. Relationships cannot be built on sex life and attractiveness alone, but they are still an important element. Sexual attraction and romance are sure signs of a healthy and strong relationship.
    • A soul mate does not pay attention to the shortcomings of his soul mate. Partners are always nice to each other.
  5. 5 It is important to understand that love is a job. Finding your soul mate doesn't mean finding the perfect person. It's about finding someone you can get along with. You are primarily responsible for the success of your relationship, so everyone should start with themselves. Each of you should spare no time and effort in building lasting and successful relationships.
    • A long-term relationship is what you are for voluntarily agree... You don't have to be with your partner, but you should want to. Relationships should bring joy and positive emotions.